Recent papers in Magnetometry
Experimental studies have suggested a role for iron accumulation in the pathology of TBI. Magnetic field correlation MR imaging is sensitive to the presence of non-heme iron. The aims of this study are to 1) assess the presence, if any,... more
Detection of unmarked burials with geophysical methods of survey have had mixed results in the past, both in the archaeological domain as in the forensic science domain. Each method has shown several limitations on their own. The... more
The use of contemporary technology is widely recognised as a key tool for enhancing competitive performance in swimming. Video analysis is traditionally used by coaches to acquire reliable biomechanical data about swimming performance;... more
Magnetic prospection was applied for the first time to archaeology in 1956, and over the years since then, it has become one of the most important archaeological methods for the detection and mapping of buried remains at large... more
Sudden Storm Commencements (SSCs) are a geomagnetic storm phenomenon observable in magnetometer data as a "spike" near the onset of a storm. They are characterised by a sudden, near-simultaneous global rapid increase in the rate of change... more
Der Muppberg in Neustadt b. Coburg übt eine imposante Wirkung auf jeden aus, der sich ihm nähert oder ihn gar besteigt. Den Neustadtern gilt er als Wahrzeichen, als Hausberg, den übrigen Bewohnern des Landkreises Coburg immerhin als eines... more
Roman forts: case studies of magnetometer prospection from Egypt, Tunesia and Baden-Wuerttemberg Während generell Stadtanlagen, Einzelsiedlungen sowie Militärbauten der Römerzeit nicht zuletzt aufgrund ihrer intensiven Nutzung, stabilen... more
The goal of this research is to construct a settlement history of Ocmulgee National Monument during the Early Mississippian (ca. A.D 900-1200) and infer changing patterns of social inequality and power relationships. To address the... more
The rise of Cahokia, the largest precontact Native American city north of Mexico, was precipitated by centripetal and centrifugal mobilizations of peoples, ideas, objects, and practices. To interrogate outward Cahokian movements as... more
Sixteenth-century France was a vigorous, expansionist nation emerging from feudalism and dreaming of empire. In May 1565, a French fleet under command of Jean Ribault assembled to re-supply the nascent colony of La Caroline in present-day... more
Fieldwork at Uruk consists of a survey of the environs of Uruk aiming at documenting all archaeological remains in a distance of 3 km around the town. The geophysical survey of the city, started in 2001, continued in its southwestern... more
In cooperation between the Eurasian Department of the German Archaeological Institute Berlin (Germany), the archaeological Institute of the Georgian National Museum Tbilisi (Georgia) and the Geophysics Department of Earth and... more
"The aim of this thesis has been to investigate the benefits, pitfalls and possibilities of using geophysical methods in archaeological projects. This is exemplified by surveys carried out at archaeological sites in different geographical... more
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Within the framework of the cooperation between the Eurasia Department of the German Archaeological Institute Berlin (Germany), the Geophysics Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich... more
Uruk is one of the largest ancient sites in Mesopotamia. At the time the famous city wall was built, at the beginning of the third millennium bc, a city area of 5.5 square kilometers needed to be encompassed, so the city wall was roughly... more
Plural. History. Culture. Society, vol. VII, No. 2, 2019
The Benedictine Convent of Saint John at Müstair is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the eastern part of Switzerland close to South Tyrol’s border (Italy). Known as a well-preserved Carolingian building complex housing Carolingian... more
W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki nieinwazyjnych badań archeologicznych prowadzonych na terenie siedziby rodowej Ciołków w Żelechowie (pow. garwoliński), w latach 2016–2018. Obiekt nieznany dotąd badaczom, wykryty został w wyniku analizy... more
The book addresses a theme that is missing from the Romanian scientific literature. The measurement and detection of magnetic fields has aroused great interest for specialists in various fields. Magnetometry - the measurement and... more
Die Erkundung archäologischer Fundstellen mit geophysikalischen Methoden hat sich zu einem wichtigen Forschungszweig der Altertumswissenschaften entwickelt. Sie dient als ideales Instrument zur Kartierung von Bodendenkmälern sowie der... more
In July 2014, LAMP launched a search for the lost colonization vessels of Jean Ribault. These were re-supply ships intended for the struggling French colony at Fort Caroline in present-day Jacksonville, Florida. After an abortive attack... more