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A new method of mixture proportioning is used for investigating the shear performance of reinforced concrete (RC) beams made with coarse recycled concrete aggregate (RCA). In this method, RCA is treated as a two-phase material comprising... more
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      Civil EngineeringShear StrengthMagazine
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      PhotographyVisual ArtsMagazine
This article analyzes editions of the Surfing magazine, between 1978 and 1990, with two objectives. Firstly, to outline the coverage of the amateur surfing world championships from 1978 to 1990. Secondly, to examine the coverage of South... more
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      MediaSportBoycottUnited States of America
Este trabajo consiste en una memoria explicativa del proceso de elaboración del magazine diario Hoy por Hoy Albacete que se emitió en directo de 12:20 a 14 horas en Radio Albacete Cadena SER (100.3 FM) el 8 de marzo de 2017 con motivo del... more
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      ProductionPodcastingRadioWomen and Gender Studies
İnternet teknolojilerinin hayatın her alanında yaygınlaşmaya başlaması ile birlikte internet gazeteciliği ortaya çıkmıştır. İnternet gazeteciliği kısa bir sürede ciddi erişimlere ulaşmıştır. Dünyada olduğu gibi Türkiye'de de geleneksel... more
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      New MediaJournalismOnline JournalismWomen's Magazines
ЗМІСТ Яскраво, просто, покроково -саме так вибудований мультимедійний практикум «Газетно-журнальне виробництво», який присвячено опануванню правил, прийомів, технічних рекомендацій під час верстання у програмі Adobe Indesign.
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Ein Herz für Tiere
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    • Magazine
Citizen journalism refers to nonprofessionals taking an increasingly central role in news reporting, writing, editing, publication and distribution. These roles are exercised both within news organizations as well as outside them. Studies... more
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      New MediaWeb 2.0Citizen JournalismTV
Footnotes are the backbone of any research work, providing much-valued information, context and subtext of the subject at hand. Our magazine, 'Footnotes' makes a similar valiant effort. Our 'foot' soldiers -or student journalists -attempt... more
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      South Asian StudiesUrban SociologyIndiaMumbai
Molto interessante il volume di Angelo Gilardino e del liutaio Mario Grimaldi, Il legno che canta-La liuteria chitarristica italiana nel Novecento, edito da Curci: un libro per chitarristi e per appassionati di liuteria, a tutti i livelli.
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      Wood science and technologyLutherieMagazineChitarra Classica
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      Civil EngineeringMagazineBeam Column Joint
Интегративност и еднообразие са качествата на текстовите блокове, за разлика от заобикалящите ги елементи като изображения, бели пространства, стандартна типография, заглавия и т.н. Тази кохерентна и консистинтна субстанция има основна... more
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      Graphic DesignEditorial DesignMagazineMagazine Design
Edited by David Abrahamson, Northwestern University, USA and Marcia R. Prior-Miller, Iowa State University, USA Scholarly engagement with the magazine form has, in the last two decades, produced a substantial amount of valuable... more
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      Periodical StudiesMagazinesMagazineLong form Journalism
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      Visual ArtsBalinese and Old Javanese ManuscriptsPuisiCerpen
This is an effort to put together a journal with the choicest creative articles in Odia Literature and creativity in other fields of artistic expressions linked to Odisha for an international readership; with an aim of propagating,... more
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      Contemporary ArtIndiaJournalsOdisha
"Two momentous developments have defined the Nigerian journalistic landscape in the last ten years. The first is the migration of all major Nigerian newspapers to the Internet (while actively sustaining their print editions) in hopes of... more
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      New MediaWeb 2.0Digital MediaAfrica
MERC 3115 -M06
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A new magazine aims to bring the Middle Ages to a wide audience! It will feature short, scholarly, and richly illustrated articles written in an accessible language. The editorial team is seeking authors to contribute articles in English... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval ArtMagazine
The Hidden Reality of Deep Underground Military Bases
The Iron Republic - Entire Series - Florida Magazine 1902
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      Military IntelligenceMilitary and PoliticsAdventure LiteratureAntarctica
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      Railway TransportEngineersOctoberMagazine
III. Uluslararası Mimarlık Bienali için yayınlanmıştır.
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      ArchitectureUrban StudiesUrban SociologyFuture
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      EngineeringRailway EngineeringMagazineMetro Rail
This thesis focuses on translations in the Slovak magazine for literature, science and art Slovenské pohľady. The aim of this work is to compile an annotated bibliography of translations. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first... more
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      Translation StudiesBibliographySocialismHistory of Slovakia
Diajukan sebagai salah satu syarat untuk memperoleh gelar Magister Humaniora ANNISA RIDZKYNOOR BETA NPM 1006741961 FAKULTAS ILMU PENGETAHUAN BUDAYA PROGRAM STUDI ILMU SUSASTRA DEPOK JULI 2012 vii ABSTRAK Nama : Annisa Ridzkynoor Beta... more
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      New MediaWeb 2.0Citizen JournalismTV
This article studies an important and topical issue of editorial design-the design of magazines. An interesting phenomenon in the age of globalization, massification and unification, the eclectic and redundancy are those areas of taste... more
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      Graphic DesignMedia DesignEditorial DesignMagazine
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Abstrack Lifestyle is something inseparable from the world of adolescents who continue to develop and move dynamically along with the development of the current era. Teenagers mostly use ideas about lifestyle to describe their own... more
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      Popular Italian CinemaPopular CultureItalian CinemaPartito comunista italiano
Nicola Guerra’s essay deals with the recent Italian migration to Finland. The author examines why a growing number of young people has moved to Finland in the last ten years and many young Italians look to the Scandinavian country with a... more
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International Carpet & Textile Review
Italian edition
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      TextilesIslamic ArtTextile and Fiber ArtIndonesian art
فصلنامۀ «عرشۀ شعر» منتشر شد. این نشریه به ادبیات و هنر شیعی اختصاص دارد. در ادبیات، پس از مباحث نظری، آثار و ادبای شیعی در پنج دورۀ پیش از صفوی، صفوی، قاجار، پهلوی و انقلاب اسلامی معرفی و نقد می‌شوند و در هنر به دو مبحث هنرهای تجسمی... more
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      Persian LiteratureArabic LiteratureLiteratureIslamic Art
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      Media StudiesJournalismEconomic and Business JournalismJournalism Studies
The magazine is one of the mass communication media that is still in great demand today, aside from displaying a diverse and different layout from books in general, the magazine also has a focal point that displays and synchronizes... more
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      PhotographyGraphic DesignMagazinesMagazine
Memuat puisi Bali, cerpen Bali, satua Bali, artikel Bali dan semua yang berbahasa Bali. Majalah paling keren di Bali dan gratis
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The Polish actor Pola Negri embarked on her American film career in 1922, after signing a lucrative contract with Famous-Players Lasky. She was promoted as a fiery, European woman of temperament and ‘a wild cat … who doesn’t calculate’.... more
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      American StudiesFilm StudiesRace and EthnicitySilent Film
Street Art Magazine merupakan sebuah majalah desain dengan tema Eksistensi Graffiti dan Mural sebagai Media Ekspresi Subkultur Anak Muda. Disusunnya majalah desain ini guna memenuhi tugas Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) mata kuliah... more
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      ArtStreet ArtBook PublishingContemporary Graffiti
Existing studies on media representation of elections in Nigeria did not pay adequate attention to a critical linguistic perspective on language used in reporting electoral matters. Such studies have not really examined how such... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCritical Discourse AnalysisMagazineNews Analysis
Street Art Magazine merupakan majalah desain dengan tema Eksistensi Graffiti dan Mural sebagai Media Ekspresi Subkultur Anak Muda. Disusunnya majalah desain ini guna memenuhi tugas Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) mata kuliah Publishing yang... more
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      Street ArtGraffitiMural paintingDesain Komunikasi Visual
Muslim women’s magazines are an emerging genre of media production in today’s Russia. They represent a venue where a gendered Muslim subject is constituted, and discourses about national and transnational belonging are articulated. These... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCultural StudiesEastern European StudiesRussian Studies
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      Civil EngineeringMagazineBeam Column Joint
El exilio republicano español, producto de la guerra civil española, atrajo a México unos 20.000 refugiados. Esta migración incluyó un numeroso grupo de arquitectos, ingenieros, aparejadores, técnicos y constructores, los cuales... more
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      ExileMexicoExilio español y MéxicoXx Century
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      Content AnalysisCinemaMagazineBibliometrics Analysis
This paper presents the basic principles and details of the physical, mathematical and numerical models forming the main structure of the numerical analysis of the thermal, hydrol and mechanical behaviour of normal, high-performance and... more
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      Civil EngineeringMagazine
La revista de las letras inteligentemente libres… QUID M AGAZINE Número II ENTREVISTA: Con Armando Gaytán. " Cuándo conoces la peor cara de este sistema, y lo sufres en carne viva, lo rechazas hasta instintivamente, pues trátese del que... more
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      Literary magazinesMagazinesMagazine
Öz İletişim teknolojilerindeki olağanüstü gelişmelerin bilginin ve haberin yayılmasını kolaylaştırdığı medya çağında, fikirlerin ve kültürel alt kimliklerin yayılmasını fotokopiyle çoğaltılan dergilerle gerçekleştiren yayın organları da... more
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      PublishingAlternative MediaUnderground LiteratureCommunication tools
Çorum Mehmetçik Anadolu Lisesi Aylık sanat, kültür ve düşünce dergisi
Yıl: 1 Sayı: 1 / Mayıs 2017
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      PublishingMagazinesIstanbulEdebiyat Dergisi
We have analysed 129 stratigraphic sections from the Timan-Pechora basin, from its adjacent continental shelf and from the South Barents Sea basin, in order to determine whether existing models of extensional sedimentary basin formation... more
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      GeologySedimentary BasinsStrain RateContinental shelf