Macroeconomic risk

104 papers
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Macroeconomic risk refers to the potential for financial loss or adverse economic impact resulting from changes in macroeconomic factors, such as inflation, interest rates, unemployment, and economic growth. It encompasses the systemic risks that affect entire economies and can influence investment decisions, corporate performance, and overall market stability.
This study examines macroeconomic risk factors to investigate how they affect working capital management (WCM) and, ultimately, firm performance. Additionally, we examine the effect of credit default swaps (CDSs) as a countermeasure for... more
The goal of this paper is to explain a recent regularity observed in economies in which central banks have moved from using a money aggregate as the instrument for the conduction of monetary policy towards a short-term interest rate (for... more
The goal of this paper is to explain a recent regularity observed in economies in which central banks have moved from using a money aggregate as the instrument for the conduction of monetary policy towards a short-term interest rate (for... more
We show that risk plays an important role in estimating the adjustment of the firm's capital structure. We find that the adjustment process is asymmetric and depends on the type of risk, its magnitude, the firm's current leverage, and its... more
A contribution to the study of volatility and country risk is made in order to achieve a successful crosscountry comparison. We present a methodology for the evaluation of country risk that include endogenous detection of multiple... more
Algunos eventos vividos en los últimos años, como la pandemia, la crisis logística, alimentaria y energética, han puesto de manifiesto el rol que juegan los riesgos globales en la situación económica, social, política y de relacionamiento... more
This paper studies the relationship between volatility and long-run growth in a complete market economy with human capital accumulation and Epstein-Zin preferences. There is both crosscountry and time-series evidence that volatility is... more
I utilize a keyword matching technique for comparing sustainability disclosure levels among publicly listed U.S. firms. By computerized parsing of the 10-K form, filed with the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission, I construct a sample of... more
In the US, the size of intangible investment is similar to that of physical investment. The risk premium for holding physical capital over intangible capital is comparable to the market equity premium. We present a quantitative general... more
For nearly two decades banks in the United States have consolidated in record numbers &in terms of both frequency and the size of the merging institutions. Rhoades (1996) hypothesizes that the main motivators were increased potential for... more
The surge in cross-border banking prior to global financial crises took place not only in the interbank market but also in the retail market, e.g. between banks and their private customers abroad. We utilize confidential data to estimate... more
This paper provides empirical evidence on the relationship between country-fund discounts and time-varying risk factors by analyzing monthly data of 39 closed-end country funds. By using conditional standard deviations derived from stock... more
We examine the risk-return characteristics of a rolling portfolio investment strategy where more than 6,300 Nasdaq IPO stocks are bought and held for up to five years over the 1973-2000 period. The puzzling low average long-run (raw)... more
This paper proposes an ICAPM in which the risk premium embedded in variance swaps is the factor mimicking portfolio for hedging exposure to changes in future investment conditions. Recent empirical evidence shows that the fears by... more
This paper introduces state-uncertainty preferences into the Lucas (1982) economy, showing that this type of preferences helps to explain the exchange rate risk premium. Under these preferences we can distinguish between two factors... more
Depositor behavior has been associated with bank-specific characteristics, random runs, or contagion episodes. Using evidence on the 2000-02 bank runs in Argentina and Uruguay, this paper shows that macroeconomic risk is also important.... more
This article examines private Austrian investment in the Hungarian economy as an example of private financial investment in a backward foreign economy in the late nineteenth century. The main finding is the dominant role of Austrian... more
This paper addresses the question of whether and how monetary policy ease may lead to excesses in financial and real asset markets and ultimately result in financial dislocation. It presents evidence suggesting that periods when... more
The modern history of the Russian stock market has mirrored ups and downs of the country's transition as well as swings in investor perceptions. In this paper, we describe the evolution of the Russian stock market over its first decade,... more
This is a ''preproof'' accepted article for Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. This version may be subject to change during the production process.
Purpose-This study investigates long term underperformance anomaly existence on Seasoned Equity Offerings (seos) conducted in Borsa Istanbul for the 2010-2015 period and analyzes its determinant factors. Methodology-Raw and abnormal... more
A strategically minded CFO will realize that strategic corporate risk management is about finding the right balance between risk prevention and proactive value generation. Efficient risk and performance management requires adequate... more
With increasing globalization, to what extent do stock market returns reflect global or domestic risk factors? We find a significant relationship between stock market returns and the global market risk factor and macroeconomic factors... more
This publication is a Technical report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission's science and knowledge service. It aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European policymaking process. The scientific... more
I. INTRODUCTION Since the worldwide stock market crash in October 1987, the focus on the effectiveness of the regulatory mechanisms such as margin requirement has generated considerable interest in the implications of public policies.'... more
We develop a conditional version of the consumption capital asset pricing model (CCAPM) using the conditioning variable from the cointegrating relation among macroeconomic variables (dividend yield, term spread, default spread, and... more
The financial sector of each country in the world has its own specificities that depend on many factors. In this paper we will talk about the structure of the financial system in our country from the aspect of the banking sector. Banks... more
La baisse de la volatilite macroeconomique des les annees 1980 jusqu’au debut de la Grande Recession ne s’est pas, en general, traduite par une plus grande stabilite microeconomique. Si la volatilite microeconomique peut traduire des... more
This document and any map included herein are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area. The... more
The previous financial crisis has revealed the importance of risk in the financial and business cycle within the economy. This paper examines relationship among three cycles in the economy, namely (i) business cycle macro risk, (ii)... more
This paper estimates hedge fund and mutual fund exposure to newly proposed measures of macroeconomic risk that are interpreted as measures of economic uncertainty. We find that the resulting uncertainty betas explain a significant... more
Depositor behavior has been associated with bank-specific characteristics, random runs, or contagion episodes. Using evidence on the 2000-02 bank runs in Argentina and Uruguay, this paper shows that macroeconomic risk is also important.... more
An exposure to macroeconomic risk factors across banks is a source of systemic risk that influences the banking sector performance. In this paper, we present some evidence on macroeconomic variables affecting the non-performing loans... more
This paper introduces state-uncertainty preferences into the Lucas (1982) economy, showing that this type of preferences helps to explain the exchange rate risk premium. Under these preferences we can distinguish between two factors... more
In many countries public equity markets capture a small fraction of economic activity. We show that relying on public equity indices to assess benefits from international diversification significantly understates diversification gains. We... more
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
This paper proposes an ICAPM in which the risk premium embedded in variance swaps is the factor mimicking portfolio for hedging exposure to changes in future investment conditions. Recent empirical evidence shows that the fears by... more
This paper estimates hedge fund and mutual fund exposure to newly proposed measures of macroeconomic risk that are interpreted as measures of economic uncertainty. We find that the resulting uncertainty betas explain a significant... more
This paper proposes an ICAPM in which the risk premium embedded in variance swaps is the factor mimicking portfolio for hedging exposure to changes in future investment conditions. Recent empirical evidence shows that the fears by... more
This paper introduces state-uncertainty preferences into the Lucas (1982) economy, showing that this type of preferences helps to explain the exchange rate risk premium. Under these preferences we can distinguish between two factors... more
This paper proposes an ICAPM in which the risk premium embedded in variance swaps is the factor mimicking portfolio for hedging exposure to changes in future investment conditions. Recent empirical evidence shows that the fears by... more
This paper aims to mainly investigate equity risk premium of the six major members of ASEAN countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam which have been chosen based on their stock market development... more
This study aims to determine whether increasing a firm's leverage significantly changes its level of bankruptcy risk in the innovative industry by using the CHS model [
A contribution to the study of volatility and country risk is made in order to achieve a successful crosscountry comparison. We present a methodology for the evaluation of country risk that include endogenous detection of multiple... more
We show that risk plays an important role in estimating the adjustment of the firm's capital structure. We find that the adjustment process is asymmetric and depends on the type of risk, its magnitude, the firm's current leverage, and its... more
Developing countries are being urged to extent public spending to reach The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Following a series of debt cancellations, the public debt of many developing countries has reached low levels, so that... more
Uncertainty and its composition can affect the demand for social insurance, and thereby the labor market. This paper shows that small to medium-sized increases in uncertainty or risk aversion are enough to recommend an expansion of the... more
This paper investigates the interaction between aggregate risk, financial fragility, and the macroeconomic performance of emerging market countries when asymmetric information at the level of firms and banks gives rise to agency costs.... more
We show that risk plays an important role in estimating the adjustment of the firm's capital structure. We find that the adjustment process is asymmetric and depends on the type of risk, its magnitude, the firm's current leverage, and its... more