Manuscript Editing
Recent papers in Manuscript Editing This list provides hyperlinks to roughly 1400 libraries and archives that digitized their medieval manuscript collections. I also added hyperlinks to the Catalogue général... more
Reviews, Bibliographical Notes 317 teritorială), municipiul și regiunea. De reținut este faptul că, deși nu a devenit lege, acest proiect a servit ca bază viitoarelor legiferări din domeniul administrativ.
Scientific Manuscript Editing : 7 Tips on How to Respond to Revision Requests.
Son ya muchos los investigadores que han dedicado su atención al estudio del monasterio de Caaveiro, incrementando con sus estudios -la mayor parte publicados en esta revista 2 -nuestros conocimientos acerca de este cenobio gracias a la... more
Background. It is well established that handwriting fluency constrains writing quality by limiting resources for higher order processes such as planning and reviewing. According to the ‘simple view of writing’ then slow keyboarding speed... more
Obwohl das Werk von Jorge de Câmara (1649) zu Lebzeiten des Dichters nicht veröffentlicht wurde, ist es zweifelsohne klar, dass er eine bedeutende Figur in der portugiesischen Literatur des 17. Jahrhunderts war: Wegen seiner freudevollen... more
تصحیح جدیدی از کتاب عجایب الدنیا به تصحیح آقای علی نویدی ملاطی از بنیاد موقوفات دکتر محمود افشار با همکاری نشر سخن در سال 1397 منتشر شد. این تصحیح بر پایۀ سه نسخه و یک چاپ از این اثر صورت گرفته که بررسی این منابع نشاندهندۀ موارد متعدد و... more
On 2 February 2017 at the Second Graduate Conference on Book History, a conference held at Utrecht University, we spoke on our research of a quire that was misplaced in the wrong manuscript codex. In this twenty-minute paper we describe... more