Maker Culture
Recent papers in Maker Culture
xxii congresso da sociedade iberoamericana de gráfica digital 22th conference of the iberoamerican society of digital graphics 07|08|09|novembro|2018 iau usp | são carlos | sp br
xxii congresso da sociedade iberoamericana de gráfica digital 22th conference of the iberoamerican society of digital graphics 07|08|09|novembro|2018 iau usp | são carlos | sp br
3-D printing has entered the consumer market because of recent radical price declines. Consumers can save substantial money by offsetting purchases with DIY pre-designed 3-D printed products. However, even more value can be obtained with... more
Makerspaces4Inclusion project over a period of two years we will produce one set of open educational resources which are based around the maker field and digital fabrication. This compilation of resources has been made by the consortium... more
This paper explores which rules and values are relevant to contemporary practices of hacking and making. It examines how members in hacker-and makerspaces conceptualise their communities and their use of digital technology. Based on... more
Since the beginning of the 2010s, the existence of widespread shared workshops has enabled access to digital manufacturing tools. Mainly located in urban areas, these facilities seek to make means of production, to design, prototype and... more
Maker and DIY cultures, as well as the trend towards personal fabrication have gained recent visibility in HCI research. While first reflecting on makers as a new user and “social actor”, current r ...
The city of Piacenza hosts a significant portion of newcomers compared to the number of residents. However, the lack of communication between the two is also straightforward in the urban context. In this regard, an abandoned place near to... more
Eğitim içeriklerinin aktarımı için günümüzdeki en yaygın yaklaşım olarak FeTeMM (STEM) kavramı ve yapısı benimsenmektedir. Kodlama bilgisi ile birlikte yaparak öğrenme (Maker Hareketi) yöntemi de bu genel yapının kapsamı dâhilinde... more
The world is changing through the Digitalization trend such as Industry 4.0 where manufacturing transforms from quantity production to individual production. For enabling this transition, we need more skilled professionals in STEAM... more
As we transition into new technologic eras where technology seems more ubiquitous and blended with our everyday things, the need for good Design becomes compelling to ease the relationship between these things and people. In many cases,... more
En s'appuyant sur des exemples concrets, cet article montre la façon dont le modèle de l'atelier de fabrication numérique (Fablab) peut contribuer, d'une part, au renforcement de la formation technique et professionnelle (FTP) et, d'autre... more
Neste artigo se apresenta as experiências de um projeto de extensão da UNESP chamado Sagui Lab, que promove práticas de criação colaborativa, a multidisciplinaridade, o uso de espaço compartilhado, técnicas de fabricação digital e... more
A growing research base has examined the possibilities of makerspaces in education; however, there has been little exploration of how such innovations are folded into formal school structures, like English language arts classrooms. This... more
Recent initiatives by for-profit corporations and funding measures instituted by governments intend to support the preparation of students for careers in computer science and technology. Although such initiatives and measures can indeed... more
Com o recente crescimento do interesse em atividades manuais baseada em tecnologias digitais, espaços de construção começam a fazer parte de projetos educacionais públicos e privados no país. Estes espaços são planejados, construídos e... more
Erschienen und frei zugänglich unter: Sandra Schön und Ebner, Martin (2020). Ziele von Makerspaces. Didaktische Perspektiven. In: Viktoria Heinzel, Tobias Seidl & Richard Stang (Hrsg.), Lernwelt Makerspace, Grundlagen, Konzepte und... more
Estamos atravesando un punto de inflexión epistémico como nunca antes había sucedido. El conocimiento es a tal punto excesivo que impide a las personas “leer” la realidad, esto está generando un nuevo tipo de analfabetismo y brechas... more
The aim of this thesis is to examine in detail the value that letterpress printing provides by connecting people to the craft. By looking at relevant sources from examples of contemporary letterpress work to literature surrounding the... more
Maker culture, the so-called revolution bringing digital fabrication technologies to the common citizen, has gained a lot of ground in the last few years. Maybe too much, in fact. We can of course ignore those people who are only, as... more
Under capitalism, a hierarchical system of organizing individual and societal time, we even name our non-working time as " free time. " Accordingly, we understand free time as those intervals of time spent—itself a capitalist term for... more
Les hackers nous apprennent à voir l'objet par ce dont il est composé. Les makers nous apprennent que posséder une machine ne signifie pas la comprendre et la maîtriser. Dans un environnement technique complexe, face à des objets fermés... more
Do it Yourself (DiY) is a participatory culture which exemplifies a particular ethos in its approach to technology and materials. Rather than engage with 'complete' technologies, such as a technology supplied as ready-to-go item, the DiY... more
With the aggressive cost reductions for 3-D printing made available by the open-source self-replicating rapid prototypers (RepRaps) the economic advantage of custom distributed manufacturing has become substantial. In addition, the number... more
The 2020 toy and game market is projected to be US$135 billion. To determine if 3D printing could affect these markets if consumers offset purchases by 3D printing free designs, this study investigates the 100 most popular downloaded... more
Focusing on current discussions about public library makerspaces, this article reveals how common themes are being discursively constructed in relation to the future of public libraries, maker cultures, and informal learning. The analysis... more
A promising method of enhancing the circular economy is distributed plastic recycling. In this study plastic waste is upcycled into 3-D printing filament with a recyclebot, which is an open source waste plastic extruder. The recyclebot is... more
Neste artigo fazemos uma recuperação histórico-filosófica-cultural da atividade produtiva humana, com o intuito de traçar uma melhor compreensão das comunidades de jogadores e sua respectiva produção. Em um primeiro momento recuperamos as... more