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The waters of the Cres-Lošinj archipelago are subject to intense boat traffic related to the high number of leisure boats frequenting this area during the summer tourist season. Boat noise dominates the acoustic environment of the local... more
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      ConservationEnvironmental MonitoringMultidisciplinaryCroatia
Sound is the primary sensory modality for dolphins, yet policies mitigating anthropogenic sound exposure are limited in wild populations and even fewer noise policies or guidelines have been developed for governing dolphin welfare under... more
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      Marine BiologyAcousticsBioacousticsConservation Biology
Biological reconstruction of ape and human (hominoid) evolution, mostly based on comparative, fossil, paleo-environmental and DNA evidence. Schematically: (I) arboreal to aquarboreal: The evolution from monkey to ape body-plan is best... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyMarine BiologyPaleoanthropologyPaleontology
In this study, a buckler crab, Cryptopodia angulata, reported for the first time from Majali, Karwar, West coast of India. This species occurs rarely in the Indian coastal waters and this is the first report from Karwar coast. External... more
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      Marine BiologyAquatic EcologyMarine EcologyMarine Microbial Ecology
Nurturant behavior toward dead conspecifics has been documented in several free-ranging marine and terrestrial mammals but still remains undocumented and poorly understood for most species. This study describes observations of adults... more
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      MourningDolphin behaviorDeath, Grief, and MourningMarine Mammals (Biology
The authors present a remarkable site with a remarkable interpretation: a structured platform of dugong bones, containing skulls laid in parallel and ribs in sets, together with artefacts of the Neolithic period. They propose that the... more
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      Organizational BehaviorArchitectural EngineeringReligionSumerian Religion
Abstract: A series of natural history factors were examined to identify which are likely to influence acoustic behaviour in male phocid seals. Contrary to traditional thought, the degree of polygyny did not appear to influence vocal... more
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      AcousticsBioacousticsMarine MammalsMarine mammals (Marine Conservation)
Introduction: There are scarce information about the movements and patterns of residence of bottlenose dolphins in the southern part of the Gulf of Mexico and the objective of this study is to have information on this subject, Terminos... more
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    • Marine Mammals (Biology
The Lafken Mapu Lahual Coastal Marine Protected Area of Multiple Uses (Lafken Mapu Lahual), Osorno coast, southern Chile, is one of the first protected areas of created in Chile during 2006, but only in 2019 its Management Plan was... more
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    • Marine Mammals (Biology
This paper overviews the contamination caused by persistent organochlorines in endocrine system of mammals. To overcome yield loss in crops plants via pests, it is necessary to control them. There are a number of pest control strategies.... more
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      Arsenic Contamination in Ground WaterFluoride contamination in ground waterGroundwater ContaminationPesticide Chemistry
Daytime feeding behavior of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in Gulf of the Farallones, California, and adjacent waters was observed during autumn of 1988 to 1990. Bodega Canyon, Cordell Bank, and the Farallon Islands were the... more
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      ConservationMarine EcologySoundsMarine Mammals (Biology
It is widely accepted that obligate aquatic mammals, specifically toothed whales, rely relatively little on olfaction. There is less agreement about the importance of smell among aquatic mammals with residual ties to land, such as... more
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In this paper I examine the purpose of the narwhal's tusk. While there are many proposed functions of the narwhal's tusk and multiple tusk functions that may have driven its evolutionary development and persistence, I claim that most... more
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      BiologyMarine MammalsMarine Mammals (Biologynarwhal
Diet analysis allows exploring how coastal dolphins interact with the environment and their role in the marine food webs. We studied the diet and feeding ecology of the Guiana dolphin , Sotalia guianensis, through analysis of stomach... more
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      Marine BiologyOceanographyMarine EcologyBiological Oceanography
This is a lab report for my Biology of Marine Mammals class I took while studying abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark. The lab report specifies how I identified and classified several marine mammal skulls.
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      BiologyMarine MammalsAnatomySkulls
Se reconocen aspectos generales acerca de algunas micosis (enfermedades fúngicas) en mamíferos marinos. Los hongos como los mohos acuáticos y los microhongos mitospóricos son los más comunes como agentes etiológicos en mamíferos marinos... more
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      Marine MammalsCaribbeanMarine FungiMycosis
We conducted 18 aerial surveys for marine mammals in the Southern California Bight in the vicinity of San Clemente
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    • Marine Mammals (Biology
. Ž . Individual chlorinated biphenyls CBs and chlorinated pesticides p, pЈ-DDT and metabolites, HCHs and HCB Ž . were determined in blubber samples of 40 harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena of different age and sex from the Ž . North... more
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      ConservationSoundsMarine Mammals (BiologyCultures)
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      ConservationPopulation DynamicsFisheries BiologySounds
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      ConservationProceedingsMarine BioacousticsCultures
The authors present a remarkable site with a remarkable interpretation: a structured platform of dugong bones, containing skulls laid in parallel and ribs in sets, together with artefacts of the Neolithic period. They propose that the... more
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      ReligionSumerian ReligionBotanyMarine Biology
The ovaries of 31 franciscana dolphins (19 immature and 12 mature) by-caught in coastal waters of Argentina were examined to describe the reproductive biology. No ovarian polarity was found, both ovaries were functional and showed similar... more
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      Reproductive biology (Biology)Marine Mammals (Biology
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      Marine MammalsMarine mammals (Marine Conservation)Marine mammals and ecologyMarine Mammals (Biology
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      OceanographyFisheriesFish BiologyMarine Mammals
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      ZoologyConservationPopulation DynamicsFisheries Biology
Over millions of years, whales have evolved for diving in the ocean to obtain food while holding their breath. Because whales are air-breathing mammals, they eventually have to return to the ocean surface to get more oxygen. However, the... more
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      Marine MammalsMarine mammals (Marine Conservation)DivingEducation science outreach
Through collaboration with Inuit hunters, we examined the stomach contents of 142 seals (ringed seals [Phoca hispida; n = 135], bearded seals [Erignathus barbatus; n = 6], and one harbour seal [Phoca vitualina; n = 1]) hunted between 2007... more
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      Marine BiologyGeographyEarth SciencesAquatic Ecology
Utility leaders worldwide face multiple challenges to secure a reliable, efficient and sustainable future water supply – from accelerated population growth, to exhaustion of our traditional water sources, water scarcity driven by climate... more
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      Physical OceanographyCostal OceanographyMarine Biology and OceanographyMarine Mammals (Biology
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      ConservationProceedingsMarine BioacousticsCultures
Se reseña el uso de satélites artificiales como rastreadores de mamíferos marinos de varias especies incluyendo ballenas, delfines, manatíes, entre otros. Aunque muchos avances científicos han sido implementados para estudiar el... more
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      Satellite remote sensingMarine MammalsSatellite OceanographyMarine Mammals (Biology
Background In Probolinggo coastal waters, part of the Madura Strait, the appearance of whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) is a common sight especially during late December to March. The aggregation of these large vertebrates in this area have... more
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      Marine BiologyConservation BiologyConservationMarine Ecology
Toxic -non-, mono-and di-ortho coplanar PCB congeners were determined in terrestrial and marine mammals. The concentrations of coplanar PCBs were found to be higher in the order of di-ortho > mono-ortho > non-ortho congeners and were... more
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      ConservationSoundsMarine Mammals (BiologyCultures)
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      ConservationMarine BioacousticsSoundsMarine Mammals (Biology