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In view of a new critical edition with commentary of De non parcendo in Deum delinquentibus of Lucifer, Bishop of Cagliari (4th c.) we are confronted with the printed editions in which it is maintained that this pamphlet was written... more
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      ArianismLucifer of Cagliari
fiducia expectationis suae, praesentia quaeque ut nulla et incerta despiciens, futura uero ut aeterna et praesentia adprehendens. Hilario de Poitiers, prefacio al Liber aduersus Valentem et Vrsacius. (Coll. ant. Par. B 1, 2) blev pomen... more
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      Political TheologyArianismAmbrose of MilanHilary of Poitiers
First translation into modern language (Italian) of De Athanasio by Lucifer of Cagliari, with commentary, notes and indexes.
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      ArianismAthanasius of AlexandriaLucifer of CagliariConstance II
Lucifer of Cagliari, antiarian polemicist among the most aggressive of the 4th century and bitter enemy of Emperor Constantius II, against whom he addressed his five pamphlets, is usually counted among the greatest detractors of classical... more
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      ArianismPolemical LiteratureLatin and Greek Literature of Early ChristianityLucifer of Cagliari
Since the definition of the kaige phenomenon by Barthélemy, 1 numerous studies have described Greek renderings for Hebrew words that might come from the kaige revisers. 2 Recognizing all kaige or kaige-type renderings in Samuel-Kings is a... more
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      SeptuagintLucifer of Cagliari
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      SeptuagintVetus Latinabooks of KingsLucifer of Cagliari
The quotations by Lucifer of Cagliari (ca. 360 CE) are the most important pre-Vulgate Latin witness for the text of Samuel-Kings. While a thoroughgoing text-critical analysis of these quotations is still a desideratum, the surveys done so... more
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      SeptuagintOld Testament Textual Criticismbooks of KingsLucifer of Cagliari
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      Early ChristianityEmperor JulianLate AntiquityAthanasius
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      Late AntiquityReligious SchismLucifer of Cagliari
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      SeptuagintVetus Latinabooks of KingsLucifer of Cagliari
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      Judas IscariotArianismPolemics and ApologeticsLucifer of Cagliari
The Vetus Latina Bible includes a variety of vocabulary according to various translators’ and revisers’ milieus and intents as they worked from Greek originals. This study aims to analyze the use of cultic verbs in the Vetus Latina Book... more
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      Translations from GreekTertullianLatin linguisticsSt Jerome