В статье представлены результаты первого этапа разработки Единой геолого-картографической модели, предназначенной для технологического обеспечения мониторинга государственных геологических карт масштаба 1 : 1 000 000 территории Российской... more
This thesis investigates a new protocol, iFlame, designed to provide highly scalable, distributed, real-time communication systems for the Internet. Scalabilityisachieved by using a client-oriented model rather than a more traditional... more
Ndër metodat e përdorura për studimin e ashpërsisë së sipërfaqeve, përparësi kanë metodat e matjes pa kontakt, të cilat bazohen në matjen e lartësisë së parrafshësive me anë të sistemeve optike që përdorin rrezatimin laser. Këto metoda... more
Contactless methods are actually the most widely used testing methods to measure the roughness of the surface of textile fabrics. The method uses the scattering of a laser beam from small surface pixels to measure their heights.... more
Leksion per studentet e matematikes, inxhinierise, arkitektures, dhe studime masteri. Numrat komplekse: perkufizime, paraqitjet gjeometrike, dhe operacionet me numreat komplekse.
This report describes the results of NCGIA Initiative 3 on Multiple Representations. It begins with a discussion of objectives and the process of developing a research agenda. Each of the major research activities is discussed. The... more
In recent years national mapping agencies have increasingly integrated automatic map generalization methods in their production lines. This raises the question of how to assess and assure the quality of mapping products such as digital... more
Systems and methods for transaction pre-fetching, processing and provisioning through smart vehicle electronic system and back-end cloud infrastructure are disclosed. In one embodiment, a method for partitioning a transaction to be... more
Today, modern cartography includes a broad range of applications such as digital maps, digital mapping products, alternative forms of visualization and analysis of digital geospatial data. It addresses the development of a... more
ABSTRACT: Safety of crew, passengers, cargo and vessel is the most important aspect in terms of navigation. Boat Captain’s is responsible for the safety of vessel of less than 35GRT. The primary reason while MARINA conducting the MBSTC... more
Point features on topographic maps should be generalized through scale with respect to contextual, thematic information attributed to them. Also, because point features are typically presented with labels, their generalization should... more
Mereotopologies have traditionally been defined in terms of the intersection of point sets representing the regions in question. Whilst these semantic schemes work well for purely topological aspects, they do not give any semantic insight... more
Level of service (LOS) is used as the main indicator of transport quality on urban roads and it is estimated based on the travel speed. The main objective of this study is to determine which of the existing models for travel... more
During the last decade we have attended to an impressive development of mobile communications which, unfortunately, deaf and hearing-impaired community cannot (in principle) take advantage of. In order to favour this people to take part... more
Geographic information systems (GIS) deal with data which can potentially be useful for a wide range of applications. However, the information needs of each application usually vary, specially in resolution, detail level, and... more
Объекты геологического наследия геохимического типа многочисленны, однако информация о них крайне скудна, а теоретическая основа для их выделения в должной мере не разработана. Согласно предлагаемому определению, они характеризуются... more
When users zoom in or out on a digital map, the map should change correspondingly to present geographical information at proper levels. A way to help map users better keep track of their interested objects is to change the map smoothly... more
During the last decade we have attended to an impressive development of mobile communications which, unfortunately, deaf and hearing-impaired community cannot (in principle) take advantage of. In order to favour this people to take part... more
Cartographic generalization is one of the most unpleasant problems in cartography. Traditionally, in this process has dominated the manual method conducted individually and subjectively. Because of the subjective nature of cartographic... more
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective
(2001), graduada pela Esdi/Uerj (1996) e mestre em Design pela PUC-Rio (1998). Atualmente é docente do Mestrado em Design na UFPR, vice-coordenadora da graduação em design. É Bolsista de Produtividade em Pesquisa do CNPq (PQ 2), e seu... more
Cartographic design requires controllable methods and tools to produce maps that are adapted to users' needs and preferences. The formalized rules and constraints for cartographic representation come mainly from the conceptual... more
Proposta de metodologia para generalização cartográfica para mapeamento topográfico de áreas urbanas
La generalización cartográfica consiste en la preservación de las características de los elementos representados en una carta topográfica cuando su escala es reducida, de forma que la información pueda ser comprendida fácilmente por el... more
OpenStreetMap is a collaborative mapping tool in which users actively include, transform and exclude geographic data. Consequently, the quality and consistency of the information made available in the tool is of constant concern. To... more
Tactile maps are essential tools for visually impaired people to comprehend space and to support the simple pedestrian trips made difficult by their disability. Tactile maps are created manually and printed by specialists, and it takes a... more
Whatever the data source, or the capture process, the creation of a building footprint in a geographical dataset is error prone. Building footprints are designed with square angles, but once in a geographical dataset, the angles may not... more
Geoportals and geovisualization tools provide to users various cartographic abstractions that describe differently a geographical space. Our purpose is to be able to design cartographic continuums, i.e. a set of in-between maps allowing... more
Cartographic generalisation is a process similar to text summarization that transforms a map when scale is reduced. Cartographic generalisation simplifies the map content while preserving as much as possible the initial characteristics... more
OpenStreetMap data comprise of very detailed (e.g. zebra crossing) and quite rough features (e.g. built-up area). But making large scale maps from data with inconsistent level of detail often blurs map comprehension. This paper explores... more
Map generalization abstracts and simplifies geographic information to derive maps at smaller scales. The automation of map generalization requires techniques to evaluate the global quality of a generalized map. The quality and legibility... more
La généralisation cartographique a pour objectif de simplifier l'information géographique d'une base de données pour produire une carte lisible à plus petite échelle. Depuis une vingtaine d'années, la recherche en généralisation a permis... more
Alors qu'il est possible de définir le niveau de détail de bases de données géographiques classiques, cela n'est pas le cas pour les données collaboratives, qui contiennent fréquemment des niveaux de détail hétérogènes. Cette... more
This article presents how a generative adversarial network (GAN) can be employed to produce a generalised map that combines several cartographic themes in the dense context of urban areas. We use as input detailed buildings, roads, and... more
Visually impaired people cannot use classical maps but can learn to use tactile relief maps. These tactile maps are crucial at school to learn geography and history as well as the other students. They are produced manually by professional... more
A multitude of calculi for qualitative spatial reasoning (QSR) have been proposed during the last two decades. The number of practical applications that make use of QSR techniques is, however, comparatively small. One reason for this may... more
The paper is concerned with the qualitative representation of spatiotemporal relations. We initially propose a multiresolution framework for the representation of relations among 1 D intervals, based on a binary string encoding, We... more
(MVVM) është një model arkitekture në zhvillimin e softuerit, dizajnuar për të ndarë zhvillimin e ndërfaqes grafike të përdoruesit (GUI) nga logjika e biznesit. Kjo shabllon përdor një strukturë të përdorshme me tre komponentë kryesorë:... more
Bulletin d'information de l'IGN N°70Ce numéro présente les progrès de la recherche réalisée au cours de l'année 1 998 à I'IGN. Les sujets plus particulièrement traités concernent l'extraction de détails topographiques... more
A workshop comprising experts in the field of map generalization came together with experts in ontological modelling in order to explore the role of ontologies in map generalization. A sequence of participatory activities identified the... more
Automatic map generalization is a complex task that is still a research problem and requires the development of research prototypes before being usable in productive map processes. In the meantime, reproducible research principles are... more
This research is concerned with automating the generalisation of topographic databases, in order to produce topographic maps. We use an agent-oriented approach: the geographic features (roads, rivers, buildings etc.) are modelled as... more
Depuis quelques années, les travaux sur les SMA multi-niveaux ont pris une importance croissante. Devant la diversité des modèles proposés, nous pensons qu'il est utile d'identifier des situations récurrentes et de les caractériser d'une... more
Process modelling has always been an important part the research in generalisation. While in the early days, this would take the form of a static sequence of generalisation actions, today the focus is on modelling much more complex... more