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In this paper, I seek to present the range of issues involved in the efforts of sixteenth-century kabbalists to understand the nature of selfhood, and the paths prescribed for the formation of an ideal life. I reflect on the mystical... more
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      EthicsSelf and IdentityJewish MysticismReligious Ethics
Born in Amsterdam in the early seventeenth century, Moses Zacuto (Moshe Zacut) belongs among the most prolific Jewish figures of his time. He is best known for a wealth of creative work in a wide variety of fields: poetry and drama,... more
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      MagicKabbalahRenaissance magic and astrologyLurianic Kabbalah
The ontologic framework of Fundamental Awareness proposed here assumes that non-dual Awareness is foundational to the universe, not arising from the interactions or structures of higher level phenomena. The framework allows comparison and... more
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      BuddhismQuantum PhysicsPhilosophy of MindComplex Systems Science
Il rapporto epistolare e la discussione filosofica tra Scholem e Strauss
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      History of ReligionHermeneuticsKabbalahGershom Scholem
The paper attempts to reassess the fundamentally paradoxical position of Ernst Bloch in 20th century philosophy in the light of the Marranic condition. Indebted, among others, to Jewish heritage and Christian tradition, Bloch considered... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionJewish StudiesTheologyMarxism
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      History of ScienceKabbalahMedieval MagicHistory of magic
L’article a pour sujet la personnalité extraordinaire du kabbaliste le Rabbin Levi Isaac Krakovsky (1891–1966), un des étudiants oubliés du Rabbin Yehuda Leib Ashlag (1885–1955). Krakovsky diffusait l’enseignement de son maître en... more
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      American LiteratureJewish American LiteratureReligionNew Religious Movements
In the following article we will examine at length some of the dynamics by which R. Yosef Hayyim of Baghdad—the renowned Ben Ish Hai (1834–1909) - integrated Kabbalah into daily life, and the complex way that he combined the teachings... more
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      ReligionAbrahamic ReligionsNew Religious MovementsHistory
One of the more astounding books produced by Bratslav Hasidism is Liqquṭei tefilot (1822–1827), composed by R. Nathan Sternhartz of Nemirov, which established a whole new genre in Bratslav literature. This article discusses the book's... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsHistoryIntellectual History
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      Jewish MysticismHekhalot LiteratureLurianic Kabbalahקבלה
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      Lurianic KabbalahIsaac LuriaHayyim Vital
This is a review essay of Joseph Avivi, Kabbalat ha-Ari, Jerusalem, 2008, 3 vols.
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      BibliographyLurianic Kabbalah
The article explores the relationship between the symbolic and religious valorization of the feminine principle and the emancipating ideas of Sabbatean and Frankist messianism (seventeenth and eighteenth centuries). Without minimizing the... more
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      Gender StudiesJewish StudiesJewish MysticismJewish History
So it is that on a Night Filled with Distant Thunder, and during a Cryptic Morning Hidden within a Subtle Kiss of Dew, I found myself upon a Path wherein I Sought to Discover an Answer, to Extract a Seed of Reasoning from some Enigmatic... more
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      Jewish StudiesJewish MysticismChristian KabbalahKabbalah
This paper proceeds from the concurrent interpretation of two distinct, apparently unrelated disciplinary contexts, at the crossroads of the positivism of archaeology and the imaginary world of literature. The character of the reciprocal... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyJames JoyceRock Art (Archaeology)Situationism
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      ReligionJewish StudiesOttoman HistoryEarly Modern History
In contrast to previous attempts to establish a direct relation between Freud and Kabbalah, this article argues for an indirect relationship mediated by way of Schelling's philosophy. My claim is that Freud's Oedipus complex partly... more
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      PsychoanalysisGerman IdealismSigmund FreudKabbalah
Recent decades have witnessed a broad scholarly discussion of the cultural influences of the printing press Invention. The core of this revolved around the new technological influence on the concept of knowledge, its methods of... more
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      Printing HistoryKabbalahEarly Modern print cultureLurianic Kabbalah
Cosmological descriptions and interpretations of the process of creation in kabbalistic literature deeply influenced various conceptual issues, especially the definition of “history.” Sefer Ha-Temuna, which first appeared in Byzantium... more
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      Eastern European and Russian Jewish HistoryKabbalahEarly Modern Jewish HistoryByzantium
This is the chapter devoted to Derrida's "Kabbalism," deriving from: "Tsimtsum and Modernity. Lurianic Heritage in Modern Philosophy and Theology," eds. Agata Bielik-Robson and Daniel H. Weiss (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2020).
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      PhilosophyContinental PhilosophyJacques DerridaModern Jewish Philosophy
OPEN ACCESS (To download, please click: This article traces the evolution of a kabbalistic prayer supplication that was designed to purify male Jews from pollution caused by improper... more
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      Jewish ThoughtKabbalahLurianic KabbalahJewish Prayer
Rabbi Sasson ben Mordechai Shandukh was one of the leaders of the renewed Jewish community in Baghdad in the second half of the eighteenth century and at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Among the literary heritage left by Rabbi... more
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      KabbalahLurianic KabbalahImagesBaghdad
The Culture of Victimhood The Hagar Complex In rejecting Hagar’s tears, biblical consciousness speaks with great power to the epidemic of victimhood that threatens to cripple much of what is great and good in Western society. Hagar is... more
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      Integral TheoryJewish MysticismPsychology of ReligionVictimology
The aim of this article is to explore the evolution of the concept of ‘mutual responsibility’ from the biblical and Talmudic eras to medieval Kabbalistic literature, and to analyse the notion of arvut and its implications through the... more
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      Gender StudiesEthicsMysticismRitual Theory
The Tears of Hagar. “Hear my cry. Do not respond to my tears with silence.” —Psalms 39:13 The second voice we turn our attention to in the crying symphony of Rosh Hashanah is that of Hagar. The context of her tears is crisis and... more
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      Jewish MysticismLurianic KabbalahPhilosohy of ReligionTears
The chapter attempts to examine philosophically the ambiguous status of the concept of tsimtsum in modern Jewish philosophy. On the one hand, the tsimtsum – despite its considerable influence both within and outside the Jewish world –... more
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      HistoryContinental PhilosophyWalter BenjaminModernity
The concept of tsimtsum is the most significant concept of recent Jewish thought, both within literature addressed to Jews and within philosophy more generally conceived. Yet it is all too often construed in contemporary work in a... more
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      Metaphysics17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyMidrashJewish Philosophy
The Stormy Life of Am Ha'arets, or How Jacob Won the Virgin. Jacob Frank's Words of the Lord as a Picaresque Novel The aim of this essay is to present Jacob Frank's Words of the Lord as the first (and perhaps the last) Polish picaresque... more
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      Jewish MessianismMessianic Jewish TheologyLurianic KabbalahMarranos
Demonstrates how the Sefer Yetzirah's GLGL-Wheel is derived mathematically from clues encoded in the ancient text. The Wheel is composed of 231 'gates' and 462 'paths'. Within the Wheel exists a spiral pathway consisting of 441 paths that... more
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      Christian KabbalahKabbalahQabalahContemporary Kabbalah
The article reinterprets 'The Iron Tracks' by Aharon Appelfeld as a work of Lurianic Kabbalah adapted to the world after the Shoah. It is a reality of collapsed transcendence in which no divinity or ethics hold universal validity. As in... more
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      Holocaust StudiesJewish PhilosophyModern Jewish PhilosophyKabbalah
In the first part of the paper the author focuses on the way the great historian and thinker Gershom Scholem understood the Lurianic idea of tsimtsum (i.e. divine contraction as the first act of creation) as the key category of Jewish... more
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      Psychoanalytic TheoryLurianic Kabbalah
Translators introduction to the Second Volume of the Practical Tanya discussing the origins of Chasidic Panentheism and contrasting the author's theory of Divine attributes with the approaches of Maimonides and early Kabbalists.
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      KabbalahHasidismPanentheismLurianic Kabbalah
The Haskalah, or “Jewish Enlightenment,” is often considered to be a secularizing trend within modern European Judaism. Yet as recent studies have begun to show, this characterization ignores the Romantic and religious attitudes of many... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryEastern European StudiesJewish Studies
Chassidus Meluketes: A compilation of kabbalistic and Chassidic teachings on Tractate Sotah. (Daf Beis)
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      Jewish StudiesTalmudJewish MysticismJewish Thought
Ein Essay über "Kabbalah" als jüdisches Traditionsgut in der Ingebrauchnahme durch populare Kultur heute und daraus resultierende Konflikte und Synkretismen.
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      Critical TheoryCultural HeritagePopular CultureJewish Mysticism
This article reexamines the origins and significance of the concept of the Dybbuk. The conclusions are that it begins in Safed and is related to the question of Rabbi Issac Luria's religious authority. The subsequent history of the... more
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      Yiddish LiteraturePopular CultureKabbalahLurianic Kabbalah
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      Lurianic KabbalahKabbalah In SafedHayyim Vital
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      Jewish MysticismKabbalahJewish Women's HistoryLurianic Kabbalah
Beinhaltet der Deutsche Idealismus einen " heimlichen Antisemitismus " , wie Michael Mack behauptet, oder ist er einem kabbalistischen Erbe verpflichtet, wie Jürgen Habermas meint? Beide Behauptungen enthalten ein Körnchen Wahrheit. Vom... more
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      Antisemitism (Prejudice)German IdealismHegelFriedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling
Both R. Isaac Luria and R. Menachem Mendel Schneerson visited the graves of their respective "spiritual mentors." In the case of Luria it was R. Simeon bar Yohai. In the case of Schneerson it was his father-in-law. In both cases the... more
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      HasidismLurianic KabbalahIsaac LuriaHabad
השכלה ואזוטריקה בגליציה: כתביו הגנוזים של אליקים המילזאהגי
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      Critical TheoryReligionHistoryIntellectual History
In my reading of sections of this book, Chaim (Hayyim) Vital’s superior soul-type, (which he refers to as the neshomah hadasha or neshoma elyonah) seems similar to the tragic hero of the Hellenic and Elizabethan theater. Both the tragic... more
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      MythologyJewish MysticismMonomyth/Hero's JourneyHeroism
Resumen: Este artículo trata de los contemporáneos movimientos de creencias cuya piedra angular se basa en la tradición de la Kabbalah, considerando las transformaciones que los mismos han vivido en nuestra alta modernidad. Analizamos... more
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      ReligionCultural StudiesSocial TheorySociology of Religion
Gershom Scholem in Deutschland Zwischen Seelenverwandtschaft und Sprachlosigkeit Hrsg. v. Gerold Necker, Elke Morlok u. Matthias Morgenstern Die Biographie des in Berlin geborenen und ab 1923 in Jerusalem lebenden Kabbala-Forschers... more
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      ReligionChristianityNew Religious MovementsHistory
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      ChristianityIntellectual HistoryCultural StudiesParapsychology
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsIntellectual HistoryCultural Studies
Recent years have seen the flourishing of research on Lithuanian Kabbalists in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, to the point that some scholars speak of a defined and delineated stream of Kabbalah, a school unto itself dubbed... more
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      ReligionHistoryModern HistoryIntellectual History
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      Critical TheoryReligionHistoryIntellectual History
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      MarketingReligionNew Religious MovementsLegitimacy and Authority
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      American LiteratureReligionNew Religious MovementsComparative Religion