In this paper we use a comparative perspective to explore the ways in which institutions and networks have influenced entrepreneurial development in Russia. We utilize Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) data collected in 2001 and 2002... more
This paper develops a framework of international human resource management (lHRM) that moves bcyotid strategy and structtire to focus on The results of six case studies of large German multinational corporations in three... more
This article examines how multinational corporations, recognizing the symbolic value of oil pipelines, flow stations, and platforms as ancestral promises of wealth to subject populations, work with NGOs and communities (sometimes in... more
Relevance, nature and economic effects of innovation activities of multinational corporations (MNCs) are highly debated topics in the current literature on “globalisation of technology”. A controversial theme concerns the innovation... more
In this article we analyze the corporate dominance of health care in the United States and the dynamics that have motivated the international expansion of multinational health care corporations, especially to Latin America. We identify... more
Using firm-level survey data from Barcelona, Stockholm, Vienna in Europe and Singapore, Penang (Malaysia) and Bangkok in SouthEast Asia the paper enquires into the different R&D and innovation behaviour of multinational and local... more
The shift toward multinational corporations has exposed the auditor to many risks not found on domestic audits, including foreign currency issues, international political risks, international economic risks, greater information asymmetry,... more
Relevance, nature and economic effects of innovation activities of multinational corporations (MNCs) are highly debated topics in the current literature on "globalisation of technology". A controversial theme concerns the innovation... more
Multinational corporations are continually seeking sources of competitive advantage. In addition to strategic, technological, financial, and organizational capabilities as sources of competitive advantage, this paper argues that ethical... more
This study examines the strategies that firms deploy in developing and scaling up organizational ambidexterity under conditions of environmental uncertainty. Using five emerging market multinational enterprises (EMNEs) in the Nigerian... more
In this paper I respond to Ajay Sharma's Portrait of a Science Teacher as a Bricoleur: A case study from India, by speaking to two aspects of the bricoleur: the subject and the discursive in relation to pedagogic perspective. I highlight... more
This study aims to identify how institutional forces, such as regulatory and stakeholder pressures, are related to proactive environmental behavior by hotel facilities participating in Certification for Sustainable Tourism, a voluntary... more
Dentro del ámbito de la Sociología de las Organizaciones, la cultura empresarial se ha abierto un interesante campo desde la década de los 80, a partir de la cual se empezó a confiar en la posibilidad de dirigir grandes compañías con el... more
There is a growing literature exploring the role of international trade channels on economic growth, looking at the mechanisms through which import and export flows might affect productivity, technology diffusion and output growth.... more
The paper firstly describes how, using the two laws of 'increasing firm size' and 'uneven development', Hymer characterises the multinational corporation (MNC) as a geographically segmented hierarchy. In this structure HQs in a limited... more
The aim of this article is to contribute to laying a theoretical foundation for visually communicating competence through PechaKucha presentations. PechaKucha is a PowerPoint presentation format consisting of 20 slides that are shown for... more
Contemporary advances in the fields of globalization and technologies raise the question of the relationship between international business and the global common good. Half of the hundred biggest economies in the world are now... more
As multinational corporations (MNC) strive for long term competitiveness in complex business environments the Strategic Development Process has emerged as a potential source of competitive advantage . Despite this recognition there is... more
ultinational corporations affect economic, political, and interpersonal relations wherever they do business. But, as the diverse and rapidly growing body of literature on the local impacts of multinationals attests, a general theory that... more
The purpose of this paper is to present a reference model for global software development, based on the results found in a case study conducted in two software development units from multinational organizations located in Brazil. A... more
The literature on multinational corporations argues that a foreign firm can legitimize its activities, improve its reputation ina host country, and reduce the risk of hostile actions by thehost government (including expropriation) by... more
If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service information about how to choose which publication to write for and submission guidelines are available for all. Please... more
The concept of global mobility has always been an implicit notion within international human resource management (IHRM) and in particular expatriate placement however it is also now becoming more common place in the general career... more
Recent developments in the global economy and in multinational corporations have placed significant emphasis on the cognitive orientations of managers, giving rise to a number of concepts such as "global mindset" that are presumed to be... more
This article investigates attitudes that underlie international strategy processes. We propose survey scales of these attitudes and describe tests that support their reliability and validity as measures of constructsincluding... more
Firms are social communities that specialize in the creation and internal transfer of knowledge. The multinational corporation arises not out of the failure of markets for the buying and selling of knowledge, but out of its superior... more
The US multinational United Fruit Company has been considered the quintessential representative of American imperialism in Central America. Not only did the company enjoy enormous privileges in that region, but also counted on... more
This paper attempts to develop a set of generic questions the answers to which allow any given R&D activity to be correctly classified in one or another conventional R&D box-basic, applied, development, etc. Such systematic pigeon-holing... more
This paper focuses on the study of transnational corporations and their business development through foreign direct investments made in other countries, mostly greenfield type countries. The objective of this paper is to determine the... more
There is considerable debate as to the determinants of the human resource policies of human resource management: do they reflect national institutional or cultural realities, emerging common global practices, parent country effects or the... more
The paper has 2 major objectives: first, to identify control and delegation issues confronting multinational corporation managers; second, to develop a conceptual model to assist multinational corporation managers in selecting appropriate... more
This paper analyzes a range of host country characteristics that determine foreign direct investment (FDI) flows to developing countries, using panel data on 72 countries for the period 1970-2008. Keeping in view the endogeneity problem... more
Purpose -There exists limited research directly highlighting the relationship between value preference and its association with people's expectations from the workplace. Studying personal value preference is important because a... more
Clearly, a substantial challenge for multinational corporations (MNCs), in the current environment of intensified competition and rapid industry consolidation, is one of much greater worldwide integration. Necessitated by intense... more
Knowledge Management Systems (KMSs) are becoming part of the agenda in many of today's leading firms. Through in-depth case studies of seven multinational companies (MNCs), examined over a period of four years, we identify four... more
We link up with the recent literature on the differentiated MNC and in particular with its stress on intra-MNC knowledge flows. However, rather than focusing on the characteristics of knowledge as determinants of knowledge transfer within... more
In this paper we explore the notion of convergence in managerial practice as a result of globalization. Focused on convergence at the national level, we offer a more nuanced exposition of convergence than has been evident in previous... more
The European Commission's eEurope initiative aims to bring every citizen, home, school, business and administration online to create a digitally literate Europe. The value lies not in the objective itself, but in its ability to facilitate... more
Strategic sourcing is critical for firms practicing the principles of supply chain management. It specifically deals with managing the supply base in an effective manner by identifying and selecting suppliers for strategic long-term... more
Multinational corporations have made significant contributions to the economic growth of Singapore; American and Japanese companies are among those in the forefront. This study is aimed at finding the extent to which US and Japanese... more
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to propose potential challenges faced by multinational companies (MNCs) managing corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies. Design/methodology/approach -The paper is based on two inductive case... more
This paper investigates how subsidiary companies are able to contribute to the firm-specific advantages of the multinational corporation (MNC). Specifically we examine the determinants of the contributory role of the subsidiary and... more
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between religiosity and the feeling of work stress, as represented by Muslim attitudes towards the religiosity scale. Design/methodology/approach -A sample of 212 employees... more