Agradecimentos À Verônica, pela sua orientação atenta e criativa, por seus conselhos, por ter sido dura e ao mesmo tempo compreensiva, por tudo que me ensinou e ainda me ensinará, pela inspiração, mas sobre todas as coisas, por ter sido... more
Bipartite patella is a normal anatomic variant of patella. There are various data about the prevalence of bipartite patella in the literature. The aim of this study was to investigate its prevalence, type distribution and sex predilection... more
The purpose of this study was to put forth a precise landmark-based technique for reconstructing the three-dimensional shape of human entheseal surfaces, to investigate whether the shape of human entheses is related to their size. The... more
The purpose of this study was to put forth a precise landmark-based technique for reconstructing the three-dimensional shape of human entheseal surfaces, to investigate whether the shape of human entheses is related to their size. The... more
El propósito de este trabajo es presentar los resultados del análisis bioarqueológico realizado sobre una muestra procedente de la Unidad Inferior del sitio Chenque I (Parque Nacional Lihué Calel, provincia de La Pampa, Argentina). El... more
A recently developed method for estimating adult skeletal age is based on maxillary suture obliteration. The purpose of this study is to test the accuracy of the revised maxillary suture method in estimating age at death on a skeletal... more
Potiljačni kondilusi se nalaze na donjoj strani bočnih delova potiljačne kosti i predstavljaju značajne strukture koje povezuju lobanju sa kičmenim stubom. Njihova veličina, oblik i položaj, kao i podudarnost sa zglobnim površinama... more
Kosti i zubi iznimno su vrijedan i koristan izvor informacija u bioarheološkim istraživanjima, jer godinama mogu ostati sačuvani u nepromijenjenom obliku. Morfološke osobitosti zuba često su pomogle da se objasne određeni povijesni... more
Kosti i zubi iznimno su vrijedan i koristan izvor informacija u bioarheološkim istraživanjima, jer godinama mogu ostati sačuvani u nepromijenjenom obliku. Morfološke osobitosti zuba često su pomogle da se objasne određeni povijesni... more
Utvrditi opterecenost muskulature donjih ekstremiteta tijekom dinamickih kontrakcija penjanja i spustanja na step klupicu pri izvođenju osnovnog (basic step) koraka na razlicitim visinama step klupice (15.2 cm, 20.3 i 25.4 cm) bio je cilj... more
Bone remodelling in the areas of entheses is frequently supposed to be associated with physical stress and the activity patterns of ancient populations. The main aim of this study was to analyse the prevalence of enthesopathies among... more
ACTA STOMATOLOGICA CROATICA Zaprimljen: 13. siječnja 2010. Prihvaćen: 2. ožujka 2010. Adresa za dopisivanje Marin Vodanović Sveučilište u Zagrebu Stomatološki fakultet Zavod za dentalnu antropologiju Gundulićeva 5, 10000... more
El propósito de este trabajo es presentar los resultados del análisis bioarqueológico realizado sobre una muestra procedente de la Unidad Inferior del sitio Chenque I (Parque Nacional Lihué Calel, provincia de La Pampa, Argentina). El... more
It has been shown that age is an important factor in entheseal change (EC) presence, but this is for each independent feature. A random forest model has previously found a weak correlation between predicted and real age. The aim of this... more
Las modificaciones producidas en restos óseos y dentales humanos son capaces de informarnos acerca de algunas de las demandas mecánicas ejercidas sobre el individuo a lo largo de su vida. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar los... more
Methods for Quantitative Assessment of Femoral Antroposcopic Landmarks Using Hand‑held Laser Scanner
This study is focused on an innovative approach to the numerical assessment of gluteal tuberosity through 3D visualization and its use as sex discriminant. The study was based on an aggregate of 40 right femora, male and female in equal... more
En el año 2007, en el marco de tareas de salvataje, se excavó un sector del templo de la orden Santo Domingo, por parte del Centro de Investigaciones Ruinas de San Francisco. Dicho punto arqueológico se ubica en el Área Fundacional de... more
Ko sakar li cailico xa ob li quapred sta vqapo se banfunk ci o nal nien ti tetupa to lo gi jideč jegku ka.Auto ripo tvr đu juna la zeVajs ma na(We is sman)iStri no vi ćadajeab duk tor nakon trak tu raku kapri mar nauro đe nagre ška,kaore... more