Map Generalization

227 papers
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Map generalization is the process of simplifying and abstracting geographic information to create maps that effectively communicate essential features while reducing detail. This involves techniques such as aggregation, simplification, and displacement to enhance readability and usability for specific purposes or audiences.
Megaproject Planning and Management: Essential Readings contains the seminal articles from the growing body of research on megaproject planning and management along with an original introduction by the editor, Bent Flyvbjerg. The leading... more
Back cover text: Megaprojects and Risk provides the first detailed examination of the phenomenon of megaprojects. It is a fascinating account of how the promoters of multi-billion dollar megaprojects systematically and self-servingly... more
The Supplementary Green Book Guidance on Optimism Bias (HM Treasury 2003) with reference to the Review of Large Public Procurement in the UK (Mott MacDonald 2002) notes that there is a demonstrated, systematic, tendency for project... more
This paper focuses on problems and their causes and cures in policy and planning for large infrastructure projects. First, it identifies as the main problem in major infrastructure development pervasive misinformation about the costs,... more
The article first describes characteristics of major infrastructure projects. Second, it documents a much neglected topic in economics: that ex ante estimates of costs and benefits are often very different from actual ex post costs and... more
As megaprojects have become ubiquitous, their real benefits and costs have come under increased scrutiny. We interviewed Bent Flyvbjerg, who has extensively studied megaproject development. Flyvbjerg has found systematic problems in the... more
This paper explores how theories of the planning fallacy and the outside view may be used to conduct quality control and due diligence in project management. First, a much-neglected issue in project management is identified, namely that... more
This paper focuses on problems and their causes and cures in policy and planning for large-infrastructure projects. First, it identifies as the main problem in major infrastructure developments pervasive misinformation about the costs,... more
A major source of risk in project management is inaccurate forecasts of project costs, demand, and other impacts. The paper presents a promising new approach to mitigating such risk, based on theories of decision making under uncertainty... more
Out-of-control information technology (IT) projects have ended the careers of top managers, such as EADS CEO Noël Forgeard and Levi Strauss’ CIO David Bergen. Moreover, IT projects have brought down whole companies, like Kmart in the US... more
This article presents results from the first statistically significant study of cost escalation in transportation infrastructure projects. Based on a sample of 258 transportation infrastructure projects worth US$90 billion and... more
"Over budget, over time, over and over again" appears to be an appropriate slogan for large, complex infrastructure projects. This article explains why cost, benefits, and time forecasts for such projects are systematically... more
Dragonfly is a simulation engine that extends the scope of current human-space interaction tools by encoding the basic principles of ecological psychology into an interoperable, interactive, CAD environment.
Results from the first statistically significant study of the causes of cost escalation in transport infrastructure projects are presented. The study is based on a sample of 258 rail, bridge, tunnel and road projects worth US$90 billion.... more
Ky libër është rezultat i përvojës shumëvjeçare të autorit të hartës në fushën e hartografisë, e posaçërisht në analizat mbi metodat e ndryshme dhe etapat e veçanta të përgjithësimit hartografik. Libri është i dedikuar për të gjithë... more
This article presents results from the first statistically significant study of traffic forecasts in transportation infrastructure projects. The sample used is the largest of its kind, covering 210 projects in 14 nations worth U.S.$59... more
Risk, including economic risk, is increasingly a concern for public policy and management. The possibility of dealing effectively with risk is hampered, however, by lack of a sound empirical basis for risk assessment and management. This... more
""“Reclaim our cities”. “Self-organise”. “Take neighbourhood action”. Consider these slogans for a moment. Sound familiar? Indeed they should, echoing as they do a body of scholarship (e.g. Amin and Thrift 2005; Butler 2012; Chatterton... more
Do different types of megaprojects have different cost overruns? This apparently simple question is at the heart of research at the University of Oxford aimed at understanding the characteristics of megaprojects, particularly in terms of... more
During World War I, the US Congress made it unlawful to speak against the war. The executive prosecuted many for doing so and when tried at the Supreme Court it upheld the sentences. During the Iraq War it was not a crime to speak against... more
As megaprojects have become ubiquitous, their real benefits and costs have come under increased scrutiny. We interviewed Bent Flyvbjerg, who has extensively studied megaproject development. Flyvbjerg has found systematic problems in the... more
This book (and associated CD-Rom) is a commented edition of a geo-referenced database for one century of demographic and administrative follow-up of all localities, cities and territories in South Africa from 1911. In all, the 20 000... more
"Este artículo describe uno de los hechos geográficos más relevantes que se da en los municipios del litoral y prelitoral valenciano: el proceso de suburbanización desencadenado como consecuencia de la década de enorme auge inmobiliario... more
Recent upsurge of interest on the fate of the State as a social and political formation has ostensibly placed Geography on an advantageous position, as many related debates largely rely on geographical tools to explain the occurring... more
Listening to music calls forth a construction of meaning as the result of an interaction with the sound. This process of sense-making can keep pace with the unfolding through time but it can keep distance with respect to the sonorous... more
Improving the use of vector data in web mapping is often shown as an important challenge. Such shift from raster to vector web maps would open web mapping and GIS to new innovations and new practices. The main obstacle is a performance... more
In last decades a key problem in adopting technologies in planning process was a chronic lack of data. But in recent times, such problem was inverted due to the overabundance of data produced in different periods, with various purposes,... more
Tirazhi 300 kopje © Bashkim IDRIZI Të gjitha të drejtat për kopjim dhe ribotim i ka vetëm autori i librit. [email protected] Prindërve të mi Rufije dhe Xhemaludin IDRIZI, të cilët kanë meritë më të madhe për ndjekjen e rrugës për... more
Internet maps could be improved with the use automated mapping methods, especially automated generalisation techniques. This article analyses why automated generalisation is not used in web mapping and presents a some solutions to plug... more
A common way of discussing generalisation is to search for one conception – a monist view. Another approach is to create a dichotomy between quantitative and qualitative research, each having a single definition – a dualist perspective. A... more
Matching of building polygons with different levels of detail is crucial in the maintenance and quality assessment of multirepresentation databases. Two general problems need to be addressed in the matching process: (1) Which criteria are... more
PREFACE The book “General cartography with cartographic generalisation” came as a result of an engagement, lasting several years, in the field of cartography, post-graduate studies, as well as the performed practical analyses during... more
Color, as an informational element and graphic tool applied by the usability of informational systems, influences the visibility, legibility and hability of recognizing and understanding visual elements of graphic systems. The aim of this... more
long-term uncertainty due to land use change and policy decisions). Sources of uncertainty arise from nonrecurrent congestion because of accidents, earthquake, traffic signal failure, or road maintenance or because of recurrent... more
The field of Qualitative Spatial Reasoning is now an active research area in its own right within AI (and also in Geographical Information Systems) having grown out of earlier work in philosophical logic and more general Qualitative... more
Simulating the structure and evolution of complex networks is an area that has recently received considerable attention. Most of this research has grown out of the physical sciences, but there is growing interest in their application to... more
This chapter reviews recent development in terrain generalisation. The focus is put on cartographic generalisation where the terrain representation is adapted with consideration to the aesthetics and legibility of the map for a specific... more
Unlike the simplification of independent line features, the generalization of terrain contour is to handle the "line group", which describes the geomorphologic characteristics, such as the terrain valley and ridge. In decision level, the... more
The usability of a system is defined as its capability of being used easily and effectively by a specific range of users to perform a specific range of tasks within a specific range of environments. Aiming to investigate the effects of... more
Este trabalho apresenta um método para generalização cartográfica automática de bases cadastrais contendo arruamentos usando algoritmos de processamento digital de imagens (PDI). A implementação de algoritmos robustos e eficientes para... more
In last decades a key problem in adopting technologies in planning process was a chronic lack of data. But in recent times, such problem was inverted due to the overabundance of data produced in different periods, with various purposes,... more