Magnetic Material

390 papers
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Magnetic material refers to substances that exhibit magnetic properties, such as ferromagnetism, paramagnetism, or diamagnetism, due to the alignment of their atomic magnetic moments. These materials are characterized by their response to external magnetic fields and are essential in various applications, including electronics, data storage, and magnetic resonance imaging.
In this paper, we reveal the different temperatures recorded in selected magnetic components and, we show the methods of determination and measurement used. As magnetic components have characteristics that strongly depend on the level of... more
Magnetic material is the key component in lot of electromagnetically-based optical to microwave applications. In the case of radio-frequencies/microwave applications, passive components are developed using planar design to facilitate... more
This study investigated the synthesis of magnesium ferrite (MgFe2O4) nanoparticles with cubic symmetry that were prepared by a thermal-treatment method by using a solution that contained poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) as a capping agent and... more
Metamaterials (MMs) are nanocomposite materials consisting of metal-dielectric resonators much smaller in size than the wavelength of the incident light. Common examples of metamaterials are based on split ring resonators (SRRs), parallel... more
The new coordination complexes M(hfac) 2 (TTF±py) 2 (M Cu II , Mn II) in which the paramagnetic transition metal and the organic donor are covalently linked through delocalized p system are prepared aiming with a new approach for the... more
Magnetic chitosan composite (MCC) made by chitosan matrix embedding magnetite/maghemite were developed for the removal of toxic Cu(II), Pb(II), and Ni(II) from water. Thermogravimetric (TGA) and Zeta potential analyses showed that MCC... more
In this study, Fe 2 O 3 •NiO/PANi nanocomposites were prepared and their anticorrosion properties were investigated. The Fe 2 O 3 •NiO nanoparticles were synthesized by precipitation-oxidation methods. Fe 2 O 3 •NiO-PANi nanocomposites... more
In the present paper we discuss antenna miniaturization using magneto-dielectric substrates. Recent results found in the literature reveal that advantages over conventional dielectric substrates can only be achieved if natural magnetic... more
The ability of reduced forms of HAT(CN) 6 to be used as ligands to construct novel magnetic materials is reported and discussed herein. Binary compounds of ®rst row transition metals with discrete or extended polymeric structures are... more
The ability of reduced forms of HAT(CN) 6 to be used as ligands to construct novel magnetic materials is reported and discussed herein. Binary compounds of ®rst row transition metals with discrete or extended polymeric structures are... more
Magnetic FeCo nanoparticles with high saturation magnetization (M s = 148 emu/g) at 15 kOe were prepared by a coprecipitation route. The value of M s for FeCo nanoparticles depends on the ratio of Fe to Co components. The size of the... more
father of Vietnam Nanotechnology, in celebration of his 72nd birthday.
Bahan magnetik (BM) pasir besi alam merupakan salah satu sumber adsorben magnetik. Selain BM, pasir besi alam juga mengandung bahan non-magnetik . Preparasi BM pasir besi dilakukan pada penelitian ini dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan... more
This work reports an efficient and systematic procedure to obtain the complete modal spectrum of multilayer boxed planar lines. The complex propagation constants are obtained by computing the zeros of a properly built analytic complex... more
The primary objective of this work was to evaluate the effectiveness of the MIEX Ò process in removing natural organic matter (NOM) from selected drinking water sources of the City of Istanbul. Raw water samples from five drinking water... more
A mathematical model for leakage reactance calculation using magnetic field analysis is presented. An integral equation for the modelling of unbounded field problems, with constant magnetic permeability of the core, is derived. By the... more
This paper presents 3-D integral approach to the magnetic field and inductance calculations. A minimization of n. INTEGRAL APPROACH thekernel norm has been carried out for the integral equation governing the field. The software package... more
The primary objective of this work was to evaluate the effectiveness of the MIEX Ò process in removing natural organic matter (NOM) from selected drinking water sources of the City of Istanbul. Raw water samples from five drinking water... more
We demonstrate, to our knowledge, the first bright circularly polarized high-harmonic beams in the soft X-ray region of the electromagnetic spectrum, and use them to implement X-ray magnetic circular dichroism measurements in a... more
father of Vietnam Nanotechnology, in celebration of his 72nd birthday.
Hard water contains high mineral content, especially calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg). Hard water can cause health problems and damage to household appliances within a certain period of time. In this study, zeolite-based materials have... more
Iron sand is a source of natural magnetic material which is quite abundant. Iron sand can be useful as a magnetic source material which has the potential as a raw material for using magnetic materials. Iron sand contains non magnetic... more
View the article online for updates and enhancements. You may also like Encapsulation of anticancer drug and magnetic particles in biodegradable polymer nanospheres M Koneracká, M Múková, V Závišová et al.-Temperature response of the... more
The effect of copper substitution on the structure of La0. 7Sr0.25Nd0.05Mn1-xCuxO3 (x = 0, 0.03, 0.05, and 0.07) has been studied by using X-ray diffraction (XRD). The samples were successfully synthesized by using citrate-nitrate sol-gel... more
Crystalline structure of La0.7Sr0.25Nd0.05MnO3 (LSMNO) manganite have been investigated in order to study the effect of various sintering temperature. A series of LSMNO samples were prepared by citrate-nitrate sol-gel method followed by... more
An overview of the magnetic systems used in biological high-gradient magnetic separation (HGMS) is presented. The magnetic design parameters of a range of separation devices are discussed. Such designs have distinct magnetic "eld... more
Integral equations governing 3-D, quasi-stationary, leakage magnetic fields in transformers have been derived. Computer codes for the field analysis have been worked out. Considering finite permeability of the core, the 3-D calculations... more
T-T, must be 0.2" in order that a 15% decrement be found in the excess viscosity. man's theory is not yet feasible due to lack of sufficiently accurate data (partial molar V O~U~~S , etc.) for the aniline-cyclohexane system. These should... more
One-dimensional photonic crystals (PCs) are made of planar layers of different materials with periodic arrangement. Such PCs can support multiple surface waves at their interfaces with homogeneous materials as well as multiple waveguide... more
Bacteria encapsulation in a magnetic sol-gel matrix M. Amoura et al. Electronic Supplementary Informations ESI-1 : Experimental details ESI-2 : XRD diagrams of ferrihydrite gels with or without glycerol ESI-3 : Zeta potential mesurements... more
Artificial magnetic materials based on fractal Hilbert curves are used as a substrate to increase effective permeability, thus leading to antenna size miniaturisation. A miniaturised patch antenna with miniaturisation factor of 5.3, and... more
Foil-winding transformers with high currents in low voltage winding normally have copper/aluminum bars as leads of the coils. A practical solution for locating bar leads without increasing the size of the active part is to flatten the... more
None of the present magnetic separators is capable of achieving the classification of particles according to their magnetic susceptibility. We have developed a new apparatus to attain these magnetic classification goals. In this paper,... more
A study of the magnetic properties of glasses with high iron oxide content has been carried out. This glass series was obtained by recycling goethite (FeOOH) industrial waste, with dolomite and glass cullet as complementary raw materials.... more
Bulk nanocrystalline samples of (La1−xPrx)0.67Ba0.33MnO3 (0.075 ≤ x ≤ 0.30) manganites with a fixed carrier concentration are prepared by the sol–gel based Pechini method.
Cibacron Blue F3GA-attached magnetic poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) [mPHEMA] beads were prepared by suspension polymerization of HEMA in the presence of magnetite (Fe 3 O 4) nanopowder. Average diameter size of the mPHEMA beads was... more
Istanbul Water and Sewerage Administration have been conducting studies on advanced treatment methods in order to increase the quality of the effluent water in the treatment plants and to provide drinkable water to citizens. In this... more
father of Vietnam Nanotechnology, in celebration of his 72nd birthday.
Cibacron Blue F3GA-attached magnetic poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) [mPHEMA] beads were prepared by suspension polymerization of HEMA in the presence of magnetite (Fe 3 O 4) nanopowder. Average diameter size of the mPHEMA beads was... more
The synthesis of Sr 2 GdRuO 6 , a precursor of the superconductor RuSr 2 GdCu 2 O 8 , by common solid-state reaction is always accompanied by the formation of small amounts of ferromagnetic SrRuO 3 impurities. However, high-purity Sr 2... more
Studies of Cr-doped III-V nitrides, dilute magnetic alloys, in the zinc-blende crystal structure are presented. The objective of the work is to investigate half-metallicity in Al 0.75 Cr 0.25 N, Ga 0.75 Cr 0.25 N and In 0.75 Cr 0.25 N for... more
In this paper, it is reported the growth of La 0.7 Ca 0.3 MnO 3±δ films using a chemical solution deposition method (CSD) by the spin-coating technique. Such solution was prepared through a route based on modified polymeric precursor... more
father of Vietnam Nanotechnology, in celebration of his 72nd birthday.
The article presents and discusses the results of analysis and experimental studies of the metrological characteristics of Rogowski coils made in HDI PCB (High Density Interconnect Printed Circuit Boards) technology. The purpose of the... more
In this work, a catalytic CVD process using ethanol as carbon source was used to convert an iron rich waste, i.e. red mud (RM), in a magnetic composite. TPCVD (temperature programmed CVD), XRD, Mössbauer, EDS, magnetic measurements,... more
In this study, Fe 2 O 3 •NiO/PANi nanocomposites were prepared and their anticorrosion properties were investigated. The Fe 2 O 3 •NiO nanoparticles were synthesized by precipitation-oxidation methods. Fe 2 O 3 •NiO-PANi nanocomposites... more