Maps and globes
Recent papers in Maps and globes
Gerardus Mercator illustrated the Newport Tower within Narragansett Bay on his 1541 terrestrial globe. The tower illustration, while important historically, is secondary to the superlative restoration and imagery performed by UNIL... more
Everything in history has to do with this one topic.
The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, 'enlightened') is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name usually refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on 1... more
This article explores the production and possible uses of globe objects big and small, with an especial focus on table and pocket globes. It seeks to better understand how globes as objects can change in use and meaning over time.... more
Of Stars, And Travels: An astronomic cycle in the main portal of St. Mark’s Basilica in Venice* is the English version, revised and enlarged, of an article appeared in Italian in ABAV- Annuario dell'Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia 2014... more
Anaximander is credited, i.a., for having been the author of the very first graphic rendering of the whole known world, thus with the invention of a successful protype, that of large scale maps. For a very long time, this prototype has... more
In the medieval world, geographical knowledge was influenced by religious ideas and beliefs. Whereas this point is well analysed for the Latin-Christian world, the religious character of the Arabic-Islamic geographic tradition has not yet... more
The importance of the celestial sphere in the so called Atlas Farnesianus has been undervalued in the last two centuries due to the scant attention paid to it and to the lack of any serious study. We find discrepancies even in the number... more
In The Age of Total Images, art historian Ana Peraica focuses on the belief that the shape of the planet is two-dimensional which has been reawakened in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, and the ways in which these ‘flat Earth’... more
Earth is a giant ring crater on a frozen plateau, filled with water and 6 or more continents.
REPORT ON A GLOBE BY CORNELIS DE JODE, ANTWERP 1594 – The study was carried out as a report for the authorization to the export of a rare Dutch globe, made in Antwerp by Cornelis de Jode in 1594. The study was developed according to the... more
During the last years, many solutions have been proposed for 3D Virtual Heritage representations. Recently, also new technologies for online gaming evolved, based on javascript libraries (WebGL), used to create and publish virtual... more
During the last years, many solutions have been proposed for 3D Virtual Heritage representations. Recently, also new technologies for online gaming evolved, based on javascript libraries (WebGL), used to create and publish virtual... more
annuale studi originali, riguardanti la storia del Palazzo e le collezioni museali, e insieme rende nota l'attività del Museo nel campo della ricerca storica, della conservazione e dell'educazione. La rivista è coordinata e curata dallo... more
L’ouvrage réunit trente-six articles offerts à Patrick Gautier Dalché par ses amis, ses élèves et ses collègues à l’occasion de son départ en retraite. Pour rendre hommage à ses travaux, qui ont renouvelé les recherches sur l’histoire... more
Die Ausstellung "Weltansichten. Vom Globus zur Globalisierung" präsentiert eine Vielzahl historischer Erd-und Himmelsgloben sowie globenverwandte Instrumente wie Planetarien, Tellurien und Lunarien. In Form historischer Objekte zeigen... more
A set of virtual globes of Mars -a topographic, a photomosaic (albedo) and a historic globehas been made as the extension and continuation of the map series "Multilingual Maps of Terrestrial Planets and the Moon" coordinated by the... more
In 1802 the Amsterdam map maker Cornelis Covens (1764-1825) published a terrestrial globe (12 inches) with a new construction, accompanied by a manual. By means of a complex mounting with numerous brass rings, this Copernican globe –... more
Throughout the early modern period, the intellectual and symbolic value of globes ensured these objects enjoyed a broad cultural appeal. Consequently, their design was subject to a wide range of social, commercial and intellectual... more
Globen und ihre Gestelle gehören unzweifelhaft als Einheit zusammen. Während der älteste erhaltene Erdglobus, der sogenannte Behaim-Globus von 1492/94 häufig im Mittelpunkt der Forschung stand, blieb das wissenschaftliche Interesse an... more
Documents the history of the giant globe the chancellor of Makassar ordered from the Dutch East India Company, and how this history relates to Makassar's activities to obtain western knowledge, technology and know-how, as well as its... more
The Architecture of the Planet
Chemical Analysis of Devils Tower (Munson)
Location: Northeastern corner Wyoming / Crook County - Black Hills
Near Sundance and Hulett towns
Chemical Analysis of Devils Tower (Munson)
Location: Northeastern corner Wyoming / Crook County - Black Hills
Near Sundance and Hulett towns
This paper focuses on the globe in depictions of the Salvator Mundi (Redeemer of the World), in which Christ is shown blessing with His right hand and holding the globe of the world in His left hand. From the end of the fifteenth to the... more
The assimilation of astronomical knowledge transmitted from the Islamic world to Europe is manifest in many works, yet not one medieval celestial map is currently known to have been made in the Muslim world. Against this background, the... more
The Rock of Guatape (Spanish: El Peñón de Guatapé), or simply La Piedra or El Peñol, is a landmark inselberg also known as The Stone of El Peñol in Colombia. It is located in the town and municipality of Guatapé, Antioquia. The town of... more
The World is not what you think it is. History is largely written from the point of view of Giant beings. Therefore, everything has to be interpreted from a different scale. Both in terms of calendar time and spatially. In this context,... more
The Virtual Globes Museum web page was opened in 2007 with only five virtual globe models. Since then, the number of globes was raised over one hundred. The amount and heterogeneity of data made it necessary to rethink the underlying... more
The Virtual Globes Museum web page was opened in 2007 with only five virtual globe models. Since then, the number of globes was raised over one hundred. The amount and heterogeneity of data made it necessary to rethink the underlying... more
As I have repeatedly referred to in previous works; the earth is not a planet but a plant. The pun was made almost poetically invisible by those who wrote our history. The earth was part of the big tree, which was destroyed for... more
Det at man tidligere trodde at jorden var flat er en moderne myte som oppsto på slutten av 1700-tallet -tidlig på 1800-tallet. Myten avspeiler både datidens syn på middelalderen som mørk og uopplyst og heltedyrkelsen av Columbus.
In "Art and Experience in Trecento Italy: Proceedings of the Andrew Ladis Trecento Conference, New Orleans, November 10-12, 2016," eds. Holly Flora and Sarah Wilkins (Turnhout: Brepols, 2018), 265-276.
In examining geography as a subject of study, Charles W. J. Withers has explained how eighteenth-century peoples developed a “set of intellectual practices” meant to apply spatial knowledge to life and examine it as “an object of science,... more