Recent papers in MQTT
Machine-to-machine services are witnessing an unprecedented diffusion, which is expected to result in an everincreasing data traffic load. In this context, satellite technology is playing a pivotal role, since it enables a widespread... more
Internet of Things(IoT) in recent days playing a vital role in networking related applications. However, there are several protocols available for building IoT applications, but RPL and CoAP are important protocols.There is a customized... more
Machine-to-machine services are witnessing an unprecedented diffusion, which is expected to result in an everincreasing data traffic load. In this context, satellite technology is playing a pivotal role, since it enables a widespread... more
ABTRACT Nowadays there is a brief usage and dependability of pulsating features of the smart devices. So there is a need of connecting these devices through internet to explore their functionality. In the world of Smart homes there exists... more
The communication protocols are an essential part for the data communication of Internet of Things (IoT) applications. However, the selection of a communication protocol is challenging because it depends on the nature of the IoT system... more
The main objective of this paper is to control the speed of single phase induction motor using IOT Technology. Internet is the most widely used high speed and easily accessible communication medium in the modern day world. The proposed... more
Internet of Things (IoT) applications are increasingly making impact in all areas of human life. Day by day, its chatty embedded devices have been generating tons of data requiring effective network infrastructure. To deliver millions of... more
Internet of Things(IoT) merupakan sebuah teknologi yang tengah menjadi perbincangan dunia elektronik. Dengan teknologi tersebut, setiap piranti yang dimiliki bisa dengan mudah terhubung dengan internet,... more
Performance analysis for devices in Internet of Things (IoT) environments is an important consideration, especially with their increasing integration in technological solutions, worldwide. The Single Board Computers (SBCs) of the... more
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) altered the way of caregiving and the new pandemic forced the health systems to adopt new treatment protocols in which remote follow-up is essential. This paper introduces a proposed system to link a remote... more
Teknolojinin gelişmesiyle daha da artan iletişim kanalları insan yaşamına sundugu kolaylıklar arasında olan ve yeni hayatımıza girmeye başlayan Endüstri 4.0' ın ana bileşeni IoT iletişiminde kullanılan farklı protokoller mevcuttur.Bu... more
Internet of Things(IoT) in recent days playing a vital role in networking related applications. However, there are several protocols available for building IoT applications, but RPL and CoAP are important protocols.There is a customized... more
Sayısallaşan ve her geçen gün daha fazla teknolojinin kullanıldığı otomasyon çağında eski manuel sistemlerin yerini otomatik sistemlerin alması insanların yaşamını gittikçe kolaylaştırmaktadır. Günümüzde insanlar interneti, güvensiz... more
In current trend, IoT emerged as the most popular advancement of Internet and became a trending technology that incorporates Machine to Machine (M2M) communication. This communication makes use of Internet protocols and various devices... more
The Internet of Things refers (IoT) to the billions of physical devices around the globe that are connected to the Internet, collecting and sharing data. The overall Internet of Things market is projected to be worth more than 50.6... more
The big challenge to raise for deploying the application's domain of the Internet of Things is security. As one of the popular messaging protocols in the IoT world, the message queue telemetry transport (MQTT) is designed for constrained... more
The invention of smart grid has already outdated the conventional method of one way power production- supply concept. While developed countries have already started to adopt smart meters, appliances and renewable energy sources;... more
Most of the IoT applications require real time and secure exchange of information among connected devices and hence, currently, security of communication protocols is becoming key topic of research. MQTT, a lightweight communication... more
Nowadays there is a fleeting usage and reliability of vibrant features of the smart devices. So there is a need of connecting these devices through internet to explore their functionality. In the world of Smart homes there exists... more
CHUYÊN ĐỀ 8: CACBOHIDRAT Chú ý : Các bài toán tinh bột, xenlulozo (C6H10O5)n Khi tính toán không cần thiết cái n " cho dễ tính thui " Bài nào bắt tìm mắt xích thì mới cần tính n Vd: (C6H10O5)n + nH2O => nC6H12O6 162n 180n X g Bình thường... more
Internet of Things (IoT) evolves very rapidly over time, since everything such as sensors/actuators linked together from around the world with use of evolution of ubiquitous computing through the Internet. These devices have a unique IP... more
Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications enable networked devices and services to exchange information and perform actions seamlessly without the need for human intervention. They are viewed as a key enabler of the Internet of Things (IoT)... more
Este artigo apresenta uma análise de desempenho (uso de CPU, consumo de memória e envio de mensagens) de brokers MQTT em um hardware de baixo custo, o Raspberry Pi 2 Modelo B. Os objetivos da análise são averiguar qual implementação de... more
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) altered the way of caregiving and the new pandemic forced the health systems to adopt new treatment protocols in which remote follow-up is essential. This paper introduces a proposed system to link a remote... more
Resources discovery is a fundamental requirement to the full realization of the vision of Internet of Things. Discovery includes resource properties, capabilities, and metadata. It enables consumers to build IoT applications and services... more
The internet of things (IoT) is the interconnection of things around us to make our daily process more efficient by providing more comfort and productivity. However, these connections also reveal a lot of sensitive data. Therefore,... more
Real-time Notification adalah metode yang menjadi standar pada aplikasi smartphone saat ini. Kebutuhan data yang selalu update menjadi alasan orang menggunakan bermacam metode notifikasi sesuai kebutuhan. Metode notifikasi yang akan... more
The prevention of medical disorders significantly increases both life quality and expectancy. Continuous monitoring of biomedical parameters and/or vital signs of a patient, and easy access to medical history is thus of major importance,... more
The main objective of this paper is to control the speed of single phase induction motor using IOT Technology. Internet is the most widely used high speed and easily accessible communication medium in the modern day world. The proposed... more
IoT applications are promising for future daily activities; therefore, the number of IoT connected devices is expected to reach billions in the coming few years. However, IoT has different application frameworks. Furthermore, IoT... more
Sayisallasan ve her gecen gun daha fazla teknolojinin kullanildigi otomasyon caginda eski manuel sistemlerin yerini otomatik sistemlerin almasi insanlarin yasamini gittikce kolaylastirmaktadir. Gunumuzde insanlar interneti, guvensiz... more
Internet of Things(IoT) in recent days playing a vital role in networking related applications. However, there are several protocols available for building IoT applications, but RPL and CoAP are important protocols.There is a customized... more
Integrating Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and spatial data web services is becoming common in ecological applications. However, WSNs were developed in application domains with different sensor and user types, and often with their own... more
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the interconnection of things around us to make our daily process more efficient by providing more comfort and productivity. However, these connections also reveal a lot of sensitive data. Therefore,... more
Security of the Internet of Things is a crucial topic, due to the criticality of the networks and the sensitivity of exchanged data. In this paper, we target the Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol used in IoT environments... more
Transportation is an important part of food chain, aiming at monitoring the temperature, humidity inside the refrigerator trucks and tracking the location of the refrigerator trucks. In this system, we have designed an intelligent... more
The prevention of medical disorders significantly increases both life quality and expectancy. Continuous monitoring of biomedical parameters and/or vital signs of a patient, and easy access to medical history is thus of major importance,... more
The internet of things (IoT) is the interconnection of things around us to make our daily process more efficient by providing more comfort and productivity. However, these connections also reveal a lot of sensitive data. Therefore,... more
This article presents a case study with the introduction of ESP8266 module, observing the types and levels of bandwidth and communication challenges with wireless network sensors and the necessary requirements in hostile environments in... more
This paper presents a performance analysis (CPU usage, memory consumption and message throughput) of MQTT brokers in a low-cost hardware , the Raspberry Pi 2 Model B. The objectives of the analysis are to ascertain which MQTT broker... more