Magnetic energy

298 papers
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Magnetic energy refers to the energy stored in a magnetic field, which arises from the motion of electric charges. It is a form of potential energy that can be converted into kinetic energy, influencing the behavior of charged particles and magnetic materials in various physical systems.
This paper introduces an innovative Magnetic Switch (MFS) designed to control and alter magnetic flux within energy system components, offering an alternative to conventional power electronic devices. The MFS comprises a low-current... more
The Law of Conservation of Energy has stated that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but the energy can be converted from one form to another form. Besides, the law also stated conserved energy loss over time, which means the... more
The influence of initially given small scale magnetic energy(EM (0)) and helicity(HM (0)) on the magnetohydrodynamics(MHD) dynamo was investigated. Equations for EM (t), HM (t), and electromotive force( v × b , EM F ) were derived and... more
We have studied the large scale dynamo process forced with helical magnetic energy (magnetic helicity). The magnetically driven dynamo is not so well studied as kinetically forced dynamo. It has been thought to represent the amplification... more
We demonstrate the conversion process of helical (nonhelical) kinetic energy into magnetic energy using a fieldstructure model based on the magnetic induction equation. This approach aims to explain the generation, transport, and... more
To investigate the effect of energy and helicity on the growth of magnetic field, helical kinetic forcing was applied to the magnetohydrodynamic(MHD) system that had a specific distribution of energy and helicity as initial conditions.... more
The paper deals with the magnetic field and force calculation for device using in magnetic-aided machining (MAM). This recently developed novel manufacturing process has a very special characteristic that the working force is generated by... more
It is shown that a magnetic-pressure-dominated, supersonic jet which expands (or contracts) in response to variations in the confining external pressure can dissipate magnetic energy through field-line reconnection as it relaxes to a... more
In strongly magnetized astrophysical plasma systems, magnetic reconnection is believed to be the primary process during which explosive energy release and particle acceleration occur, leading to significant high-energy emission. Past... more
This paper presents a solely thermal flare, which we detected in the microwave range from the thermal gyro-and free-free emission it produced. An advantage of analyzing thermal gyro emission is its unique ability to precisely yield the... more
We report simulation results for turbulent magnetic reconnection obtained using a newly developed Reynolds-averaged magnetohydrodynamics model. We find that the initial Harris current sheet develops in three ways, depending on the... more
Roles of turbulence in the context of magnetic reconnection are investigated with special emphasis on the mutual interaction between flow (large-scale inhomogeneous structure) and turbulence. In order to evaluate the effective transport... more
We investigate analytically the amplification of a weak magnetic field in a homogeneous and isotropic turbulent flow lacking reflectional symmetry (helical turbulence). We propose that the spectral distributions of magnetic energy and... more
The equations of motion for electromechanical systems are traced back to the fundamental Lagrangian of particles and electromagnetic fields, via the Darwin Lagrangian. When dissipative forces can be neglected the systems are conservative... more
In large scale SMES, huge electromagnetic force caused by high magnetic flelds and coil currents is a serious problem. In order to solve this problem, we propose a concept of Force-Balanced Coil-(FBC) applied to the SMES. The FBC balances... more
The first insitu observation of torsional Alfvén waves during the interaction of large-scale magnetic clouds.
The first insitu observation of torsional Alfvén waves during the interaction of large-scale magnetic clouds.
The coil is a very important element in a wide range of power electrical systems as such used as converter or inverter dedicated to extract and to adapt the value and the shape of the intensity and the voltage delivered by renewable... more
Nonpotential magnetic energy promptly released in solar flares is converted to other forms of energy. This may include nonthermal energy of flare-accelerated particles, thermal energy of heated flaring plasma, and kinetic energy of... more
The magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) sausage tube waves are excited in the magnetic flux tubes by p-mode forcing. These tube waves thus carry energy away from the p-mode cavity which results in the deficit of incident p-mode energy. We calculate... more
Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas, Departamento de Astronomia, Universidade de São Paulo,1226 Matão Street, São Paulo, CEP: 05508-090, Brazil Instituto de Física, Universidade de São Paulo,1371 Matão Street, São... more
The rapid, irreversible change of the photospheric magnetic field has been recognized as an important element of the solar flare process. This Letter reports such a rapid change of magnetic fields during the 2011 February 13 M6.6 flare in... more
The purpose of this study is the application of bistable magnetic device (BMD) to magnetic energy harvesting (MEH). This paper presents the new large-diameter BMD for the application to energy harvesting. To improve the BMD output... more
Magnetic reconnection, topological changes in magnetic fields, is a fundamental process in magnetized plasmas. It is associated with energy release in regions of magnetic field annihilation, but this is only one facet of this process.... more
In this study, we demonstrate closed-loop motion control of self-propelled microjets under the influence of external magnetic fields. We control the orientation of the microjets using external magnetic torque, whereas the linear motion... more
Magnetic reconnection, topological changes in magnetic fields, is a fundamental process in magnetized plasmas. It is associated with energy release in regions of magnetic field annihilation, but this is only one facet of this process.... more
Context. Heating the solar corona requires dissipation of stored magnetic energy, which may occur in twisted magnetic fields. Recently published numerical simulations show that the ideal kink instability in a twisted magnetic thread may... more
Context. Heating the solar corona to several million degrees requires the conversion of magnetic energy into thermal energy. In this paper, we investigate whether an unstable magnetic thread within a coronal loop can destabilise a... more
The energy cascade in magnetohydrodynamics is studied using high resolution direct numerical simulations of forced isotropic turbulence. The magnetic Prandtl number is unity and the large scale forcing is a function of the velocity that... more
Large scale superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) system requires very high magnetic energy density in its superconducting coils to enhance the energy capacity and efficiency of the system. The recent high temperature... more
The Spiral Magnetic Motor, which can accelerate a magnetized rotor through 90% of its cycle with only permanent magnets, was an energy milestone for the 20th century patents by Kure Tekkosho in the 1970's. However, the Japanese company... more
Emergence of complex magnetic flux in the solar active regions lead to several observational effects such as a change in sunspot area and flux embalance in photospheric magnetograms. The flux emergence also results in twisted magnetic... more
In this paper, we study the magnetic reconnection process of energy extraction from a rapidly rotating Kerr-Newman-MOG black hole by investigating the combined effect of black hole charge and the MOG parameter. We explore the energy... more
An analytical model is derived to study the two-dimensional character of axisymmetric, collisionless plasma flow along a guiding magnetic field. This is accomplished using a transformation from cylindrical to magnetic coordinates, which... more
The solutions of the London equations for the magnetic field expulsion from superconductors are presented in this paper for the cylindrical symmetry. The result is analyzed in detail and represented numerically for the case of a uniform... more
The origin and strength of the magnetic field in some systems like active galactic nuclei or gamma-ray bursts is still an open question in astrophysics. A possible mechanism to explain the magnetic field amplification is the... more
This paper presents magnetic flux concentration methods for magnetic energy harvesting module. The purpose of this study is to harvest 1 mW energy with a Brooks coil 2 cm in diameter from environmental magnetic field at 60 Hz. Because the... more
A model of a single ferromagnetic particle with a finite coupling energy of the magnetic moment with the body of the particle is formulated, and regimes of its motion in a rotating magnetic field are investigated. Regimes are possible... more
We report a novel method of determining the average Néel relaxation time and its temperature dependence by calculating derivatives of the measured time dependence of temperature for a frozen ferrofluid exposed to an alternating magnetic... more
A non-contact method, using magnetic drag force principle, was proposed to design the braking systems to improve the shortcomings of the conventional braking systems. The extensive literature detailing all aspects of the magnetic braking... more
A model of a single ferromagnetic particle with a finite coupling energy of the magnetic moment with the body of the particle is formulated, and regimes of its motion in a rotating magnetic field are investigated. Regimes are possible... more
A model is presented for magnetic dissipation imaging and magnetic force gradient imaging obtained with a vibrating ferromagnetic tip and a ferromagnetic thin film sample. Results of calculations are compared to recent experiments and... more
A spectral eddy viscosity and magnetic resistivity subgrid-scale model based on the eddy-damped quasi-normal Markovian (EDQNM) kinetic and magnetic energy transfers is used in large-eddy simulation (LES) of asymptotically large kinetic... more
The torque developed by a small area A δ depends upon the area of the strip and its magnetic flux density. 3 Bsin T i A