MSME Marketing Strategy In The Framework of Public Welfare Improvement in Southeast Sulawesi Province. This research aims to identify and analyze (1) marketing aspect seen from internal and external environment faced by MSME in Southeast...
moreMSME Marketing Strategy In The Framework of Public Welfare Improvement in Southeast Sulawesi Province. This research aims to identify and analyze (1) marketing aspect seen from internal and external environment faced by MSME in Southeast Sulawesi Province, (2) problems faced by MSME making it to be not developed and (3) formulation of appropriate marketing strategy for MSME development. It takes 100 MSMEs as the samples distributed in each regency / city namely : Kendari City, Konawe regency, Kolaka regency, Bombana regency and Bau-Bau city. To identify and evaluate the internal and external factors, it uses Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) and External Factor Evaluation (EFE) matrixes which then analyzed with SWOT analysis. The QSP matrix analysis is used to determined the strategy priority of the SWOT analysis results. It obtains mean of IFE by 2.1978 and EFE by 3,0493 so that it places the MSME in Southeast Sulawesi in the II cel. This position describes that MSMEs in Southeast Sulawesi has weak internal condition and it has strong responses to external factors. Based on QSPM results by multiplying each factor weight and attractiveness value, it results the selected strategy alternative, namely " Designing creative and attractive design so that it can be acceptable by consumers " .