Marketing (Library Science)
Recent papers in Marketing (Library Science)
This paper develops a music recommendation system that automates the downloading of songs into a mobile digital audio device. The system tailors the compositions of the songs to the preferences of individuals based on past behaviors. We... more
Focus groups are best suited to topics that require some type of follow-up. While typically a focus group will have a set of predetermined questions, the real benefit of this method is the ability to ask follow-up questions and related... more
A chapter in Archives in Liquid Times, edited by Frans Smit, Arnoud Glaudemans, and Rienk Jonker
The paper covers the topic of marketing of library information services, which is an essential part of modern librarianship, and lists some of the specific marketing strategies and tools to enhance the activities of libraries as... more
P rior marketing literature has overlooked the role of regulatory regimes in explaining international sales growth of new products. This paper addresses this gap in the context of new pharmaceuticals (15 new molecules in 34 countries) and... more
The presentation covers the topic of marketing of library information services, which is an essential part of modern librarianship, and lists some of the specific marketing strategies and tools to enhance the activities of libraries as... more
Facebook, one of the many Web 2.0 tools, has been used by libraries as a channel to reach their respective communities. Its numerous features allow library managers to publicize and market services, share content, and interact with... more
In this paper, we develop a structural model of household behavior in an environment where there is uncertainty about brand attributes, and both prices and advertising signal brand quality. Four quality signaling mechanisms are at work in... more
Social media has revolutionized means and modes of communication and has created a new information culture. As such social media networks have to be integrated in promoting library services and resources of the university libraries, as... more
T he concept of one-to-one marketing is intuitively appealing, but there is little research that investigates the value of individual-level marketing relative to segment-level or mass marketing. In this paper, we investigate the financial... more
T he Bass model has been a standard for analyzing and predicting the market penetration of new products.
The purpose of this study is to review and understand the trends and characteristics of Korean library marketing studies based on a comparison of Korean scholars' viewpoints on library marketing with those of scholars' from other... more
, I worked at the Tutt Library of Colorado College in Colorado Springs, CO. One of the more fun things I did there was to work on the Public Relations committee, which was a brainstorming group creating new ways to market and publicize... more
Google, Inc. (search), Subscribe (Full Service), Register (Limited Service, Free), Login. Search: The ACM Digital Library The Guide. ...
In certain product categories, large discount retailers are known to offer shallower assortments than traditional retailers. In this paper, we investigate the competitive incentives for such assortment decisions and the implications for... more
During these tough economic times being faced throughout the country, but particularly in the Midwest, while the majority of citizens are struggling to make ends meet and making cuts to their personal budgets, the public libraries have... more
F irms often use a pool or series of advertising themes in their campaigns. Thus, for example, a firm may employ some of its advertising to promote price-related themes or messages and other of its advertising to promote product-related... more
We analyze the effects of combative advertising on market power. Combative advertising, a characteristic of mature markets, is defined as advertising that shifts consumer preferences towards the advertising firm, but does not expand the... more
F irms often use a pool or series of advertising themes in their campaigns. Thus, for example, a firm may employ some of its advertising to promote price-related themes or messages and other of its advertising to promote product-related... more
A ccording to Jacobson and Mizik . The financial markets and customer satisfaction: Reexamining possible financial market mispricing of customer satisfaction. Marketing Sci. 28(5) 810-819], excess stock portfolio returns for firms with... more
The paper aims at answering the question how to persuade the managers of business units to use the research outcome of universities, independent research and development units, Think – Tanks and other science – oriented organizations. The... more
Fortbildungsveranstaltung "Altbestand und Öffentlichkeit" auf dem 4. Leipziger Kongress für Information und Bibliothek
In this paper, we develop a structural model of household behavior in an environment where there is uncertainty about brand attributes, and both prices and advertising signal brand quality. Four quality signaling mechanisms are at work in... more
T his paper studies a model in which consumers search among multiple competing firms for products that match their preferences at a reasonable price. We focus on how easier search, possibly due to the adoption of search-facilitating... more
Social media has revolutionized means and modes of communication and has created a new information culture. As such social media networks have to be integrated in promoting library services and resources of the university libraries, as... more
When finer consumer information becomes available, competing firms sometimes target consumers too finely, disrupting scale economies prematurely. This leads to excessive product variety or to the wasteful exclusion of certain consumer... more
Multinational corporations (MNCs) often pursue global strategies that emphasize efficiency, flexibility, and learning, but globally developed strategies often clash with the environmental idiosyncrasies of MNC country subsidiary markets... more
The paper aims at answering the question how to persuade the managers of business units to use the research outcome of universities, independent research and development units, Think-Tanks and other scienceoriented organizations. The... more
The paper aims at answering the question how to persuade the managers of business units to use the research outcome of universities, independent research and development units, Think -Tanks and other scienceoriented organizations. The... more
ABSTRACT In this research, we show that the interaction between territory allocation and sales force compensation---two key drivers of sales productivity---strongly affects the firm's profitability. We analyze an agency-theoretic... more
W hile retailers have sales data to forecast demand, manufacturers have a broad understanding of the market and the coming trends. It is well known that pooling such demand information within a distribution channel improves supply chain... more
T he Bass model has been a standard for analyzing and predicting the market penetration of new products.
This paper focuses on a case study to determine the impact of quiz competition as an effective promotion tool for marketing online databases in Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Library. The quiz competition was promoted using Plan, Do,... more
It seems everywhere you turn, you find Google. As a library instruction librarian, the number one request from the faculty I work with is:" Can you get my students to use something other than Google for their papers?!" I've noticed on... more