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Sudden Death was a performance created in memory of Teoh Beng Hock. I read your (artist) statement -you were also concerned with the issue of death in police custody, prison and detention camps.
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      DeathPerformance StudiesVisual CulturePerformance Art
Concise and summarised notes for Constitutional Law II
(Not included inside: Police Act)
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      Constitutional LawNotesMalaysian LawFederal Constitution Malaysia
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      Islamic FinanceMalaysian Law
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      Maritime LawLaw of the SeaAdmiralty and maritime lawMalaysian Law
Section 309 of the Penal Code Malaysia criminalises the attempt of suicide with imprisonment of up to one year, fines, or both regardless of the reasons behind the suicide attempt. This law continues to be practised today alongside... more
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      Civil LawMental HealthSuicideSuicide (Psychology)
Malaysia happened to be under British sovereignty for almost 150 years. Under the British influence, it was the principle of British authority to not interfere with local customs and religion subjects. Under the application of law,... more
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      Malaysian LawIslamic Laws of Inheritance
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      Company LawMalaysian Law
Malaysia - Contract law - Mistake - Intention
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      Contract LawLaw of ContractMalaysian Law
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      Company LawMalaysian LawCompany and Commercial Law
This article argues that recurring communal problems in Malaysia can be traced to not only economic and social policies undertaken by pragmatically rather than ideologically-inclined National Front-led governments, but they can also be... more
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      Ethnic StudiesEducationRacial and Ethnic PoliticsHistory of Education
Objective – This paper aims to examine the extent of the personal representative‘s duties and liabilities in dealing with shares on the death of a shareholder. The paper also analyses the procedure to administer the shares and the... more
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    • Malaysian Law
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      Company LawMalaysian LawCompany and Commercial Law
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      Malaysian LawUITM SHAH ALAM
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      Law of evidenceMalaysian LawCLPCLP notes
Tulisan ini menjelaskan mengenai pembahagian harta pusaka orang Islam di Mahkamah Syariah Negeri Sabah. Beberapa aspek seperti sejarah dan perkembangan pembahagian harta orang Islam di Sabah turut dikupas melalui 4 fasa bermula sebelum... more
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      LawIslamic LawEducational ResearchCourts
This paper examines the constitutional history of Malaysia and its development since Independence. This paper argues that the nature and intent of the original 1957 constitution has been radically altered by the subsequent amendments and... more
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      Constitutional LawSoutheast AsiaMalaysiaMalaysian Constitution
Notes for criminal law on the topic of duress under the Malaysian law.
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      LawCriminal LawMalaysian Law
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      Construction LawTort LawMalaysian LawPure Economic Loss
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      Law of evidenceMalaysian LawCLPHearsay Evidence
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      Malaysian LawSales of Goods LawSale of Goods
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      Law of evidenceMalaysian LawCLPCLP notes
Orang Asli, the heterogeneous Indigenous minority peoples of Peninsular Malaysia, continue to face formidable challenges in realising their rights as distinct Indigenous peoples despite being ascribed a measure of constitutional and... more
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      Orang AsliMalaysian LawEtnik Orang Asli Di Malaysia
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      Administrative LawMalaysian Law
Kebanyakan negara majori Muslim memiliki sistem perundangan yang meliputi peruntukan Islam dan hak-hak liberal. Meskipun kedua-dua elemen tersebut tidak semestinya bercanggahan, komitmen terhadap kedua-duanya menjadi asas, dari segi... more
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      Social MovementsLaw and SocietyPolitical ScienceLiberalism
‘Gender equality’ is not a new concept; in fact the approach had been advocated in Islam based on principles of equity and universal justice. Equality, or its Arabic equivalent musawah, was mentioned in the Qur’an and implemented by the... more
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      Islamic LawGender StudiesWomen's StudiesHuman Rights Law
Essay on Article 5, Federal Constitution of Malaysia
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      Constitutional LawHuman RightsMalaysiaRight to Life
Under Malaysia’s federalism, the legislative powers of the Federation are distributed between the federal and state governments by the Federal Constitution, classified under Federal List, State List and Joint List. Thus state legislature... more
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      Islamic LawConstitutional LawComparative Constitutional LawIslamic Studies
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      Company LawMalaysian LawCompany and Commercial Law
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      Malaysian LawLaw of Agency
Kebanyakan Perlembagaan Persekutuan mengandungi amalan yang diwarisi daripada zaman permerintahan, kecuali peruntukan tentang pentadbiran, parlimen dan kewarganegaraan. Terdapat fasal-fasal yang diwarisi sejak zaman penjajahan dan masih... more
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    • Malaysian Law
Green area has been introduced and well integrated in construction development to balance the development and the nature. The suitable plant and tree been chosen, not only to fulfil the artistic concept of landscape aspect, but also to... more
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      Local GovernmentLandscape PlanningMalaysian LawLocal Authority
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      Law of evidenceMalaysian LawCLP notesCLP evidence
Abstrak Artikel ini membincangkan konsep hak asasi manusia bagi golongan orang kurang upaya (OKU) yang sudah mula mendapat pengiktirafan pada peringkat antarabangsa apabila Konvensyen PBB Hak Orang Kurang Upaya dan Protokol Pilihan... more
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      Constitutional LawHuman Rights LawDisability StudiesDisability Law
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      Law of evidenceMalaysian LawCLPIdentication Evidence
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      Law of evidenceMalaysiaMalaysian LawCLP
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      Law of evidenceMalaysian LawCLPCorroborative Evidence
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      Law of evidenceMalaysian LawCLPCLP notes
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      Contract LawMalaysian Law
It is a trait of naive immature psychology to fall for astonishment. Muslim countries, due to lack of matured and deep understanding of Islam and the lack of willpower from the Muslim rulers, have caused the demise of Islam while being... more
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      Islamic StudiesMalay WorldIslamMalaysian Studies
The form of Islam normatively understood and practised in Malaysia, i.e. Malaysian Islam, has undergone myriad changes since the 1970s as a result of gradual Salafization. Powered by Saudi Arabian largesse and buoyed by the advent of the... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsComparative ReligionSociology of Religion
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      Law of evidenceMalaysian LawCLPCLP notes
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      Law of evidenceMalaysian LawCLPJudicial Notice
Company Law in Malaysia
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      Company LawMalaysian Law
Misplaced Democracy: Malaysian Politics and People is the fruit of a three-year collaboration between academics who have chosen Malaysia as their specialty. Defined by its inter-disciplinarity and covering the fields of urban studies,... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesDemocratizationDemocracySoutheast Asian Politics
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      Law of evidenceMalaysian LawCLPCLP notes
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      Law of evidenceMalaysian LawCLPCLP notes
Kajian Ilmiah bagi memenuhi kriteria Ijazah Sarjana Muda Undang-Undang Universiti Malaya. Melibatkan kajian berhubung perundangan berkaitan dengan hal ehwal penjamin bagi sesuatu pinjaman seperti tanggungjawab penjamin, kontrak jaminan... more
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      Bankruptcy LawMalaysian LawGuaranteeUniversity of Malaya
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      Law of evidenceMalaysian LawCLPExpert opinion evidence
Malay-Muslim identity has been pivotal to the functioning of the modern nation-state that attained independence from Britain on 31 August 1957 as the Federation of Malaya and became Malaysia on 16 September 1963 with the incorporation of... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesSoutheast AsiaMalaysiaIslam in the Southeast Asia