The purpose of this study is to explore and discuss the concept of masstige value. The authors present a taxonomy of the main antecedents and outcomes of masstige value and empirically assess our model. A survey design using... more
Purpose: Masstige (mass-produced, affordable luxury) goods are receiving increasing literature-based attention. However, despite existing advances, insight into how different cultural backgrounds shape consumer perceptions, attitudes, and... more
For jewelry brands and businesses, custom jewelry boxes play a crucial role in creating a luxurious presentation, protecting valuable pieces, and strengthening brand identity.
Esta dissertação de mestrado faz uma análise das atitudes e comportamentos dos consumidores face aos produtos de moda e vestuário. Este é um sector atualmente importante, tornando assim pertinente o seu estudo ao nível académico no... more
This research focuses on shopping experience as an example of experiential marketing using shopping malls online reviews as secondary data. The study will make use of qualitative and quantitative content analysis. In this study, the... more
This article explores the increasing prominence of Korean contemporary artists in the global art market through their collaborations with prestigious luxury brands. It provides an in-depth analysis of how luxury brands such as Hermès,... more
Purpose-Service quality is an established research area in the services marketing literature and is an integral component in an Islamic economy driven by halal service sectors. Despite its importance and the rapidly changing service... more
Gift-giving is a universal tradition that reflects care, love, and respect. In Indian and broader Asian cultures, this practice carries profound significance, blending sentiment with tradition. Among the many thoughtful gifts, natural... more
Nowadays Counterfeiting is becoming a hugely successful industry. Counterfeit products are fake replicas of the real product with the intent to take advantage of the brand value of the original product. And, we can counterfeit products in... more
In the new age of social media marketing, we use influencers to affect consumers' decision-making process. Influencers seek to encourage their followers to buy the brand or product they promote. The better the influencer actively... more
Liste des matériaux et ci-dessous, tissuthèque de l'Opéra de Zürich.
Rare watches, fine wines and spirits, sports cars, designer sneakers, and many other luxury goods create massive enrichment opportunities for consumers if they resell them on secondary markets. This trend is part of the enrichment... more
La créativité est habituellement assimilée au génie du créateur qui, dans sa tour d'ivoire, grâce à la fulgurance de l'inspiration, écrit, compose, dessine, peint, sculpte, .. Transportons nous pourtant à mille lieux de cet univers de... more
The purpose of this case study is to compare two luxury brands' collaborations with modern Korean artists and the qualitative results achieved by the projects. As argued by J.N. Kapferer (2014), through associations with artists, luxury... more
This study explores hyper-personalized wellness products (e.g., facial serum, custom-prepared meals, vitamins) as unconventional luxury products. Hyper-personalized consumer goods are those in which a consumer's genetic composition, or... more
This study analyses the values perceived by consumers of luxury fash ion before the purchase option based on a literature review. To frame this subject, the study begins by exploring the concept of luxury from the perspective of au thors... more
Service recovery is a well-researched and important topic, but previous research has either been customer-centric or firm-centric. In this paper, we contribute to and go beyond the currently growing literature on corecovery by... more
Denna rapport sammanfattar ett digitaliseringsprojekt som genomfördes våren 2023 mellan Kalmar stadsbibliotek och fyra studenter vid Linnéuniversitetet. Projektet fokuserar på att förbättra bibliotekets IT-hjälptjänst, "IT-hjälpen," med... more
In the digital age, the change in technology affects people and life in various ways. Changes have occurred in the purchasing behaviors of the generations living with the conveniences provided by internet technology. It has been an... more
The luxury sector is currently one of the most exciting market segments, standing out because of its ability to keep growing during economic crisis. In fact, high end consumers are a particularly attractive segment. They are willing to... more
Kuşaklar arası farklılıklar, bireylerin hem çalışma hayatında hem de günlük hayatında farklı yönde karar almalarına neden olabilmektedir. Öyle ki bir bireyin lüks bir mal veya hizmeti satın alırken, onu işlevselliğine göre mi yoksa statü... more
The mass-marketization of the luxury field results in a conundrum for brands: how to sell to the new mass of luxury consumers while continuing to conform to expectations of a singular, exclusive, and elitist experience. In contrast with... more
Previous research on creative brands focused on the way luxury brands draw on the world of art, which values creativity, imagination, aesthetic and artistic sensibility. Scholars explore the artification of luxury, a process of... more
The purpose of this study is to better understand the weight that green attributes carry in consumers' perception on which hotels to choose. The hospitality sector has begun implementing green practices into their daily operations as a... more
De nombreuses personnes m'ont accompagné durant la réalisation de cette thèse. Ma famille la première m'a soutenu tout au long de cette aventure, mon père, Max Coulomb, ma mère Gilberte Coulomb et ma compagne Jocelyne Tshila. Je salue... more
Das Gefühl von wohlkalkuliertem Marketing lässt sich im von Sakralbauten inspirierten Museum aber nie abschütteln. Hier soll nicht Luxus Kunst fördern, sondern umgekehrt ästhetische Überschreitung das Image der teuren Marken aufwerten.... more
New paths of luxury Luxury represents an extremely important economic, employment, skills, and image value, especially for countries such as Italy and France, covering numerous industries and product categories, and for Switzerland in... more
Zaufanie jest elementem każdej transakcji rynkowej. Stanowi o sukcesie strategii marketingowych wielu produktów, a jego brak może stać się powodem rynkowej porażki. Szczególnie istotnym obszarem staje się zaufanie konsumenta do marki,... more
This abstract paper forms the backdrop of a mock literature review and possible thesis which discusses about the review of the name-brand luxury product company known LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH). It highlights about the... more
A ‘celebrity endorser' is any individual easily recognisable by the general public who leverages this visibility and goodwill to either appear alongside the product in an ad or endorse the product. This helps cosmetics brands to... more
In language and communication, multimodality refers to using various modes of signification to convey meaning. These modes transcend language to engage with audiences at multiple sensory levels. Over time, communication has evolved to... more
Luxury goods are products and services that are not necessary but are highly desired within a culture or society. They are often associated with high quality, exclusivity, and a high price tag. Luxury goods can include items like designer... more
W ostatnich latach obserwuje się intensywny rozwój rynku dóbr luksusowych, który oferuje konsumentowi coraz większy asortyment produktów i szerszą ich dostępność. Celem przeprowadzonego badania było poznanie zachowań seniorów na rynku... more
For the past 10 years, a new genre of media content called ASMR has been growing rapidly in popularity. ASMR is described as a pleasurable tingling sensation usually triggered by different audiovisual signals, performed by so-called... more
Selbst wenn der Architekt Frank Gehry, Amerikaner mit kanadischen Wurzeln und frankophil, den Bau liebevoll „Iceberg" nennt. Kritiker fürchten die Kälte des Marketings.
Fashion counterfeiting is a multimillion pound business and one which relies on the complicity of the consumer. Frequently seen as a victimless crime, it is a difficult trade to control because as long as consumers desire brands, the... more
Marketers utilize a range of media venues to sway customer behavior (CB). Each advertising on a media portal has a diverse makeup that calls to customers in a different manner. As a consequence of digitalization, public media tastes have... more
Valley of Fire State Park, located in the Mojave Desert of Nevada, is a breathtakingly beautiful and unique location for weddings. Its vibrant red rock formations, dramatic landscapes, and serene desert environment make it an... more
Bob Sparks, President and Founder, has lived in Palm Beach County for 45 years and was a designer at Venture Marine and Bahama Boat Works. With 32 years of expertise, he has designed the Sparks 46-foot center console, a hull that... more
L'endossement des célébrités par les marques de luxe s'étend désormais à des célébrités quelque peu inattendues au vu de l'histoire de ces marques et de leurs égéries. Historiquement tournées vers des stars du grand écran, des mannequins,... more
With the rise in luxury marketing and the opening of Halal markets, luxury brands have begun to penetrate the lives of Muslim consumers. This has been accelerated particularly with the growing service economy. However, there is a lack of... more
c'est un rapport de stage d'initialisation qui j'ai effectuer au sein hôtel royal Mansour Marrakech dans service informatique technologie ,. Cette expérience a été extraordinaire et a contribué de manière importante à mon parcours... more
The complex interactions between psychological and sociocultural elements that affect consumers' pre-purchase decisions in the used automobile market are examined in this study. The study explores individual attitudes, perceptions of... more
Luxury companies typically follow managerial approaches that differ from those of mass market companies and, in particular, their marketing strategies are based on opposite tactics. For instance, luxury companies commonly use imagery... more
Pour conserver leur statut sur les réseaux sociaux numériques, les influenceuses « beauté » orientent principalement leur activité vers le maintien et l'accroissement de leur prestige en ligne. S'inscrivant dans le cadre de la sociologie... more
La photocopie non autorisée est un délit Chapitre ■ La distribution internationale « Circuits de distribution » internationaux Les différents systèmes de distribution Les structures de prix Le budget et les stratégies publicitaires Le cas... more
Recent technological advancements have led to great innovations in language use in electronic mass media. Innovation is one way of transforming the resources of an enterprise through the creativity of people into new resources and wealth.... more