Marine Macro Algae
Recent papers in Marine Macro Algae
Flora algal da costa portuguesa O litoral português, com um total de 830 quilómetros comporta, separados por grandes areias, extensões rochosas, muitas delas ricas em algas. Grande parte das zonas costeiras encontram-se muito expostas à... more
Çok hücreli ökaryotik organizmalardan olan makro algler denizlerin önemli canlı kaynaklarından biridir. Deniz yosunu olarak da adlandırılan bu canlılar zengin içerikleri nedeniyle, gıda, fikokolloid, ziraat, eczacılık, tıp ve enerji gibi... more
Kegiatan Manta Explore ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan menginventarisasi ekosistem pesisir yang terdapat di Pulau Biawak. Pengamatan berlangsung pada tanggal 24 - 27 Mei 2012. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan, diketahui bahwa jenis mangrove... more
The main purpose of the study was to determine the distribution and abundance of seagrasses and marine invertebrates in three sites of Cogtong bay. The method used was based on Seagrass-watch protocol for monitoring intertidal seagrasses... more
Phenolics, sometimes called polyphenolic compounds, are present in a variety of terrestrial and marine plants. They are utilized as important components of both human and animal diets for their antioxidant capacity. More than 8000... more
Ulva lactuca (commonly known as sea letuce) is a green sea weed which dominates Green Tides or algae blooms. Green Tides are caused by excess nitrogen from agriculture and sewage outfalls resulting in eutrophication in shallow estuaries.... more
Ce stage s'est déroulé dans le cadre du projet 2C-4 sur un financement complémentaire issu du Fonds Pacifique.
Naturally endowed with a coastline of about 8,000 Km represented in a wide range of ecosystems like estuaries, mangroves, backwaters, salt marshes, sandy beaches, rocky coasts, coral reefs, and many such variations in ecosystem diversity,... more
The long geographic isolation of New Zealand, an archipelago with a large latitudinal range (29°to 54°S) and an extensive coastline, has resulted in a high level of endemism in both land and coastal marine flora. The genus Porphyra in NZ... more
A common symptom of eutrophication in temperate estuaries is the proliferation of ephemeral, floating macroalgae. Information on the effects of blooms on underlying assemblages mostly originates from non-vegetated intertidal and subtidal... more
Our research includes biochemical study, evaluation of anti-oxidant activities and heavy metals contamination in Ulva lactuca and Cystoseira stricta collected at the site of Sidi El Adjel (Mostaganem). We registered a total phenol content... more
Цемесская бухта с прилегающей частью открытого моря известна как важный рыбопромысловый район. Ежегодное число туристов, посещающих г. Новороссийск составляет не менее 1 млн. чел., что позволяет считать город не только промышленным, но и... more
Ulva lactuca, a green seaweed, accumulates on beaches and shallow estuaries subject to eutrophication. As a residue, and a macro-algae, it is a source of sustainable third generation biofuel. Production of biomethane from mono-digestion... more
Coastal aquaculture is a globally expanding enterprise. Currently, 1200 salmon farms operate in coastal Norway, yet their capacity to aggregate and subsequently modify wild fish distributions is poorly known. Aggregations of wild fish at... more
– Mangrove macroalgae produce substantial proportion of biomass, which contributes to the coastal ecosystems. Relatively less is known for the seasonal variation in the occurrence and biomass of mangrove associated macroalgae.... more
Home and public sea aquaria are becoming more and more popular worldwide. Aquaria species are selected for their aesthetic appeal in terms of color, shape or behavior. In Brazil, most species are imported from remote places, usually... more
Phytomyxids (Phytomyxea) are obligate endosymbionts of many organisms such as algae, diatoms, oomycetes and higher plants including seagrasses. Despite their supposed significant roles in the marine ecosystem, our knowledge of their... more
Metallic nanoparticles have been traditionally synthesized using wet chemical techniques, where the chemicals used are quite often toxic and flammable. In this research, we present a simple and ecofriendly biosynthesis of Ag nanoparticles... more
Amphiroa fragilissima (Linnaeus) Lamouroux belongs to the family Corallinaceae collected from Tharuvaikulam coast, Gulf of Mannar coastal region, Tamilnadu was analyzed for its proximate and Elemental composition. In our present... more
The present study investigated the antimicrobial and antioxidant activities as well as the chemical composition of the methanolic extracts of Spirogyra setiformis and Navicula spp. found in Nigerian waters. The minimum inhibitory... more
This work reports the occurrence of the introduced alga Caulerpa ollivieri Dostál, 1929 in the Southern Gulf of Mexico off the northern coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. In 2010, a specimen was collected off the Dzilam de Bravo, and... more
Gelidium allanii Chapman is endemic to northern New Zealand with a highly localised distribution. This species has remained little known, having been collected from only one locality for more than 40 years. We compare this species with... more
In the Present investigation GC-MS analysis was done on marine red seaweed Halymenia dilatata in order to confirm its rich bioactive compounds that are economically important as potential fish feed. The results confirmed the presence of... more
Metal pollution in the marine coastal line environment is an important topical issue in the context of ecological disturbance. The concentration of nine trace elements: Cu, Co, Ni, Cr, Mn, Zn, Cd, Pb, and Fe was determined in water,... more
Low nitrogen availability is one of the major environmental factors limiting macroalgal growth in temperate marine ecosystems. Macroalgae have overcome the fluctuating nature of nitrogen supply via adjustments to their life-history (e.g.... more
Caribbean reefs have experienced unprecedented changes in the past four decades. Of great concern is the perceived widespread shift from coral to macroalgal dominance and the question of whether it represents a new, stable equilibrium for... more
In this study, sodium alginate was isolated from Nizimuddinia zanardini by microwave-assisted extraction method. A Box–Behnken design (BBD) was applied to study the effect of temperature (45–75°C),...
The red alga Gracilaria dura is economically important due to its high-quality agarose. Previous studies with wild populations reported the existence of specific differences in functional traits as well as agar characteristics among life... more
Marine Algae have thousands species, that have various application of today's needy biotechnology material, it has a big potential to solve energy problem. Marine algae have the largest carbon energy content compare to other biomass... more
The present study intends to evaluate the chemical composition, antioxidant activity and GC-MS analysis of marine red seaweed Ahnfeltia plicata. The Alga was collected, shade dried, ground into a fine powder and extracted with eight... more
In the present study Hypnea valentiae was collected along the shore of Mandapam and was identified and authenticated. To analyse the methanol extract of marine red macro alga species H. valentiae using Gas chromatography-Mass spectrometry... more
The red alga Gracilaria dura is economically important due to its high-quality agarose. Previous studies with wild populations reported the existence of specific differences in functional traits as well as agar characteristics among life... more
Caribbean reefs have experienced unprecedented changes in the past four decades. Of great concern is the perceived widespread shift from coral to macroalgal dominance and the question of whether it represents a new, stable equilibrium for... more
Metallic nanoparticles have been traditionally synthesized using wet chemical techniques, where the chemicals used are quite often toxic and flammable. In this research, we present a simple and ecofriendly biosynthesis of Ag nanoparticles... more
The largest bay on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus is Tsemes bay. Novorossiysk city with a population of more than 300 thousand inhabitants is located on the shores of the bay. The most important commercial port of southern Russia is... more
Current study was conducted to explore the antiemetic activity of two marine algae, Iyengaria stellata Børgesen (Phaeophycota) and Valoniopsis pachynema Børgesen (Chlorophycota) by chick emesis model. Emesis was induced by copper sulphate... more
Elimination of heavy metals from contaminated water is a significant issue. Algae can be used as the detoxifying agent of these metals. This study was achieved to assess the efficacy of red marine alga (Jania Rubens) opposed to the... more
The red alga Gracilaria dura is economically important due to its high-quality agarose. Previous studies with wild populations reported the existence of specific differences in functional traits as well as agar characteristics among life... more