Most downloaded papers in Lungs
La respiración es importante porque permite realizar el intercambio gaseoso permitiendo la entrada de oxígeno y la expulsión de dióxido de carbono: esto ocurre en dos fases bien definidas, una de inspiración o entrada del aire y una de... more
Materi KMB | Pernapasan | Laporan Pendahuluan | Konsep Dasar Asuhan Keperawatan | PPOM | PPOK | Penyakit Paru Obstruksi Kronik |
A discussion of the wise stance in biomedical research as an epistemological attitude that systematically combines multiple perspectives, coupled with a reflection on the path-dependent politics of biomedical knowledge production.
The human body is vulnerable to different pathogens. From this point of view we can see a high incidence of diseases that are part of the respiratory pathology. At different periods of the year, the human’s body's resistance decreases.... more
Five extracts were obtained from Ageratum conyzoides leaf extracted in methanol-water (4 :1). They were neutral extract (in ethyl acetate), moderately polar extract (in chloroform) ; basic extract (in chloroform-methanol), polar extract... more
There are a number of good experimental studies showing that exposure by inhalation to prolonged tropospheric ozone damages the respiratory system and extrapulmonary organs. The skin, if extensively exposed, may also contribute to the... more
L’échographie est un outil non invasif, non irradiant, réalisable en temps réel et précis. Ses capacités diagnostiques lui permettent une application dans les champs musculo-squeletique, uro-gynécologique et cardio-respiratoire en... more
Since the first description of Cystic fibrosis (CF) more than 75 y ago, significant advances have been made in understanding its pathogenesis and in developing specific therapies. The pace of these developments was further accelerated... more
Współczesna medycyna pozwala poprawiać wydolność niesprawnych organów i w znacznym stopniu uśmierzać ból fizyczny, niestety w procesie leczenia pacjentów wciąż zbyt mało miejsca poświęca się psychicznemu wymiarowi cierpienia. Tymczasem w... more
Background Despite effective pharmacotherapy, asthma continues to impair quality of life for most patients. Non-pharmacological approaches, including breathing retraining, are therefore of great interest to patients. However, clinicians... more
OBJECTIVE: Vaping has been marketed as a “safe” or “safer” alternative to smoking. It has become a very lucrative market and has experienced a surge of interest, especially among the younger generations. There are many who theorize... more
Lung sounds provide useful information for assessing and monitoring respiratory patients, but standard auscultation is subjective. Computer aided lung sound analysis (CALSA) enables the quantification and characterisation of added lung... more
Numerous members of the cytochrome P450 (CYP) superfamily are induced after exposure to a variety of xenobiotics in human liver. We have gained considerable mechanistic insights into these processes in hepatocytes and multiple... more
Elastography has become widely used for minimally invasive diagnosis in many tumors as seen with breast, liver and prostate. Among different modalities, ultrasound-based elastography stands out due to its advantages including being safe,... more
Background: There is an urgent need to develop new outcome measures for respiratory therapy to evaluate its effectiveness. Added sounds generated from the lungs (crackles and wheezes), can now be quantified and characterized objectively... more
A research of gradient calculation for pleural effusion and normal lungs images had been conducted. The gradient calculation was done by using gradient formula on the equation of line. The steps taken in this research were image... more
Network Biology ISSN 2220-8879 CODEN NBEICS Volume 11, Number 3, 1 September 2021 Cover Pages [Front Pages (183K)] [Back Pages (129K)] Articles Analysis... more
Keywords: Transfer factor of the lung for CO Transfer factor of the lung for NO Lung diffusing capacity Pulmonary function tests Nitrogen monoxide a b s t r a c t Pulmonary diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO) has been an... more
The turtle body plan differs markedly from that of other vertebrates and serves as a model system for studying structural and developmental evolution. Incorporation of the ribs into the turtle shell negates the costal movements that... more
The results of the study were plotted comparatively for all patients in the two study groups. The rendering of the results was done using sectorial graphics. Thus, information regarding the vulnerable gender to respiratory diseases was... more
INTRODUCTION: Anti-inflammatory therapies are the mainstay for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in children and adults, including biologics such as infliximab. While there is extensive literature on the general side... more
As one of the most debilitating and underdiagnosed hereditary conditions across the globe, cystic fibrosis requires intensive support from the healthcare system-particularly due to the increased susceptibility to chronic infection and... more
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) is a rare disease that affects patients with asthma or cystic fibrosis. Its debilitating course has led to the search for new treatments, including antifungals and monoclonal antibodies. To... more
Chronic lung diseases in older people due to age-related changes are more severe and often cause death. Currently available drugs are not enough to successfully treat these age-related diseases. Additional tissue rejuvenation measures are... more
Children with a lung abscess usually do well with antibiotics alone and surgical intervention is rarely needed. Standard practice is to use parenteral antibiotics until clinical symptoms abate and to follow with oral antibiotics for up to... more
Abnormal thickening of the airway basement membrane is one of the hallmarks of airway remodeling in asthma. Current protocols for measuring the basement membrane involve the use of stained tissue sections and measurements of the basement... more
The clinical manifestations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease symptoms variably affect the health of the patients, requiring them to visit specialized doctors in medical units. Diagnosis is by a specialized and complete medical... more
INTRODUCTION: Pediatric lung abscesses can be primary or secondary, and there is limited data regarding response to treatments and patient outcomes. OBJECTIVES: To assess the clinical and microbiologic profile of pediatric patients with... more
Tuberculosis is a very important zoonotic disease which affects all vertebrates. It is therefore important to carry out ante mortem inspection/examination and they that react positively should be treated. If they are discovered at post... more
This study aims to assess the investigations carried out to monitor respiratory function in lung pathologies. From this point of view, COPD is the focus exploration of the respiratory function. In addition to the theoretical data, the... more
Severe lung strongylosis was detected in a wild red fox (Vulpes vulpes) (1/12) from Apulia (Italy). We performed routine diagnostics on 12 foxes found dead in Apulia. Eleven of them showed lesions consistent with a vehicle collision.... more
A 43-year-old white man with a 3-week history of nonproductive cough, wheezing, and chest pain was treated with a standard regimen of oral antibiotics in the primary care setting with little clinical improvement of symptoms and then was... more
Epidemiological evidence demonstrates an increase in acute lung injury associated with electronic cigarettes use (vaping) in North America (excluding Alaska) over the past several months. The cause (etiological agent) and mechanism of... more
Intrathoracic masses may be detected asymptomatically or cause symptoms due to the compression of surrounding normal tissues or organs. Mediastinal masses may be encountered at practically any age and may result from a myriad of causes,... more
The molecules causing cytotoxicity to tumor cells having major research interest and their application to develop drug against tumor. The Coelomocytes constitute immune component of earthworm coelomic fluid have the potential to produce... more