Manuscript Studies
Recent papers in Manuscript Studies
In the middle of the 20th century the texts of two waqf documents, drawn up in the 11th century in Arabic in Samarḳand, were discovered, which are of great significance for studying the history and culture of Central Asia of the... more
Internation conference organized by the United Scientific Council for Social Science and Humanities, the Saint Petersburg Institut of History, the German Historical Institute in Moscow, the National Library of Russia and the State... more
A group of medical historians and paleographers has teamed up informally to create a "Medicine in the Long 12th Century Working Group." More than 500 extant manuscripts from this period have been identified as containing Latin medical... more
In 1850, after five years of planning, Liszt began composing music for his Italian opera, _Sardanapalo_, after Byron. It was central to his ambition to attain status as a European composer, but he abandoned the project halfway through. La... more
Khristiansky Vostok 9/15 (2021) 77–94
It was not until the second decade of the twelfth century that Carolingian script started to be used in Galicia, closing the cycle of more than 200 years of use of Visigothic script as the main graphic system in the north-western Iberian... more
This article traces the pictorial lineages of images collected in one of the two Thun-Hohenstein albums through comparative analyses of fight books produced in the German-speaking lands, and considers how the representational strategies... more
The illustrations of the Benedictine monk, artist, and chronicler Matthew Paris offer a gateway into the thirteenth-century world. This new study of his cartography emphasizes the striking innovations he brought to it, and shows how the... more
Le succès rapide que connut la facture traditionnelle de Robert Boyvin dans les années 1490 et son adaptation difficile au contexte des années 1510, marquées par l’adoption croissante du goût à l’antique, font de lui un témoin privilégié... more
The paper provides a translation of the colophons to the Persian Gospels’ manuscripts in Armenian script (Matenadaran N 8492 and N 3044), in which the history of the manuscripts is recounted. This leads us to interpret the reasons... more
This article presents a manuscript that significantly enriches the textual corpus of ›Helfta Mysticism‹ with a series of hitherto unknown writings. Aside from this, it contains what is by some distance the oldest copy of the ›Legatus... more
So far, studies of Pelplin's manuscripts have focused exclusively on selected, most prominent volumes with signatures 23 (19), 43 (79), L 13. Some scholars have attempted to attribute to Pelplin's Cistercian scriptorium also manuscripts 2... more
This note identifies a further six manuscripts containing Matthew Paris' 'Flores historiarum' and continuations, bringing the total number of known copies to twenty six.
Édition établie, présentée et annotée par Bruno Ligore, préface de Flavia Pappacena, avec un essai d'Audrey Gay-Mazuel, conservatrice du patrimoine au musée des Arts décoratifs de Paris
Appena tornato a Firenze [sc. da Padova, nell'aprile 1351] il Boccaccio si propose di donare al suo ospite, forse una copia della corrispondenza tra Dante e Giovanni del Virgilio, certo un esemplare della Commedia. E da uno scrittoio... more
Parmi les œuvres conservées du Moyen Âge, il en est certaines qui, fortes de l’aura de chef-d’œuvre qui leur est associée, incarnent l’émergence de nouvelles formes et de nouvelles techniques picturales. Deux d’entre elles sont exposées... more
Research in progress in the light of a diplomatic editio princeps of Lamii Çelebi's MS 2465/2, Konya Mevlânâ Müzesi İhtisas Kütüphanesi, on Sultan Bayezid II's conquest of Lepanto, Modon and Coron (1500).
With their rich pictorial content, the illustrated manuscripts have been of high interest for the scholars and researchers of art history. An Ottoman- Turkish illustrated manuscript, Süleymanname is an official history book produced in... more
"The sea monsters on medieval and Renaissance maps, whether swimming vigorously, gamboling amid the waves, attacking ships, or simply displaying themselves for our appreciation, are one of the most visually engaging elements on these... more
The teachings of the tantric lineage of the Zur clan, which flourished in West Tibet during the early second millennium, have remained a missing element in the history of the “ancient,” Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism. While the... more
Major revision of paper given at 2013 Yoga in Transformation conference in Vienna.
Liber antiphonarium Ms. 8, Archivo Capitular de León Copistas: Totmundo y Arias. Procedente del Monasterio de San Cipriano de las Riberas del Porma. s. X, aunque varios folios añadidos del s. XI. Pergamino, 306 f., 330 x 240 mm.... more
The Amṛtasiddhi is the first text to teach many of haṭhayoga's central principles and practices. This paper shows that it was composed by Vajrayāna Buddhists.
The colophons of the Armenian manuscripts take a special place with their original and rich information among the medieval Armenian written monuments. In the work we have attempted to thoroughly examine the components of the Armenian... more
The Diocesan library in Pelplin contains several manuscripts which originate from its mother monastery in Doberan. They probably came here with the first monks from Doberan to the newly founded monastery in Pogódki (1258) which moved to... more
Bu makale, Suleymaniye Kutuphanesi, Yazma Bagislar, no. 2461'da bulunan mecmuanin icerigini tartismaktadir. Bu mecmuaya dayanarak Michael Reinhard Hes, Hurufilik hakkinda bazi sonuclara ulasmis ve "Qualified heterodoxy in a 17th... more
Hillel Zeitlin (1871-1942) was the leading figure of what may be called philosophical neo-Hasidism among Eastern European Jews in the pre-Holocaust era. A tireless author, journalist, and polemicist, he published constantly in both the... more
A discussion of how G.R.S. Mead shaped 20th-century Anglophone discourse about Gnosticism decades prior to the Nag Hammadi discovery, through his interpretation of the Askew and Bruce Codices, and his popularization of the work of Berlin... more
This article discusses the content of a manuscript which is kept in Süleymaniye Library, Yazma Bağışlar, no. 2461. Based on this manuscript, Michael Reinhard Heß reached some conclusions on Hurufism in his article "Qualified heterodoxy in... more
"Jeder Lumpenhund sagt: nur Weiber können Briefe schreiben; denn Briefe erfordern eine Leichtigkeit, ein ungezwungenes Uebergehen von einer Materie zur andern, und Männer bleiben immer bei der Schnur.” — Diese Passage aus einem Brief... more