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Extrusion-based bioprinting (EBB) is a rapidly growing technology that has made substantial progress during the last decade. It has great versatility in printing various biologics, including cells, tissues, tissue constructs, organ... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringBiomaterials EngineeringChemical EngineeringChemistry
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‘As industry practitioners know well from experience, generalization is hard to come by. Whether it's manufacturing, services, or something in between, it's the details that seem to matter most when it comes to determining outcomes. The... more
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      Economic GeographyInnovation statisticsManufacturingAdvanced Manufacturing
The mica group of sheet silicate (phyllosilicate) minerals includes several closely related materials having nearly perfect basal cleavage. All are monoclinic, with a tendency towards pseudohexagonal crystals, and are similar in chemical... more
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      BusinessManufacturingStrategy (Business)Business Plan
Automation impacts wage levels at the micro-level, and the structure of employment at the macro-level. Job polarisation is defined as the automation of ‘middle-skill’ jobs that require routine cognitive and manual applications while high... more
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      ManufacturingIndiaAutomationSupply-Side Economics
The purpose of this study was to determine the role of pull scheduling on supply chain performance in the manufacturing sector. The study employed a case study design. The target population comprised of 150 employees of LBDA sampled... more
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      ManagementSupply Chain ManagementManufacturing
3-D printing has entered the consumer market because of recent radical price declines. Consumers can save substantial money by offsetting purchases with DIY pre-designed 3-D printed products. However, even more value can be obtained with... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer Aided EngineeringComputer EngineeringManufacturing
Market globalization has brought us not only new opportunities, but also new challenges. The theme of innovation has become a mandatory topic for all industries -it has become a focal point for the enterprise, society and the world. The... more
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      DesignManufacturingProduct DesignStrategic Planning
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      ManufacturingHuman Resource ManagementRecruitment and Selection
Within microbiology, a shift is taking place from simple laboratory studies toward greater use of risk assessment and management]. Sometimes these approaches form part of a drug company’s total quality system; sometimes they exist as... more
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      PharmacyManufacturingPharmaceuticsSterility assurance
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringManufacturingAeronautical Engineering
Secretaria Geral do Cedeplar Maristela Dória (secretária-geral) Simone Basques Sette (editoração) * Trabalho desenvolvido no NEMEA (Núcleo de Estudos em Modelagem Econômica e Ambiental Aplicada) do... more
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      EconomicsManufacturingComputable General EquilibriumEstudos Socio-Econômicos Da Cultura
The anaerobic digestion of glycerol derived from biodiesel manufacturing, in which COD was found to be 1010 g/kg, was studied in batch laboratory-scale reactors at mesophilic temperature using granular and non-granular sludge. Due to the... more
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In this study wastewater management options were investigated in terms of sustainability for an industry manufacturing 300 tons of energy drinks daily. A two stage management approach covering both in-plant control and end-of-pipe... more
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      EngineeringManufacturingFeasibility StudyDesalination
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      Intellectual PropertyManufacturingComputer HardwareInnovation Management
Low-power laser scanning techniques provide a powerful tool for a diverse range of automatic inspection tasks. They are more suitable for high component feed rates, less sensitive to changes in ambient lighting and their output requires... more
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      ManufacturingAdvanced ManufacturingManufacturing ProcessesManufacturing Engineering
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A high-power high-performance variable-speed drive system using a cycloconverter-fed synchronous motor is described. The control uses the field-orientation principle to give the drive system good steadystate and dynamic performance... more
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      EngineeringManufacturingControl SystemsReference Frame
Artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping the organizations and society because of its pervasiveness capacity. AI refers to machines (robots, computers, etc.) making tasks that typically demand specific human intelligence. Moreover, AI... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceManufacturingData Analytics
One of the key advantages of additive manufacturing (AM) is its digital thread, which allows for rapid communication, iteration, and sharing of a design model and its corresponding physical representation. While this enables a more... more
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      CommunicationCybercrimesManufacturingDigital Media & Learning
STEP-compliant CNC is the next-generation CNC controller, taking the STEP-NC data model as the interface scheme between CAM and CNC and carrying out various intelligent functions. At the moment, efforts are being made worldwide to... more
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      Applied MathematicsManufacturingManufacturing systemsManufacturing Engineering
This article contains the results produced by an international group of industrial managers, engineers, consultants and researchers who came together in a Roundtable meeting to formulate recommendations for integrating people,... more
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      ManufacturingHumanBusiness and ManagementManufacturing Engineering
The Economist (UK) invited me to participate in their periodic online debate series with World Bank economist, Wolfgang Fengler, about the need for industrialization in Africa. The 3-part series was posted online during March 12 – 22,... more
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      Development EconomicsDevelopment StudiesGlobalizationManufacturing
The Turkish textile and ready-made industry is mostly export-oriented and has a salient place both in our country's economy as well as in the world market. In this study, according to the lower area of the textile sector in Turkey, it is... more
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      ManufacturingSmart Textile
This paper discusses what is known about the life-cycle burdens of lithium ion batteries. Constituent-material production and the subsequent manufacturing of batteries are emphasized. Of particular interest is estimation of the impact of... more
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      Civil EngineeringManufacturingProductionRecycling
A digital seismic measuring chain is an electromechanical system able to record the lowest natural ground motions observable on Earth but also to measure signals from largest earthquakes. Its cornerstones are an inertial seismometer and a... more
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      ManufacturingInterferometryOptical SensorTransducers
For the past three years the Design Innovation Group at the Open University in collaboration with Vivien Walsh at UMIST has been examining the processes, practices and management of product design, development and innovation in several... more
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      Information SystemsManufacturingDesign studiesPlastics
Large amounts of fly ash (FA) and limestone powder (LP) wastes are accumulating in countries all over the world. Most of these wastes are abandoned and cause certain serious environmental problems and health hazards. In this study, LP... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringMaterials ScienceManufacturing
An experiment on surface coating of ceramic tiles with titanium dioxide (TiO2) pigmented acrylate formulations have been done using UV-curing system. A coating formulation is the mixture of epoxy acrylate resin (80 mass% aromatic epoxy... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringManufacturingCeramics
A 25k gate Test Chip was designed and manufactured to evaluate different test methods for scan-designed circuits. The design of the chip, the experiment, and preliminary experimental results were presented at ITC'95. This paper presents... more
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      ManufacturingFailure AnalysisChipExperimental Tests
The fixed partial denture produced by conventional method is greatly relied on the skill and experience of dental technician. Its quality and accuracy depends mostly on the technician's subjective judgment. In addition, the manual... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringManufacturingTomographyTeeth
Porous silicon carbide (SiC) ceramics with different pore size were prepared from SiC powders, an aluminum yttrium garnet (Y3Al5O12, YAG) as a sintering additive, and three different sizes of templates (polymer microbeads) by a... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMicrostructureManufacturing
Porous cordierite ceramics with controlled porosity were fabricated via a reaction sintering using expandable microspheres as sacrificial templates and ceramics-filled polysiloxane as a precursor for cordierite ceramics. The influence of... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMicrostructureManufacturing
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      ManufacturingBiotechnologyAntibodiesMolecular cloning
The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-Ray analysis of the Al-Fe alloy revealed the formation of varying ironaluminide intermetallic compounds. The Al-Fe alloys were produced by varying the composition of Fe. The... more
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      ManufacturingMetal CastingWelding Metallurgy
The two-part article aimed to investigate poloxamer 407-based microspheres as a novel platform for enhancing and controlling the delivery of atenolol across the oromucosal tissue. In the Part I of the work, atenolol-loaded poloxamers 407... more
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      DesignManufacturingScanning Electron MicroscopyPowder Diffraction
Today, many knowledge-based technology applications form a business ecosystem: a set of complex products and services made by multiple firms in which no firm is dominant. For this paper the emerging radio frequency ID (RFID) ecosystem was... more
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      Management Information SystemsManufacturingSpace TechnologyEcosystems
The standard operation of companies involves managing risk, whether that risk comes from safety or financial factors. Despite this fact, most companies do little or nothing to manage the safety or financial risk related to their... more
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      ManufacturingIndustrial DesignLean ManufacturingIndustrial Engineering
This paper presents an empirical study aimed at investigating the adoption of manufacturing intangible technologies in small manufacturing supplying firms that are located in late developing areas. Manufacturing intangible technologies... more
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      Quality ManagementManufacturingSmall BusinessLean Manufacturing
Recently, Ahmadi and Tang (1991) demonstrated how various manufacturing problems can be modeled and solved as graph partitioning problems. They use Lagrangian relaxation of two different mixed integer programming formulations to obtain... more
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      Applied MathematicsVlsi DesignManufacturingProgramming
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      EconomicsManufacturingChinaLatin America
Family businesses are important contributors to wealth and employment creation in any country. Indeed the economic landscape of most nations remains dominated by family firms. In Kenya, one of the Vision 2030 objectives is to create new... more
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      BusinessManufacturingSuccession PlanningGrowth strategy
The study aims to examine the impact of liquidity and solvency management on the financial performance of Jordanian manufacturing companies listed on the Amman Stock Exchange, for a period of 10 years from 2010 to 2019. The size of the... more
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      EconomicsPerformance StudiesManufacturingManufacturing systems
Multi-axis slicing for solid freeform fabrication (SFF) manufacturing process can yield non-uniform thickness layers, or 3-D layers. Using the traditional parallel layer construction approach to build such a layer leads to a staircase... more
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Despite the claims on how stakeholders could benefit from electronic marketplaces (eMarketplaces), the actual user take-up of eMarketplaces have been modest and in many cases even failed to deliver their promises. We believe this is due... more
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      BusinessFinanceInformation TechnologyManufacturing
The manufacturing company under consideration recorded the high accident rates for last few years. These accidents cause the organization the heavy man-day loss, the production loss and heavy costs of insurance. The objective of health... more
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      EngineeringManufacturingSix SigmaSafety
Effect of friction stir welding (FSW) tool geometries on aluminium welds were investigated using different tool shoulder and pin probe geometry profiles. A combination of 27 tool shoulder and pin profile geometries were used for the... more
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      ManufacturingManufacturing Engineering
A reliability capability assessment process can assist OEMs and system integrators in assessing prospective suppliers for their ability to design and manufacture reliable products before they are delivered for use, and on an ongoing... more
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      StatisticsSupply Chain ManagementAssessmentManufacturing
In this paper we ask what can account for the continuing strong preference for academic education in Africa where the level of development is so low and there are few wage jobs and which form of educational investment, the academic or... more
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      EconomicsManufacturingProfitabilityWorld Development
The conversion of wood-based fiberboard materials into crack-free, monolithic, porous hard carbons is of significant interest due to their ability to perform in a multifunctional capacity. Three varieties of carbonized medium-density... more
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