Lyapunov function

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A Lyapunov function is a scalar function used in stability analysis of dynamical systems, which demonstrates the stability of an equilibrium point. It is a continuous, positive-definite function that decreases along the trajectories of the system, indicating that the system's state converges to the equilibrium over time.
In this paper, two methods based on Lyapunov stability theorem to study the stabilization and switching law design for the switched discrete-time systems with state-driven switching are presented. Furthermore, these methods can be applied... more
According to the Lyapunov stability theorem and the bounds of solutions of the Lyapunov equation, the state feedback gain matrices can be determined to guarantee the stability of the singularly perturbed systems for all " 2 (0; 1). A... more
The stabilization problem of multi-terminal high-voltage direct current (MT-HVDC) systems feeding constant power loads is addressed in this paper using an inverse optimal control (IOC). A hierarchical control structure using a convex... more
The Region of Attraction of an equilibrium point is the set of initial conditions whose trajectories converge to it asymptotically. This article, building on a recent work on positively invariant sets, deals with inner estimates of the... more
This paper presents the development of a new set of switched velocity controllers of a swarm of unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) from multiple Lyapunov functions, which are invoked according to a switching rule. The Lyapunov-based Control... more
We consider a Rosenzweig–MacArthur predator-prey system which incorporates logistic growth of the prey in the absence of predators and a Holling type II functional response for interaction between predators and preys. We assume that... more
We consider metabolic networks with reversible enzymatic reactions. The model is written as a system of ordinary differential equations, possibly with inputs and outputs. We prove the global stability of the equilibrium (if it exists),... more
The paper introduces a general class of neural networks where the neuron activations are modeled by discontinuous functions. The neural networks have an additive interconnecting structure and they include as particular cases the Hopfield... more
In this work we address the problem of boundary feedback stabilization for a geometrically exact shearable beam, allowing for large deflections and rotations and small strains. The corresponding mathematical model may be written in terms... more
In this work we address the problem of boundary feedback stabilization for a geometrically exact shearable beam, allowing for large deflections and rotations and small strains. The corresponding mathematical model may be written in terms... more
For a system that is governed by the isothermal Euler equations with friction for ideal gas, the corresponding field of characteristic curves is determined by the velocity of the flow. This velocity is determined by a second-order... more
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
In 2020, the reported cases were 0.12 million in the six regions to the official report of the World Health Organization (WHO). For most children infected with leprosy, 0.008629 million cases were detected under fifteen. The total... more
Nowadays, various types of phase-locked loops (PLLs) are used for synchronization of signals in modern electronic, electromechanical, and electrical systems. Nonlinear study of PLL models allows evaluation of the circuit's parameters at... more
Two-player zero-sum differential games are addressed within the framework of state-feedback finitetime partial-state stabilisation of nonlinear dynamical systems. Specifically, finite-time partial-state stability of the closed-loop system... more
In classical model reference adaptive control, the closed-loop system's ability to track a given reference signal can be tuned by choosing the adaptive rates and parameterizing the solution of an algebraic Lyapunov equation that appears... more
In this study, the authors address the two-player zero-sum differential game problem for non-linear dynamical systems with non-linear-non-quadratic cost functions over the infinite time horizon. The pursuer's goal is to minimise the cost... more
In this paper, we design a variable structure observer-based control system that guarantees asymptotic convergence of the plant's trajectory to the equilibrium point despite matched and unmatched uncertainties in the plant dynamics. Our... more
In many practical applications, stability with respect to part of the system's states is often necessary with finitetime convergence to the equilibrium state of interest. Finitetime partial stability involves dynamical systems whose part... more
The state feedback linear-quadratic optimal control problem for asymptotic stabilization has been extensively studied in the literature. In this paper, the optimal linear and nonlinear control problem is extended to address a weaker... more
The purpose of this paper is to propose an improved compound cosine function neural network (NN) controller to improve the tracking control performance of the compound cosine function NN controller for a non-holonomic mobile robot with... more
This study focuses on the analysis of a controlled dynamical system for the time evolution of Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) incorporating vertical (mother-to-child) transmission route of HIV... more
This paper presents a nonlinear Integral backstepping control approach based on field-oriented control technique, applied to a Double Star Induction Machine 'DSIM' feed by two power voltage sources. We present this technique of integral... more
The present paper deals with the correspondence between Morse func- tions and flows on nonorientable surfaces. It is proved that for every Morse flow with an indexing of saddle points on a nonorientable surface there is a unique Morse... more
Suppose that A and B are real stable matrices, and that their difference A -B is rank one. Then A and B have a common quadratic Lyapunov function if and only if the product AB has no real negative eigenvalue. This result is due to Shorten... more
In this paper, we develop optimal output feedback controllers for set‐point regulation of linear non‐negative dynamical systems. Specifically, using a constrained fixed‐structure control framework we develop optimal output feedback... more
The purpose of this paper is to construct Lyapunov functions to prove the key fundamental results of linear system theory, namely, the small gain (bounded real), positivity (positive real), circle, and Popov theorems. For each result a... more
A variable structure controller (VSC) is developed to provide position tracking capability for a very large pneumatic muscle actuator, which has inherently nonlinear dynamics. After the controller design is completed, the internal... more
In this paper, we design a nonlinear controller for the kinematic model of an underactuated rigid spacecraft that ensures uniform, ultimately bounded (UUB) tracking provided the initial errors are selected sufficiently small. The result... more
This work concentrates on tracking control of dynamically positioned surface vessels with asymmetric added mass terms affecting the system model at the acceleration level. Specifically, we propose a novel continuous robust controller for... more
In this paper, we developed a new observer based output feedback (OFB) tracking controller for rigid-link robot manipulators. Specifically, a model independent variable structure like observer structure in conjuction with the use of... more
In this paper, we propose an observer based adaptive output feedback (OFB) tracking controller for rigidlink robot manipulators. Specifically, we used a model independent observer in conjuction with a desired compensation adaptation law... more
In this paper, a tracking controller is developed for an aircraft model subject to uncertainties in the dynamics and additive state-dependent nonlinear disturbance-like terms. In the design of the controller, dynamic inversion technique... more
In this study, a model based robust control scheme is developed for kinematically redundant robot manipulators that also enables the use of self motion of the manipulator to perform multiple sub-tasks in order to increase the... more
In this paper, a learning-based feedforward term is developed to solve a general control problem in the presence of unknown nonlinear dynamics with a known period. Since the learning-based feedforward term is generated from a... more
In this work, a systematic approach is proposed to estimate the disturbance trajectory using a new generalized Lyapunov matrix valued function of the joint angle variables and the robot's physical parameters using the maximum likelihood... more
The stability and convergence of state, disturbance and parametric estimates of a robot have been analyzed using the Lyapunov method in the existing literature. In this paper, we analyze the problem of stochastic stability and also prove... more
A control design methodology for a particular class of nonlinear dynamic systems in the structured rst-order form is presented. The differential equations are distinctly categorized as two sets, one representing exact kinematic... more
We study the stability of the equilibrium points of a skew product system. We analyze the possibility to construct a Lyapunov function using a set of conserved quantities and solving an algebraic system. We apply the theoretical results... more
A robust neural control is designed for nonlinear dynamic systems. The objective of this work is to control the motion of the nonlinear system without any knowledge of its dynamics. This method of control requires only the measurement of... more
The two step reversible chemical reaction involving five chemical species is investigated. The quasi equilibrium manifold (QEM) and spectral quasi equilibrium manifold (SQEM) are used for initial approximation to simplify the mechanisms,... more
An adaptive algorithm based on Lyapunov Stability Theory (LST) is developed in this paper. This algorithm is obtained from Recursive Least Square (RLS) approach. Indeed, it is well-known that performances of RLS based methods depend... more
The COVID-19 pandemic highlights the need for a multi-faceted response comprising a range of public health interventions including quarantining and targeted lockdowns, in conjunction other measures such as vaccination campaigns and... more
Various system parameter variations occur during operations in several existing process industries. These parameter variations result in process shifts, thus, requiring adequate control strategies to compensate for these alterations,... more
We investigate the stability of solutions of the Gumowski-Mira equation with a period-two coefficient: and the initial values y -1 , y 0 are real numbers.
We study stability and input-state analysis of three dimensional (3D) incompressible, viscous flows with invariance in one direction. By taking advantage of this invariance property, we propose a class of Lyapunov and storage functionals.... more
This paper proposes trajectory tracking algorithm for differential drive type of Automatic Guided Vehicle (AGV) using backstepping control and simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). To guarantee the tracking errors go to zero,... more
In this paper, the analysis of a schistosomiasis infection model that involves human and intermediate snail hosts as well as an additional mammalian host and a competitor snail species is studied by constructing Lyapunov functions and... more
The work done in this paper consists in the establishment of the global stability of the model SI containing two classes of infected stages. The incidence used is non-linear and given by (β 1 I 1 + β 2 I 2 ) S N . Existence and uniqueness... more