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Many industrially significant compounds have been derived from natural products in the environment. Research efforts so far have contributed to the discovery of beneficial natural products that have improved the quality of life on Earth.... more
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      Natural Products ChemistryDrug DiscoveryMarine Natural ProductsNatural Compounds
We describe two new species of Clathria (Microciona) Bowerbank, 1862: C. (M.) crassitoxa sp. nov. and C. (M.) trairae sp. nov. from Paraíba State (Northeastern Brazil). All are sciophilous species and are represented by small fragments... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)BrazilPoriferaSponges
Sponges are important for maintaining ecosystem function and integrity of marine and freshwater benthic communitiesworldwide. Despite this, there has been no assessment of their current global conservation status. We assessed their... more
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      Marine BiologyConservation BiologyConservationMarine Ecology
The scleractinian corals Tubastraea coccinea Lesson, 1829 and Tubastraea tagusensis Wells, 1882 are the first alien corals to be introduced into the South Atlantic and threaten native marine organisms due to their noxious attributes. This... more
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      Marine BiologyMarine EcologyMarine ConservationBenthic Ecology
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      Turkish and Middle East StudiesTurkish HistoryTurkeyModern Turkey
Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara adalah salah satu daerah yang mempunyai potensi sumber daya perairan yang sangat besar. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari wilayahnya yang terdiri atas perairan laut. Salah satu komoditas yang berkembang pesat di... more
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    • Marine Sponges
Prodigiosin produced by Serratia marcescens is a promising drug owing to its reported characteristics of having antibacterial, antimalarial, antimycotic, immunomodulating and antitumor activities. Investigations were made in the present... more
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      Marine Microbial EcologyMicrobial Symbionts of Marine InvertebratesMarine SpongesMicrobial Production of Bioactive Compounds
Paleontological inferences, molecular clocks, and biomarker fossils indicate sponges evolved in the Cryogenian, but Precambrian sponge fossils are rare, poorly substantiated, and controversial. Spicule-like microstructures (SLMs) hosted... more
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Thirty-three (33) species of marine sponge were identified in this study. Four were identified as possiblynew to science; a short description of these species is given here. In addition, one species has potential for bath sponge culture.... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)TaxonomyPoriferaPorifera, Marine
An inventory of sponges from the shallow subtidal reefs of the west and east coasts of southern India is presented. The specimens offered in this paper were based on in-situ collections unlike the previous records of dry and net-entangled... more
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      ZoologyConservation BiologyMarine EcologyTaxonomy
Sponges are a prominent component of the invertebrate fauna of Caribbean reefs. This study describes various aspects of the ecology of the demosponge Desmapsamma anchorata, Carter 1882, off southwest Puerto Rico. The distribution of... more
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      Benthic EcologyBenthic macroinvertebratesPoriferaCoral Reef Ecology
Changes in sediment input to marine systems can influence benthic environments in many ways. Sponges are important components of benthic ecosystems world-wide and as sessile suspension feeders are likely to be impacted by changes in... more
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      MultidisciplinarySuspended SedimentCoastal SedimentationMarine Sponges
Dercitus (Stoeba) pseudodiscorhabda sp. nov. is described from the tropical western Atlantic. It is the only Dercitus (Stoeba) with four-rayed calthrops and discorhabds-like sanidasters. This is the 16th species of the genus to be... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)TaxonomyBrazilBiodiversity
In this study, we pursue unravelling the bacterial communities of 26 sponges, belonging to several taxonomical orders, and comprising low microbial abundance (LMA) and high microbial abundance (HMA) representatives. Particularly, we... more
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      Marine BiologyMicrobial Symbionts of Marine InvertebratesMarine Sponges
Open-sea mariculture of the Philippine blue sponge Xestospongia sp. was established as a route for the production of the biomedically-important renieramycins. We assessed the effects of harvesting regime, culture period or periodicity,... more
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      MaricultureMarine Sponges
Investigation carried out to study the nematicidal activity of marine sponge callyspongia diffusa associated Pseudomonas fluorescens BCPBMS-1. P. fluorescens strain was tested for nematicidal activity against Meloidogyne javanica which... more
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      Marine BiologyMarine AquaculturePseudomonas aeruginosaMarine Sponges
The late Eocene ‘soft’ sponge fauna of southern Australia is reconstructed based on disassociated spicules and is used to interpret the paleoecology and environmental context of shallow marine communities in this region. The reconstructed... more
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      PaleobiologyAustraliaAustralian HistoryPorifera
Marine sponges usually constitute the most diverse group of the benthic community in coral reefs. Although they are reasonably well studied at the northern Gulf of Mexico (GMx), the southern GMx is poorly known and lacks records from many... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)TaxonomyMarine biodiversityYucatan
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      Oceanic IslandsTaxonomy of Marine InvertebratesMarine SpongesBiodiversity Surveys
This research presents three new species of carnivorous sponges from the family Cladorhizidae from the Great Australian Bight, South Australia. This research also shows a clear separation within the species currently known as Cladorhiza... more
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      Porifera Taxonomy and SystematicsMarine Sponges
The method of spicular analysis that examines surficial sediments has been used to study the sponge spicule assemblage in the lagoon reef of Bocas del Toro, Panama. The method allowed to recognize some highly diagnostic spicule... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)Conservation BiologyCoral Reef EcosystemsCoral Reefs
A new ichnospecies of the bioeroding sponge ichnogenus Entobia, i.e., E. cracoviensis isp. n., is distinguished by having a single, large, isolated chamber and radiating canals. It occurs in a rockground surface on a Turonian or Santonian... more
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      SedimentologyIchnologyMarine Microbial EcologyCarbonate Sedimentology
Green turtles (Chelonia mydas (Linnaeus, 1758)) are primarily herbivorous as adults, consuming minimal amounts of sponge tissue in the Hawaiian Islands (<1 % gut content) with occasional higher consumption rates in areas where sponges are... more
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      HawaiiGreen TurtleMarine Sponges
La cobertura bentónica es un atributo importante para gestionar eficientemente los arrecifes coralinos, sin embargo, muchos ecosistemas marinos de Veracruz aún carecen de esta información y el arrecife Enmedio es un claro ejemplo; por... more
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      Marine EcologyMonitoring And EvaluationInvertebrate ZoologyCorals
We thank all colleagues who sent reprints of their articles along the years. Special thanks to Adriano B. Kury (Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro) for the inspiration and suggestions on the format of the catalogue. We are grateful to
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      Marine BiologyTaxonomyBiodiversity ResearchMarine Sponges
Alveospongia sinuosclera gen. nov. sp. nov. is described from shallow-waters off Canavieiras (Bahia, Brazil). The species bears an unusual morphology, combining saccular or alveolar, evenly perforated habit, and sinuous spiny... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)BrazilBiodiversityNew Species
We compared sponge spicules occurring in surface sediments with those of a living sponge community in a shallow-water reef environment of Bocas del Toro archipelago, Panama, with the goal of evaluating how faithfully spicular analysis... more
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      Marine EcologyCoral Reef EcosystemsCoral ReefsCaribbean
Oceans cover more than 75% of our planet. In some ecosystems, such as coral reefs, experts believe that biodiversity is greater than that of tropical forests. Morocco, with its double facade Atlantic and Mediterranean, long of more than... more
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      BiochemistryMedical SciencesMedical EducationBiology
Although hexactinellid sponges occur exclusively in deep and/or cold waters, three species of hex-actinellids have been reported from shallow and warm waters in Oligo-Miocene deposits of the Pirabas Formation in northern Brazil:... more
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Three species of Desmacella Schmidt, 1870 are described from the Brazilian coast: Desmacella microsigmata sp. nov., Desmacella tylovariabilis sp. nov. and Desmacella annexa Schmidt, 1870. The new species were compared with Desmacella... more
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      Marine BiologyBrazilSpongesNew Species
Sponges are important components of temperate rocky reefs whose abundance and diversity are influenced by a range of biological and physical factors. In high light environments, sponges are generally less abundant and are often restricted... more
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      Marine EcologyEcologyBenthic EcologyBenthic macroinvertebrates
Here we report, for the first time, a very rich and diversified sponge assemblage from late Early Miocene deposits of a central part of the Vienna Basin (Paratethys) in Slovakia. Bodily preserved sponges are described as a new genus and... more
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      PaleontologyMarine EcologySpongesFossils
Elevated concentrations of an organic compound, 24-isopropylcholestane, found in the Precambrian Huqf Supergroup of Oman may provide the oldest known sponge 'fossil'. This evidence is of critical importance for a properly balanced... more
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      PoriferaPalaeontologyPalaeobiologyPrecambrian Geology
The depth distribution and abundance of shallow water marine sponges were studied at six stations around Cebu Island, Philippines. Four depth zones were identified: Zone 1 (1-2m); Zone 2 (3-9m); Zone 3 (10-12m); and Zone 4 (13-18m).... more
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      PoriferaPorifera, MarineSpongesMarine Sponges
Η ιστορία που διηγείται ο Γιάννης Γεράκης, πριν από κάθε άλλη αξιολόγηση, είναι μια ιστορία ανθρώπων που αγωνίζονται καθημερινά για μια ζωή με αξιοπρέπεια. Έπειτα είναι η ιστορία ενός απομακρυσμένου νησιού, που ήταν κάποτε τμήμα της... more
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      Mediterranean Studies (Area Studies)AegeanGreeceSponges
ABSTRACT: The Island of Hydra had an important role as a base for sponge-fishing, correlated with its history as a provider of merchant ships and ships of war. The trade extended across the Mediterranean to North Africa. Sponges were... more
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    • Marine Sponges
ABSTRAK Penelitian isolasi dan uji aktivitas antibakteri dari sumber Spons laut (Plakortis simplex) yang berasal dari perairan selatan Gunungkidul telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi senyawa antibakteri yang... more
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      Organic ChemistryNatural Products ChemistryMedicinal chemistry and pharmaceutical chemistryMedicinal Chemistry Biochemistry
The present study evaluates the potential of Hymeniacidon heliophila as bioindicator of PAH contamination. For this, concentration of 33 PAH was determined in organisms from sites with different contamination level including the heavily... more
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      BrazilEnvironmental MonitoringMarine And Environmental PollutionPorifera
In healthy sponges, microbes have been shown to account for up to 40 % of tissues. The majority of these are thought to originate from survivors evading digestion and immune responses of the sponge and growing and residing in the... more
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      Marine BiologyMarine EcologyCoral Reef EcosystemsCoral Reefs
Prodigiosin produced by Serratia marcescens is a promising drug owing to its reported characteristics of having antibacterial, antimalarial, antimycotic, immunomodulating and antitumor activities. Investigations were made in the present... more
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      Marine Microbial EcologyMicrobial Symbionts of Marine InvertebratesMarine SpongesMicrobial Production of Bioactive Compounds
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      Maritime and Underwater ArchaeologySPONGE DIVERSMarine Sponges
9 8 3 ; I n s a l a c o e t a l . , 1 9 9 7 ) a n d s o u t h e r n A r g e n t i n a ( L e g g a r e t a , 1 9 9 1 ) . T h i s i s e v i d e n c e o f v e r y e q u i l i b r a t e d s e a w a t e r t e m p e r a t u r e s ( L e i n f e... more
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      Coral Reef EcosystemsJurassicStromatoporoidsMarine Sponges
Explants of the sponge Crambe crambe were cultured in natural seawater, with or without marine microalga (Phaeodactylum tricornutum ) in discontinuous flow through systems and in continuous flow-through systems (DFTHS and CFTHS,... more
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      CultureBioreactorsSponges and Marine InvertebratesPrimary Cell Culture
Experimental removals of the dominant canopy-forming kelp Ecklonia radiata were conducted at two sites on rocky walls in New Zealand and monitored for approximately 1.5 years. We hypothesized that the removal of the E. radiata canopy... more
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      Marine BiologyMarine EcologyBenthic EcologyBenthic macroinvertebrates
The Taganga bay supports a strong anthropogenic pressure that threatens the communities and marine ecosystems established in this sector, especially organisms sensible to environmental changes and contamination like the echinoderms. In... more
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      Marine BiologyZoologyMarine Microbial EcologyEchinoderms
The Indo-Pacific is the world’s largest marine biogeographic region, covering the tropical and subtropical waters from the Red Sea in the Western Indian Ocean to the Easter Islands in the Pacific. It is characterized by a vast degree of... more
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    • Marine Sponges
Actinobacteria, commonly known as actinomycetes, are often constituents of sponge-associated bacterial communities and are well known producers of bioactive compounds. In the present study, 7 actinomycete species representing 3 genera... more
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      ActinobacteriaMarine Sponges
The genus Neopetrosia was characterized by has fine brushes of oxeas issued from subectosomal tracts and compact cho-anosomal network. We report and describe here specimens collected in the coast of Brazil: Neopetrosia sulcata sp. nov.... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)BrazilBiodiversityMarine Sponges
Cryptic species are widespread across the phylum Porifera making the identification of non-indigenous species difficult, an issue not easily resolved by the use of morphological characteristics. The widespread order Haplosclerida is a... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)Invasive species ecologyBiogeographySponges
This paper deals with niphatid sponges from the coast of the Bahia State, northeastern coast of the Brazilian shelf (south-western Atlantic). Two new species are described, Amphimedon estelae sp. nov. and Niphates luizae sp. nov. A... more
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