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    • Lucan
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      LucanVenomous snakesPharsalia
Un breve saggio sull'interazione che Lucano instaura con il poema di Ovidio
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      LucanOvid Metamorphoses
Julius Caesar, one of the protagonists of Lucan’s Pharsalia, disappears from the scene for a long time after the Battle of Pharsalus. He reappears at the end of Book 9, when he pays a visit to the ruined city of Troy. The function and the... more
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      Civil WarLucanAeneidEpic poetry
In Lucan’s Bellum civile furor is the topical element for the representation of the civil war and it plays a key role in the understanding of the epic’s message. This is the basic assumption of a recent monograph by Lee Fratantuono. His... more
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      Latin LiteratureLatin EpicLucanLatin Imperial Epic
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      LucanClassical philologyClassical Reception StudiesJulius Caesar
This article attempts to show whether, and if so, to what extent, John Milton’s portrayal of Sin in Paradise Lost is underlain by Lucan’s so-called “Medusa excursus”. Scholars have shown beyond reasonable doubt that Milton’s depiction of... more
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      LucanJohn MiltonEdmund SpenserSatan
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      Neronian LiteratureSenecaFlavian LiteratureStatius (Classics)
Memory was a major issue in education and civic life in ancient Rome. It mostly preserved the city’s moral tradition through the imitation of exemplary behaviors within political and social interactions. Thus, memory was a pivotal feature... more
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      Roman HistoryGenre studiesPoeticsMemory Studies
When the Early Imperial Roman writers imagined the cultural processes taking place in the newly-conquered Gaul, they frequently had recourse to a rhetoric that can appear strikingly similar to some later, colonial narratives of... more
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      Latin LiteraturePostcolonial StudiesColonialismSubaltern
"Cet article démontre les éléments typiques et structurels de la fanfiction, choisissant des exemples variés de connections avec l’Antiquité, et traite de deux fics dans lesquelles la littérature ancienne est incorporée : prenant place... more
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      Harry PotterLucanClassical Reception StudiesCatullus
Partindo das reflexões de Rao, Shulman e Subrahmanyam sobre a textura das narrativas históricas e do que aponta Vieira acerca dos princípios da épica romana como textos de caráter eminentemente historiográficos, procuramos neste artigo... more
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      Ancient HistoriographyLucanPharsaliaLucan Pharsalia
No historian has left so deep an imprint on the way the events he has described, as has Thucydides, son of Olorus. In the opening pages of his History of the Peloponnesian War, he lays down his research methodology, and makes the claim... more
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      Augustan PoetrySenecaLucanQuintilian
En este trabajo se examinan varios pasajes de las estorias alfonsíes (General estoria y Estoria de España) que son traducción de los mismos textos latinos para comprobar qué cambios sufren los textos en el proceso de traducción y en el de... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoriographyLucanHeroides
Questo lavoro si propone essenzialmente come un commento. Ringrazio vivamente Paolo Esposito per averne seguito lo sviluppo sin dall'inizio con grandissima attenzione e competenza, senza farmi mai mancare il suo incoraggiamento. Sono... more
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      Latin EpicLucanLucanus
Méduse ou les vertus réfléchissantes de la Gorgone chez Ovide et Lucain (Ov., Met., IV, 604V, 249, Luc., Ph., IX, 604889) 1 .
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      ClassicsHistory of IdeasMarxismItalian Studies
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Guerra giusta e guerra ingiusta nella Pharsalia di Lucano Là, nel deserto della loro Tebaide, gli uomini lavorarono d'accordo, con le mani, così spensero il fuoco tutti insieme. R. Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451 Esiste una guerra giusta? 1... more
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    • Lucan
in avanti N.), con questo ampio volume, ricco e documentatissimo, torna a Lucano, autore cui aveva dedicato, oltre a numerosi e importanti contributi pubblicati su riviste specialistiche, un ben noto saggio d'insieme nel 1979 -La... more
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      Latin LiteratureNeronian LiteratureLatin EpicLucan
Lucan, Between Art and Poetry: a Cross-fertilization? About Patria and Erichthô in the Pharsalia By focusing on the witch Erichthô in Book VI and the Patriae imago of Book I, I will point out how Hellenistic aesthetics may influence the... more
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      LucanEpic poetryLucainPharsale
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      StoicismLatin EpicLucanRoman Stoicism
This doctoral dissertation on Book 4 of the Constantinopolis by Ubertino Posculo represents the first completed English translation of a book in an epic poem that has hitherto been only available in Latin, French, or Italian. The... more
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      PhilosophyRenaissance HumanismLucanVergil
Kisah sengsara Yesus Kristus sampai kebangkitan-Nya dituliskan di dalam keempat Injil-injil sinoptik. Tulisan yang memiliki genre Narasi Injil ini secara unik dikisahkan oleh para penulis-penulis Injil yang diinspirasikan oleh Roh Kudus.... more
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      ChristianityTheologyNew TestamentHermeneutics
This doctoral dissertation on Book 4 of the Constantinopolis by Ubertino Posculo represents the first completed English translation of a book in an epic poem that has hitherto been only available in Latin, French, or Italian. The... more
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      Renaissance HumanismLucanVergilClassical Reception Studies
Scholia features critical and pedagogical articles and reviews on a diverse range of subjects dealing with classical antiquity, including late antique, medieval, Renaissance and early modern studies related to the classical tradition; in... more
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    • Lucan
in P. Johnston and S. Papaioannou (eds.) Idyllic Poetic Landscapes in Antiquity: Arcadia, the Golden Age, and the Locus Amoenus. Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 53 (2013): 261-74. Drawing on established connections... more
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      ClassicsCultural LandscapesBucolic PoetryLatin Epic
Unlike classic war epics such as the Iliad or Virgil’s Aeneid, whose heroes fight against external enemies, Lucan’s Pharsalia tells the story of a civil conflict. This circumstance makes it virtually impossible to include any gods in the... more
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      Roman ReligionRoman poetryLatin EpicLucan
Organizadores: Rafael Brunhara e C.Leonardo B. Antunes. Artigos de André Malta, Christian Werner, Paula da Cunha Corrêa, Giuliana Ragusa, Pedro Ipiranga Jr., José Marcos Macedo, Alexandre P. Hasegawa, Fernando Rodrigues Jr., Carlos... more
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureLatin LiteratureHomer
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureLucanOvid
Una storia di contadini, soldati, mercanti, aristocratici, vescovi e qualche re Dispensa per il corso di "Storia d'Italia 1" (Università d'Islanda) Versione 0.0 Forlagið Snorri Sturluson Reykjavík AD 2012
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      PhilologyReligionHistoryEuropean History
This article aims at analyzing the history of the Latin iunctura “machina mundi” since its original formulation (Lucretius, DRN 5.95-96). Lucretius’ use of the world-machine metaphor contains a clear polemical intent, directed against two... more
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      Latin LiteratureAncient ScienceEarly ChristianityStatius (Classics)
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      Apollonius RhodiusLucanOvidSeneca's Tragedies
Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich im weitesten Sinne mit dem Verhältnis zwischen einem Text, seinen Lesern und deren Kritikern. Ihr Gegenstand sind Anspielungen auf zeitgeschichtliche Ereignisse in antiken literarischen Texten und die... more
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      Latin LiteratureAristophanesLucanHorace
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      Rome, City ofThe Classical TraditionLucanHorace
Introduction to the epic genre in Rome after Vergil and to Lucan's "Bellum civile". Translation with stylistic and philological commentary of Lucanus’ 'Bellum civile' 1, 98-182 and 9, 734-838.
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      LucanThe Reception of VergilPoesia epicaEpos
Ediciones Clásicas garantiza un riguroso proceso de selección y evaluación de los trabajos que publica. This volume has been peer reviewed through a process administered by the Editors-in-Chief. All reviews were conducted by external... more
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      Neronian LiteratureSenecaLucanCassius Dio
Scholars of eighteenth-century literature have long seen the development of the Gothic as a break from neoclassical aesthetics, but this article posits a more complex engagement with classical imitation at the origins of the genre. In... more
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      Gothic LiteratureGothic StudiesLucanHorace
Un miracolo postumo di Cicerone. sull'epigramma di Tullio Laurea;
La morte di Cicerone in due epigrammi di Marziale
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      Latin LiteratureHistory and Classical tradition studiesM. Valerius MartialisCicero
This article aims at giving an overall view of the real and mythical topography of the Abaton of Biggeh, which housed a relic, the left leg of the God Osiris, in connection with the rituals. After a geographical and archaeological... more
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      PhilologyAncient Egyptian ReligionAncient HistoryBotany
In his poem, Lucan often employs the instruments of paradox and irony to expose the moral subversion of civil war. In this respect, his use of the semantic field of happiness, especially of terms such as felix, laetus, beatus or gaudium,... more
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      Latin LiteratureLatin EpicLucanPompey the Great
Baniades setnper tota canîabitur orbe: qunmvis íngenio nonvalet, arte valet (Am. l.l5.L3-4) In questo famoso giudizio Ovidio riconosce a Callimaco la grande raffinatezzaformale, ma gli nega decisamente la fantasia creativa, la capacità... more
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      Latin LiteratureCallimachusLucanOvid
A new edition of Lucan's Bellum civile, with introduction, Italian translation and commentary
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      LucanPompey the GreatJulius CaesarRoman Epic
Epopeea ."'Despre războia! civil''' sau "Parsalia*' este opera seriîl or ului latin Marcns Annaeus Lucarms. Date biografice asupra sa ire s-au păstrat foarte multe, iar cele transmise sînt confuze; şi con tradictorii! s-a păstrat, deci, o... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureLucanLatin poetry
This chapter discusses two of the key programmatic functions performed by ghosts in the Bellum Civile: (I) ghosts' roles in the development of the relationship between the Bellum Civile and the earlier epic tradition represented... more
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      Latin EpicLucanRoman EpicDead
La figura di Serse e gli aspetti più sensazionali della sua impresa ritornano nella letteratura in testi diversi e con finalità diverse. Nel presente articolo vengono esaminati alcuni testi latini di diverse epoche storiche, da Cicerone a... more
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      Latin LiteratureCiceroLucanDante Alighieri
This article aims to support Housman’s hypothesis that a line was omitted in Lucan after 10,122. Housman’s proposed addition is supported by the literary tradition (Catullus, Virgil and Manilius) to which Lucan’s passage is related.
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      IntertextualityLucanManiliusTextual criticism (Classics)
This dissertation provides a new examination of the figure of Cato within Lucan’s epic poem Bellum Civile by focusing on the theme of memory within the epic and its interaction with Cato’s character specifically. It argues that one may... more
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      Cultural MemoryLatin EpicLucanCato Uticensis