Luxury brand

138 papers
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A luxury brand is a high-end product or service that is characterized by superior quality, exclusivity, and prestige, often associated with a high price point. These brands typically emphasize craftsmanship, heritage, and a strong brand identity, appealing to consumers seeking status and a unique experience.
This article explores the increasing prominence of Korean contemporary artists in the global art market through their collaborations with prestigious luxury brands. It provides an in-depth analysis of how luxury brands such as Hermès,... more
Creating the perfect sensory experiences through customer interactions is an effective marketing strategy. Hindustan Unilever, promoted Lux beauty soap as a "luxury soap affordable for all". Pradip Unni (, a marketing and... more
Gift-giving is a universal tradition that reflects care, love, and respect. In Indian and broader Asian cultures, this practice carries profound significance, blending sentiment with tradition. Among the many thoughtful gifts, natural... more
Liste des matériaux et ci-dessous, tissuthèque de l'Opéra de Zürich.
This article deals with the matter of interpretation and role of cultural heritage of Podhale region within the context local tourism industry, with the emphasis put on the dynamically developing sector of premium services and facilities.... more
La créativité est habituellement assimilée au génie du créateur qui, dans sa tour d'ivoire, grâce à la fulgurance de l'inspiration, écrit, compose, dessine, peint, sculpte, .. Transportons nous pourtant à mille lieux de cet univers de... more
The mass-marketization of the luxury field results in a conundrum for brands: how to sell to the new mass of luxury consumers while continuing to conform to expectations of a singular, exclusive, and elitist experience. In contrast with... more
De nombreuses personnes m'ont accompagné durant la réalisation de cette thèse. Ma famille la première m'a soutenu tout au long de cette aventure, mon père, Max Coulomb, ma mère Gilberte Coulomb et ma compagne Jocelyne Tshila. Je salue... more
This abstract paper forms the backdrop of a mock literature review and possible thesis which discusses about the review of the name-brand luxury product company known LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH). It highlights about the... more
W ostatnich latach obserwuje się intensywny rozwój rynku dóbr luksusowych, który oferuje konsumentowi coraz większy asortyment produktów i szerszą ich dostępność. Celem przeprowadzonego badania było poznanie zachowań seniorów na rynku... more
Stores for luxury brands are not merely considered venues of sale but also that of prestige. Therefore, stores reflect the image of brands based on their design and the impression they create. This is because of the fact that the design... more
The present research considers the effect of using relatively more abstract versus concrete language on consumers' attitudes toward a luxury product and their willingness to buy it. More specifically, the present research investigates... more
Luxury companies typically follow managerial approaches that differ from those of mass market companies and, in particular, their marketing strategies are based on opposite tactics. For instance, luxury companies commonly use imagery... more
is a visiting fellow in Sociology at Harvard University. Her research interests are in the areas of cultural sociology, sociology of knowledge, evaluation, and creativity. A current project compares conceptions of creativity in art and... more
La photocopie non autorisée est un délit Chapitre ■ La distribution internationale « Circuits de distribution » internationaux Les différents systèmes de distribution Les structures de prix Le budget et les stratégies publicitaires Le cas... more
This study explores the delicate equilibrium between extending and diversifying luxury brands and maintaining brand equity without dilution. The pressure to expand product lines and reach diverse consumer segments is palpable in the... more
Zachowania konsumentów na rynku usług luksusowych są uwarunkowane wieloma czynnikami. W artykule podjęto próbę interpretacji pojęcia usługi luksusowej i oceny stawianych jej wymagań. Ponadto, zbadano zachowania konsumentów na rynku... more
Nutzungsbedingungen Die ETH-Bibliothek ist Anbieterin der digitalisierten Zeitschriften. Sie besitzt keine Urheberrechte an den Inhalten der Zeitschriften. Die Rechte liegen in der Regel bei den Herausgebern. Die auf der Plattform... more
This article studies male's overt consumption of non-traditional gender aesthetics. Phenomenological interviews revealed that consumers use these items to build a unique aesthetic gender identity. Consumers apply strategies of... more
Nowadays, with the Internet and the algorithmic machines, not only has fashion advertising become ubiquitous and engaging, advertising media has also become a paragon for other communicative languages. The relationship between fashion and... more
Co-creation is said to take place in a variety of domains when two or more actors interact to create value. The topic of brand co-creation has been in the literature for 15 years. During this time, a multitude of concepts, constructs and... more
This study aims to examine the underlying reason why consumers do not have the willingness to purchase counterfeit luxury brand by focusing on the effects of personality, perceived quality and attitude towards the behavior of not... more
A review by Vitell and Ho [J Bus Ethics 16 (1997) 699] calls for more rigorous empirical testings of current ethical decision-making models (EDMMs). The study's premise is that a more specific understanding of the moral reasoning... more
PurposeThe purpose of this study is to explore the impact of product category and consumers’ motivations profiles on the determinants of consumers’ preferences and purchase intentions of counterfeits and genuine products, through... more
Luxury brands' pioneering digital strategies now incorporate augmented reality (AR), which offers new opportunities thanks to AR unique characteristics. Luxury brands differ from other brands in their specific attributes, such as... more
Materialism plays a significant role in the consumption of many products, particularly highly visible products like apparel. For highly materialistic individuals, possessions play significant roles in the construction and communication of... more
Comité d'organisation Svetla DIMITROVA, Musée ethnographique régional en plein air (Bulgarie) Vanya DONEVA, Musée ethnographique régional en plein air (Bulgarie) Maria KISSIKOVA, Université de Plovdiv (Bulgarie) Oana PERJU, équipe... more
La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre... more
In today's society, advertising plays a very important role and we cannot deny that it persists in all areas of our lives. With the development of information technology and the emergence of social networks, advertising has migrated to... more
The authors address the challenges individuals face when managing their professional brands while working in "prestigious posts" (high-profile jobs in established organizations) and striving to maintain career mobility. Using a case study... more
Earlier researches on the topic of consumer resistance permit better understanding of the causes, manifestations and consequences of the phenomenon, mainly focusing on the situational contexts of consumers' resistant action. This paper... more
The main aim of this article is to present and analyse changes in the global luxury goods market in the 21st century, with particular emphasis on the effects of the supply shock caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In the part devoted to the... more
This article provides a systematic literature review of the hospitality, leisure, tourism, business, and management literature on luxury hospitality. We use a data-driven quantitative method (i.e., bibliometric review) to provide an... more
This article provides a systematic literature review of the hospitality, leisure, tourism, business, and management literature on luxury hospitality. We use a data-driven quantitative method (i.e., bibliometric review) to provide an... more
Purpose: What role do consumers play in constructing their own luxury experiences? Challenging the dominant product-focus in luxury conceptualizations, this research note conceptualizes agentic luxury in the context of luxury services.... more
Purpose-Past research on luxury is fragmented resulting in challenges to define what the construct of luxury means. Based on a need for conceptual clarity, this study aims to map how research conceptualises luxury and its creation.... more
Indian Millennials will be the next luxury market kings and queens. When compared to prior generations, they are more prone to spend more on luxury things. Because millennials' ideas and basic value structure differ greatly from those of... more
Due to the economic, social and environmental problems in developed and developing countries, companies increasingly focus on sustainability and try to ensure the same quality and standards in working and production conditions throughout... more
Les citadins ont développé une culture matérielle préfigurant, dès la fin du moyen âge, l'efflorescence consommatrice typique du XVIIe siècle hollandais. La prospérité des groupes médians leur donne accès à une grande variété... more
Abercrombie & Fitch has become known for hiring physically fit male employees to pose at store entrances shirtless. However, it is not clear whether this strategy is effective in enticing male or female customers to make purchases.... more
Purpose: Conceptualize the identifiers of segments emerging on the bases of a) Income and Wealth, b) Socio-Cultural and c) Behavioural aspects by diving deep into academic literature, market and industry reports and new articles – all... more
Purpose: Conceptualize the identifiers of segments emerging on the bases of a) Income and Wealth, b) Socio-Cultural and c) Behavioural aspects by diving deep into academic literature, market and industry reports and new articles – all... more
Many fashion brands have responded to a transparent fashion industry to prevent unethical manufacturing practices. Firms are evaluating suppliers more carefully as fashion consumers are showing more concern and shopping with the social... more
The concept of luxury is as old as humanity even if over time meant different things, luxury is a conceptual and symbolic dimension and it is today the result of a historical evolution. Luxury is mainly irrational and engages strong and... more