Maintenance Engineering and Management
Recent papers in Maintenance Engineering and Management
A major drawback to Industry 4.0 that few write about is maintenance of an industry 4.0 plant. The maintenance aspect is a much greater and immediate drawback than even the commonly known major concern of security, and the lesser concern... more
ABSTRACT Filler material choice for repair welding of stop valve spindle of thermal power plant by-pass pipeline was presented in this paper. Repair welding of the stop valve spindle was necessary because of plant operating problems due... more
Vertical cylindrical vessel-chambers as a part of coal — drying plants, whose purpose is to collect wastewater, are supported at 3 points in upper dish head area and are made of fine-grained Mn steel plates, joined by welding. Significant... more
You can found the answer for all of this questions in this paper .. What do bearing designation numbers mean? What does C3 in a bearing designation refer to? What does SKF stand for? What does JEM mean in SKF Bearing? What does ZZ mean on... more
AIRCRAFT CONTINUING AIRWORTHINESS METHODOLOGY BASED ON THE CONTROL OF THE MAINTENANCE SYSTEM EFFECTIVENESS. The article outlines some theoretical and methodological aspects of an interface between the continuing airworthiness and... more
A planetary trains for multi-speed is mainly used for automation in industries of automobile. A planetary gear train is represented by a graph. It is identified by (i) number of vertices and their connectivity (ii) number of edges and... more
A practical analysis to forecast an optimal fuel consumption of vessel in relation with main engine maintenance and repair for current container vessel in operation.
Total productive maintenance (TPM) has become one of the most popular maintenance strategies to ensure high machine reliability since it is regarded as an integral part of lean Manufacturing. One of the main objectives of TPM is to... more
This research study proposed a novel algorithm, called time-counter, to optimise inspection intervals of production systems. The developed algorithm was applied to two active draglines. The algorithm evaluated random uptime/downtime... more
this excel made explanation about my presentation Failure Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA) pada Screw Conveyor
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Nom Signification OU La sortie A est générée si au moins une des entrées B1, …, Bn existe ET La sortie A est générée si toutes les entrées B1, …, Bn existent OU exclusif La sortie A est générée si une entrée et une seule Bi (i = 1 à n)... more
Maintenance activities of plant systems and equipment can have a significant impact in reducing the overall plant operational cost, while boosting the efficiency of the plant. Many management personnel still regard plant maintenance as a... more
In food manufacturing, maintenance of manufacturing equipment is one of the most important essentials for an efficient manufacturing as this sector continuously face challenges that makes maintenance very critical due to the nature of... more
— In this paper, a method of designing a hybrid proactive maintenance strategy by incorporating reliability centered maintenance in an existing fixed time maintenance system and riding a curve of maintenance effectiveness for production... more
Condition monitoring enables reliable and economical way of action for maintenance operations in modern industrial plants. Increasing number of measurement points and more demanding problems require automatic fault detection. Advanced... more
The sustainability of a facility over the years after scaling hurdles of design, construction and installations, as well as implementation of design requirements in line with specification is very much important and of great value to the... more
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore the applicability of the Decision Making Grid (DMG) and its usefulness, in practice, in the maintenance of rolling stock in the railway industry. The Class 319 fleet operated by First... more
MACQ : approche inductive mettant en évidence les facteurs pouvant influencer les séquences d'événements conduisant à un scénario d'accident MACQ : méthode bien adaptée pour apprécier les risques dans des installations industrielles... more
This paper presents an analysis of the various costs related to equipment used in heavy construction in order to obtain the hourly operating cost of the equipment, parameter used to evaluate the productivity and viability of equipment for... more
Maintenance KPIs in a Power Plant are mostly used and displayed but what these KPIs indicate and how can these KPIs can be used to asses different ares of your maintenance management is important.
Replacement problems of deteriorating systems have been extensively studied. Typically, the time between failures is characterized by lifetime distribution in which the parameters are estimated from historical data. On the other hand, in... more
Master final thesis. Major Mechanical engineering at Atlantic international university.
The end result of a product is accepted by the consumer, sold and sold. One way for the product to be accepted by the consumer is an attractive appearance that is by painting. in large-scale production of painting process with semi... more
World Class Reliability & Maintenance
This paper would narrate and analyse about the case study of Alaska Airline Flight 261 crashed disaster in year 2000. The case study shows how the impact of the current economic situation in 1990’s forced the Alaska Airline top management... more
Abstract - Activity based costing (ABC) is a method for determining true costs; which has become an important aspect of manufacturing/service organizations and can be defined as a methodology that measures the cost and performance of... more
Vibration Analysis should present 50% of any condition monitoring program. This book include a practical guide to vibration analysis to prepare practitioners for levels I II & III to become certified analyst. Numerous examples with photos... more
Reliability centered maintenance (RCM) has a key role in the quality system of thermal power plants. Electricity production is definitely not only production of a product, but also becomes a customer service. Reliability is the top... more
El objetivo de la presente investigación experimental es evidenciar las pérdidas de energías que se producen en los conductores eléctricos de los sectores industrial, comercial y residencial, y que generan un impacto económico. A través... more
Type feasibility through preliminary design for minimum available data. Adequate to start detailed design stage. Elements of Electrical Power Station Design M.V. Deshpande.... more
This study established factors affecting port infrastructure asset maintenance management at the port of Dar es Salaam. The specific objectives of the study are to, identify current infrastructure maintenance management practices of the... more
Maintenance industrielle
This report deals mainly with maintenance of agricultural machinery in the Ho Municipality. The report emphasizes the tractor, because it is the major tool for agricultural mechanization in the Ho Municipality. The report aims to... more
International Standard Book Number-10: 0-8493-7243-7 (Hardcover) International Standard Book Number-13: 978-0-8493-7243-8 (Hardcover) Library of Congress Card Number 2005056882
Ensembles minimaux de composants dont la défaillance entraîne la panne du système Coupes minimales classées par ordre d'importance Coupes critiques PRESENTATION DE LA METHODE ADD Méthode ADD : inventée par WATSON en 1962 dans Les... more
This work concerns the study of the multicriteria and multiobjective aspects related to the industrial management. This is why it was an obligation, at the first stage of the study, to define the sub-domains by which we are interested,... more
Maintenance is an important part of any organization and it has a significant impact over management operations. After over years of research and practical implications, maintenance has been recognized as a strategic problem of a company.... more
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