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This paper presents a comprehensive literature review of the theoretical and empirical developments that have taken place over the last two decades in an attempt to address the exchange rate puzzles. Specifically, we discuss non-linear... more
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      Market MicrostructureBayesian EconometricsLiterature ReviewWorking Papers
INSEAD An asymmetric information model of the bid-ask spread is developed for foreign exchange market subject to occasional government interventions. Traditional tests of the unbiasedness of the forward rate as a predictor of the future... more
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      Economic TheoryForeign Exchange MarketMarket MicrostructureApplied Economics
The classification of the aggressor's side of a trade is a critical concern in Market Microstructure Theory. Among other uses, it is a key input necessary to identify information asymmetries and the presence of toxic order flow. Although... more
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    • Market Microstructure
in: Chen, P. - Ippoliti, E. (eds). Methods and Finance. A Unifying View on Finance, Mathematics and Philosophy (2017), pp. 179-194. The nature of the data in financial systems raises several theoretical and methodological issues, which... more
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      FinanceOntologyPhilosophy of ScienceData Analysis
This study investigates the impact of applying the Electronic Trading System (ETS) which implemented on market liquidity, and stock prices behavior in Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) before and after its implementation on 26th March, 2000. Our... more
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    • Market Microstructure
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      Financial EconomicsAsset PricingMarket MicrostructureRate of return
We propose a framework for studying optimal market making policies in a limit order book (LOB). The bid-ask spread of the LOB is modelled by a Markov chain with finite values, multiple of the tick size, and subordinated by the Poisson... more
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      EconomicsComputational FinanceMarket MicrostructureMathematical Finance
"Networks are mathematically directed (in practical applications also undirected) graphs and a graph is a one-dimensional abstract complex, i.e., a topological space. Network theory focuses on various topological structures and... more
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      BioinformaticsEvolutionary BiologyMathematicsOptimization (Mathematical Programming)
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      Market MicrostructureFinancial ServicesElectronic CommunicationFinancial Market
This paper provides a survey of the microstructure literature relating to the Easley and O’Hara (1992) model and discusses the implications of adding event uncertainty to the standard sequential trade model of Glosten and Milgrom (1985).... more
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      FinanceEconomicsFinancial EconomicsAsset Pricing
The efficient frontier is a core concept in Modern Portfolio Theory. Based on this idea, we will construct optimal trading curves for different types of portfolios. These curves correspond to the algorithmic trading strategies that... more
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      EconomicsMarket MicrostructureAlgorithmic TradingOptimization Problem
Air travel distribution has been transformed by Internet technology because of an increase in market transparency, the level of availability and accessibility of product and price information. This article attempts to explain and... more
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      Market MicrostructureMarket StructureInternet technologyAsymmetric Information
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      Market MicrostructureTime series EconometricsTime series analysisHeteroskedasticity
Vietnam's foreign exchange (forex) market has remained relatively poorly developed despite more than two decades of general reform throughout the economy. This paper adopts a microstructure approach to the analysis of the root-causes... more
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      Financial EconomicsForeign Exchange MarketMarket MicrostructureVietnam
Research on foreign exchange market microstructure stresses the importance of order flow, heterogeneity among agents, and private information as crucial determinants of short-run exchange rate dynamics. Microstructure researchers have... more
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      Market MicrostructureApplied EconomicsInformationLiquidity
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      EconomicsMarket MicrostructureEmpirical EconomicsCount data
It would be hard to overstate the importance of exchange rates for the world economy. They affect output and employment through real exchange rates. They affect inflation through the cost of imports and commodity prices. They affect... more
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      Market MicrostructureAlgorithmic TradingHigh FrequencyHigh frequency trading
In this paper we develop a dynamic model for integer counts to capture fundamental properties of financial prices at the transaction level. Our model relies on an autoregressive multinomial component for the direction of the price change... more
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      EconomicsMarket MicrostructureEmpirical EconomicsCount data
Limit order books (LOBs) match buyers and sellers in more than half of the world's financial markets. This survey highlights the insights that have emerged from the wealth of empirical and theoretical studies of LOBs. We examine the... more
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      EconomicsData AnalysisMarket MicrostructureQuantitative Finance
Eu RoHS Directive for environmental and health concerns have resulted in significant activities to find substitutes for lead-contained solders for microelectronics. The potential candidates such as Sn-Ag 1 and Sn-Ag-Cu 1 eutectic solders... more
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      Microelectronics And Semiconductor EngineeringDentistryMicrostructureLeadership
In this article we revisit the classic problem of tatonnement in price formation from a microstructure point of view, reviewing a recent body of theoretical and empirical work explaining how fluctuations in supply and demand are slowly... more
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      Statistical MechanicsMarket MicrostructureMarket efficiencyTime Dependent
In this paper, we determine whether intraday price dynamics observed on Euronext help characterize market liquidity in real time. We generate 15-minute price movement configurations based on High-Low-Open-Close (HLOC) patterns and measure... more
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      Market MicrostructureLiquidity
This paper presents a comprehensive literature review of the theoretical and empirical developments that have taken place over the last two decades in an attempt to address the exchange rate puzzles. Specifically, we discuss non-linear... more
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      Market MicrostructureBayesian EconometricsLiterature ReviewWorking Papers
This article aim at reviewing recent empirical and theoretical developments usually grouped under the term Econophysics. Since its name was coined in 1995 by merging the words "Economics" and "Physics", this new interdisciplinary field... more
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      Game TheoryGraph TheoryMarket MicrostructureWealth Distribution
This article aim at reviewing recent empirical and theoretical developments usually grouped under the term Econophysics. Since its name was coined in 1995 by merging the words "Economics" and "Physics", this new interdisciplinary field... more
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      Game TheoryGraph TheoryMarket MicrostructureWealth Distribution
The objective of this paper is to investigate the use of tick-by-tick data for market risk measurement. We propose an Intraday Value at Risk (IVaR) at different horizons based on irregularly time-spaced high-frequency data by using an... more
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      EconometricsEmpirical FinanceMonte Carlo SimulationMonte Carlo
The purpose of the paper is to investigate the impact of the introduction of Forward Freight Agreement (FFA) trading on spot market price volatility in panamax 1, 1A, 2, and 2A trading routes of the dry-bulk shipping industry. The main... more
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      Applied MathematicsMarket MicrostructureFreight DerivativesVolatility
Sulfuric acid based Sn-Ag plating baths were developed to study the individual as well as synergistic effects of thiourea (TU) and gelatin on the characteristics of Sn-Ag deposits. Electrochemical behavior of each bath was investigated by... more
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      RoboticsDigital FabricationMarket MicrostructureIMF
We use the American Stock ExchangeÕs May 1997 market-wide adoption of $1/16 ticks to examine several hypothesis relating to tick size reduction. Specifically, we consider volatility, other aspects of market quality, trader behavior, and... more
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      Market MicrostructureQuality ImprovementProfitability
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      Market MicrostructureFinancial MarketsApplied EconomicsVolatility
Abstract This paper provides an up-to-date survey of the main theoretical developments in autoregressive conditional duration (ACD) modeling and empirical studies using financial data. First, we discuss the properties of the standard ACD... more
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      EconometricsMarket MicrostructureApplied EconomicsAsymmetric Information
This article examines the impact of serial correlation in high frequency returns on the realized variance measure. In particular, it is shown that the realized variance measure yields a biased estimate of the conditional return variance... more
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      Market MicrostructureLong MemoryHigh FrequencyTemporal Aggregation
A study was conducted on BGA lead-free C5 solder joint system to compare SnAgNiCo versus conventional Sn3.8Ag0.7Cu solder alloy. This study showed that SnAgNiCo C5 solder system performed better than Sn3.8Ag0.7Cu in terms of joint... more
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      DentistryLeadershipMarket MicrostructureIntermetallics
Environmental and health concerns have resulted in significant activities to find substitutes for lead-contained solders for microelectronics. The potential candidates such as Sn-Ag1 and Sn-Ag-Cu1 eutectic solders with melting... more
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      Microelectronics And Semiconductor EngineeringDentistryErgonomicsLeadership
SMEs around the world are proving important catalyst in economic development and financial inclusion. But SMEs are facing many hurdles in its growth. Among all hurdles, getting finance are the most serious constraints on growth of SME's.... more
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      Corporate GovernanceCapital MarketsMarket MicrostructureESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance issues)
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      Market MicrostructureCredit RiskSecondary Mortgage MarketCorporate Bonds
Motivated by the practical challenge in monitoring the performance of a large number of algorithmic trading orders, this paper provides a methodology that leads to automatic discovery of causes that lie behind poor trading performance. It... more
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      EconomicsTransaction CostsMarket MicrostructureQuantitative Finance
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      EconomicsMarket MicrostructureEmpirical EconomicsCount data
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      Market MicrostructureFinancial MarketStatistical PropertiesNew York Stock Exchange
Through the analysis of a dataset of ultra high frequency order book updates, we introduce a model which accommodates the empirical properties of the full order book together with the stylized facts of lower frequency financial data. To... more
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      Market MicrostructureVolatility
"Al–Cu-based MMCs reinforced by Al–Fe intermetallics are investigated for their wear behaviour. The composite (Al–4.5 mass% Cu–3.4 mass% Fe) was produced by solidification processing where the Al–Fe-based intermetallic formed in situ in a... more
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      Wearable ComputingMarket MicrostructureScanning Electron MicroscopyIntermetallics
Studies of cross-listings show that price discovery occurs primarily in home markets, and attribute the dominance to informational advantages surrounding companies on the home market. However, a portion of what is attributed to... more
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      Market MicrostructureInternational FinanceFinancial CrisisPrice Discovery
We propose recent functional data analysis techniques to study the intra-daily volatility. In particular, the volatility extraction is based on functional principal components and the volatility prediction on functional AR(1) models. The... more
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      Market MicrostructureStock MarketFunctional data analysisIndexation
In this paper we propose a novel empirical extension of the standard market microstructure order flow model. The main idea is that heterogeneity of beliefs in the foreign exchange market can cause model instability and such instability... more
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      Foreign Exchange MarketMarket MicrostructureApplied EconomicsWorking Papers
Less regulation is obviously a relative measurement. The US has both less competition-specific regulation and less overall regulation when compared with many of our European counterparts. While the less regulation exhortation may sound... more
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      Mergers & AcquisitionsCompetition LawAntitrust (Law)Market Microstructure
The purpose of grid computing is to produce a virtual supercomputer by using free resources available through widespread networks such as the Internet. This resource distribution, changes in resource availability, and an unreliable... more
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      Parallel AlgorithmsGrid ComputingArtificial IntelligenceInformation Society
The extant execution quality literature generally suggests that brokers routing orders away from the NYSE might not fulfill their fiduciary best execution responsibility. This conclusion is drawn by comparing execution prices across... more
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      Market MicrostructureFinancial Markets
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      Market MicrostructureApplied EconomicsMonetary PolicyEmerging market economies
Project Summary We focus on the impact of the removal of trader identification on the SFE limit order book. A number of electronic markets have recently introduced anonymous trading yet the literature suggests that the impact of this... more
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      Market MicrostructureElectronic MarketsLimit Order BookInterest Rate
This paper examines the roles of order flow (reflecting private information) and news (reflecting public information) in explaining exchange rate volatility. Analyzing four months of a bank's high frequency US dollar-euro trading, three... more
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      Market MicrostructureApplied EconomicsMoneyInformation Processing