This research work represents an online working website of laundry containing a management system and payment gateway. Many of the laundry firms don't have a proper management system to store the records, which include many problems such... more
In the era of big data, the optimization of machine learning models within cloud-based data warehousing systems has emerged as a critical domain of research and application. This paper presents an in-depth analysis of advanced data... more
This article dives into the exciting transformation that Artificial Intelligence (AI) brings to data engineering and integration processes within cloud computing environments. It showcases the groundbreaking implementation of AI-driven... more
This documentation is been made for AMC hospital information system. AMC hospital information system is been made in order to support the AMC hospital on data transaction and on the management of data information the hospital will... more
Günümüzde aynı pazarda bulunan çeşitlilik ve marka sayısı artmıştır. Buna neden olarak gelişen dünyada girişimciliğin hayatımızda daha önemli bir rol oynaması ve bilişim teknolojileri altyapısının gelişmesi önemli etkenlerdir. Bu yoğun... more
Pesquisa realizada no âmbito do projeto "História social da ciência e da formação científica no Brasil (1951-2011): um estudo prosopográfico", desenvolvido no Museu de Astronomia e Ciências Afins (MAST), sob coordenação de Heloisa Maria... more
This study compares the storage needs and runtime performance of SQL-based systems with various indexing strategies, including None, Clustered, Non-Clustered, and Both. It focuses on integer and string data types. The results show that... more
The paper discusses the critical decision-making in choosing between SQL and NoSQL databases for FinTech applications. FinTech, founded on large-scale data processing, transactional integrity, and real-time analytics, warrants robust and... more
The integration of SQL and Python in machine learning workflows within cloud environments offers a robust solution to the challenges of big data analytics. This study explores the synergistic capabilities of SQL for efficient data... more
This study explores the optimization of hybrid cloud database architectures by integrating SQL Server and MongoDB within Azure environments, focusing on the specific benefits and challenges of such an approach. Hybrid cloud architectures... more
Dette prosjektet ble gjennomført av NIVA for Dalnave Navigation Inc., Avena Shipping Co. Ltd og Assuranceforeningen Gard-gjensidig og har omfattet miljøundersøkelser av vraket av lasteskipet MS Server som sank utenfor Fedje i 2007.... more
The importance of the process of restoring a database requires precise examination of all factors that affect it. Considering the decline of the price of SSD and its better read and write speeds, it seems that this is the logical choice... more
The importance of the process of restoring a database requires precise examination of all factors that affect it. Considering the decline of the price of SSD and its better read and write speeds, it seems that this is the logical choice... more
Scientific interest in the adaption in industrial domains is growing as a result of the Internet of Things' quick design and development advancements. The influence of dispersed new technologies, the topology of the industrial Internet of... more
Apache Impala mimarisi ve diğer teknik detayları örneklerle, derinlemesine şekilde ele aldım.
Mayor difusión de las actividades serviciales que brinda la Microempresa. * Continuar otorgando el mejor servicio, para satisfacción de los clientes. * Consultar que herramientas debo comprar. * Consultar si el cliente quiere pagar en ese... more
With the ever-increasing volume and complexity of data, optimizing big data processing has become paramount in the field of data management. This review paper explores the role of stored procedures in optimizing big data processing within... more
Et fiskefelt i Ytre Sklinnadjupet i Norskehavet ble i 2017 stengt for fiske av atlantisk kveite (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) på grunn av funn av høye nivåer av miljøgifter. De høye nivåene av særlig kvikksølv, men også dioksiner og PCB,... more
Laminaria hyperborea dominates the kelp zone of the outer and most wave-exposed areas of Norway, and is harvested for the production of alginate in southwestern Norway. In 1997 the Directorate of Fisheries permitted restncted kelp... more
Den foreliggende rapporten er utarbeidet for Molde kommune i samsvar med kontrakt av 18.6 2003. Prosjektet er gjennomført gjennom en felles innsats av flere institusjoner og mange personer. Vi vil spesielt nevne: • Avdelingssjef... more
Data migration is the process of transferring data between data storage systems, data formats, or computer systems. This paper provides a simple application to transfer data from several databases into a single database which has been... more
In this paper, we review two password schemes that use a smart card. The schemes verify the logon password without a password file. Both schemes are based on the idea of integer factoring and discrete logarithm problem. Also, we describe... more
While writing SQL, we may sometimes need to combine our tables with other data sources. Here too, the collation (Language set) values of these different sources may be different, which may cause the query to fail.
Tingstad, L., & Nybø, S. 2019. Radioaktiv forurensning i ville planter. Overvåking av radioaktivt cesium-137 i utvalgte områder i norsk natur. NINA Rapport 1739. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Radioaktive stoffer fra menneskelig... more
Data has been, is, and will be an important part of our lives. Today, with the advancement of technology, the amount of data produced and its importance has increased so that a wrong data stream can lead to catastrophic and even... more
This project is a Contactless RFID-based smart card railway system that includes passenger / traveler registration, bill management, testing management, and account management. This designed system provides the facilities to easy to... more
In 2007 the ranking of the top ten critical vulnerabilities for the security of a system established code injection as the top 2, closely following top 1 XSS attacks. The first release candidate of the 2010 version of the ranking has... more
På oppdrag fra Statoil ASA, ved Odd Inge Sandvik, ble det gjennomført undersøkelser av effekter fra organotinn (TBT) på purpursnegl (Nucella lapillus) i området rundt Statoils gassterminal ved Kårstø i perioden 2.-5. juli 2002.... more
Database backups have traditionally been used as the primary mechanism to recover from hardware and user errors. High availability solutions maintain redundant copies of data that can be used to recover from most failures except user or... more
På oppdrag fra Lillestrøm kommune og Vannområde Leira-Nitelva har vi undersøkt miljøgifter i åtte fiskearter i Nedre Nitelva, innenfor to ulike områder, i den øvre delen av vannforekomsten (strekningen Kjellerholen til Bondetangen) og i... more
Le reti di monitoraggio strumentali, in senso lato, servono a conoscere lo stato di determinate grandezze al variare del tempo. In particolare, una rete distribuita su di un territorio è inoltre in grado di fornire misure della stessa... more
This project aims to develop a system which converts a natural language statement into MySQL query to retrieve information from respective database. The system mainly focuses on creation of complex queries which includes nested queries... more
In this research, an intelligent system is designed between the user and the database system which accepts natural language input and then converts it into an SQL query. The research focuses on incorporating complex queries along with... more
Data is a valuable resource once provided in the proper context; data becomes information to make high-quality and quick business decisions. In today's world, an important factor that drives a successful organization is gathering data... more
Bilgisayar ve iletişim teknolojilerinin gelişimi her geçen gün daha fazla organizasyonun süreçlerini ve iş modellerini değiştirmektedir. Bu hızlı değişim, bireysel ve kurumsal açılardan, çok büyük verilerin üretildiği, bu verilerin... more
Kegiatan yang ada pada perusahaan dagang pada umumnya yaitu pembelian dan penjualan. Selain kedua kegiatan tersebut yang terkadang hampir dilupakan namun merupakan hal vital diantara adalah kegiatan penggajian karyawan. Masalah pemberian... more
Bu çalışmada, klasik veri tabanlarında bulanık sorgulama işlemini gerçekleştiren bir esnek sorgulama aracı geliştirilmiştir. Esnek sorgulama işlemi, veri tabanındaki kayıtlı tablolar üzerindeki nitelik değerlerinin bulanıklaştırılması... more
This article analyze aspects related to the mobile agents and security problems these entail, presenting a model access to databases that allow in a high degree to improve the response times in the network and to create a security model... more
SQL Server provides a solution for mission-critical applications that require the highest levels of availability. SQL Server failover clustering is part of the SQL Server high-availability technology toolset and is designed to help... more
Progetto di un sistema software - integrato in un apparato di supervisione industriale - dedicato alla personalizzazione e alla generazione automatica di file di definizione di report basati su database SQL
This article analyze aspects related to the mobile agents and security problems these entail, presenting a model access to databases that allow in a high degree to improve the response times in the network and to create a security model... more
1,2,3Student, Department of Information Technology, Dwarkadas J. Sanghvi College of Engineering, Mumbai, India 4Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, Dwarkadas J. Sanghvi College of Engineering, Mumbai, India... more
This are class notes for Database Systems for Level 5 classes and above.
The data stored for a long time in livestock enterprises will play a crucial role in increasing the productivity in animal production, revealing animal breeding values, meeting qualified breeding needs, making effective breeding... more