Low Fertility

55 papers
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Low fertility refers to a demographic condition characterized by a sustained decline in birth rates, resulting in fewer live births per woman over her reproductive lifetime. This phenomenon can be influenced by various factors, including economic conditions, social norms, and access to reproductive health services.
The present study aims to explore the dynamics of the cohort fertility in Sweden, Spain, the Czech Republic and Ukraine. The postponement and recuperation of fertility are analysed in order to find the differences within this process and... more
Women's educational attainment is essential for fertility decline in any region. Rising female educational attainment in the country is not always proportionally related to fertility decline. With economic development and urbanization,... more
The news that birth rates hit record low levels in many countries in Europe, Asia, and the Americas in the past decade was met with some alarm globally. More than half of the world's population lives in countries with a total fertility... more
This paper examines fertility and family policies in 15 Central and East European (CEE) countries to establish firstly, likely directions of cohort fertility trends for the coming decade; and secondly, to provide an overview and analysis... more
This article suggests that emerging adulthood, the stage in the life cycle described by Arnett for the United States, is also evident in Europe. The article examines the characteristics of emerging adulthood in Europe and highlights their... more
Fertility, particularly at its current low level in many developed countries and high level in some less developed countries, is a key factor driving demographic, economic, and societal changes at local, national, and global levels.... more
This paper proposes a new conceptual framework of "education bubble" in analyzing the human capital investment and formation. We apply this concept to the Korean experience. Sixty years ago Korea was destitute not only of income but also... more
Most European societies have experienced a marked decline in the number of births during the last decades. This study aims to contribute to our understanding of the past twists in the number of births and our ability to foresee future... more
In this study I describe the scope and variety of grandmotherly nurturing practices during the socialist regime and in post-socialism in Bulgaria. In the first part of the paper I examine childcare practices during the socialist period in... more
This article analyses the transformation in the mode of partnership formation in seven countries of Eastern Europe. The aim of the study is to provide an up-to-date account of the switch from direct marriage to non-marital cohabitation as... more
The below replacement fertility, persisting in many industrial countries, impacts the decrease in the population dynamics and consequently, the population decline. It also imposes the durable shifts in the age composition, which result in... more
is a not-for-profit research organisation providing objective analysis and effective solutions that address the challenges facing the public and private sectors around the world. RAND's publications do not necessarily reflect the opinions... more
Shadow Education is a misunderstood form of education that is pervasive throughout Asia and is found all over the world. It should be no surprise that shadow education is misunderstood, due to the wide variety of names used to describe or... more
We focus on Italy and Spain, two countries that have a "latest late" pattern of leaving home, with a high synchronisation between departure from the parental home and first union formation. FFS surveys in the two countries cover a group... more
The aims of this short paper are first, to illustrate the trends in legal separation in Italy by year of marriage and duration and second, to forecast possible tendencies in the near future. In order to elaborate on our second point (i)... more
The views and opinions expressed in this document do not necessarily re ect those of the United Nations Population Fund. This document presents a brief overview of the characteristics of low and very low fertility regimes. In it we... more
Most research on the relationship between economic conditions and fertility has shown that fertility has a procyclical relationship with economic growth. We examine this relationship by investigating the implications of the current... more
This paper examines the representation of back-alley abortions in postsocialist Romanian cinema as reproductive burden and the abortion ban during the socialist period 1966-1989, when Decree 770 was in effect. 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days... more
The influence of China’s family planning policies on fertility transition is widely acknowledged in research studies. However, little is known about how improvements in women’s education have shaped reproductive decisions of Chinese women... more
Introduction to the Special Issue Low Fertility in Comparative Perspective
The authors would like to thank Tomas Sobotka and Krystof Zeman of the Vienna Institute of Demography and its Human fertility Data Bank for their extensive help with exploring the possibilities of the Life Cycle Sensitive TFR. Without... more
Reproductive decisions imply long-term direct and indirect costs and individuals can utilise family, market and the state’s assistance to achieve resources perceived as necessary for childbearing. Reliance on kin help, social assistance... more
Italy and Spain are extreme cases of low fertility linked to postponement of childbearing. Demographers continue to debate causes of postponement. This qualitative study was designed to contribute, by purposively selecting Italian and... more
The subject of this study is the fertility of the cohorts of women born in Bulgaria after 1932. The object of the study are the size and structure of delayed births – total and by rank of child born, for the calendar period 1980-2018 and... more
This study analyses and compares the fertility behaviour and childbearing plans of Polish migrant families in Ireland and those of their counterpartsfamilies in Poland. The study has a comparative and explanatory character and applies... more
The views and opinions expressed in this document do not necessarily re ect those of the United Nations Population Fund. This document presents a brief overview of the characteristics of low and very low fertility regimes. In it we... more
In this paper we study two aspects of the decision-making process following the birth of a child: whether or not the mother works, and whether or not the couple provides the child with formal childcare. Focusing on Padova and its district... more
In this paper we study two aspects of the decision-making process following the birth of a child: whether or not the mother works, and whether or not the couple provides the child with formal childcare. Focusing on Padova and its district... more
The views and opinions expressed in this document do not necessarily re ect those of the United Nations Population Fund. This document presents a brief overview of the characteristics of low and very low fertility regimes. In it we... more
Several studies suggest that over the last several decades in Italy, the negative effects of education on fertility have attenuated. Recent analyses developed in other countries, however, highlight that considerations of the relationship... more
FOREWORD The current debates on demographic transformation have been characterised on the one hand by declining birth rates and on the other by increasing life expectancy. Such debates usually focus on the consequences for society, which... more
When I was asked what would be the most important factor likely to influence fertility in the near future, my first inclination was to focus on countries experiencing very low fertility, particularly European and East Asian nations. Out... more
Our motivation in this paper comes from a growing concern in demography for a better understanding of context in reproductive behavior outcomes. This takes on particular importance in Italy, a country still characterized by very low... more
This article provides an overall survey on fertility and its determinants in Romania after 1995. The empirical evidence presented in this paper supports the view that after the fall of the communism we register only five years of decline... more
This paper analyses the effect of the increasing female participation in the labour market on the transition to first childbirth. In this analysis both the generational and the regional perspective are taken into account to understand,... more
by A Luci
We examine how far changes in fertility trends are related to ongoing economic development in OECD countries. In the light of the inverse J-shaped relationship between the human development index (HDI) and total fertility rates that was... more
The Czech Republic population development regardless of recently improving natural development balance and its present moderate surplus does not look optimistic in perspectives posterior to the year 2010. It is only international... more
The Curious Case of the Unplanned Baby, Italian Low Fertility, and the "End" of Rationality Even in a country with super-low fertility rates, at least one-quarter of all babies are unplanned. The finding puzzles policymakers. This article... more
This article suggests that emerging adulthood, the stage in the life cycle described by Arnett for the United States, is also evident in Europe. The article examines the characteristics of emerging adulthood in Europe and highlights their... more
This paper looks at the consequences of political, institutional and market changes for life-course patterns in East and West Germany. It summarizes major institutional changes and developments on the macro level and discusses possible... more
We argue that South Korean families with children are today overinvesting in the level of education due to their high levels of expenditures on private after-school tutoring programs. This situation has evolved due to a combination of... more
Births outside marriage (BoM) account for around 15% of all births globally. However, the distribution around the world is very uneven, as are cultural and political attitudes towards them. Studies from East Asia have shown that the... more
This study has been prepared within the UNU-WIDER project Social mobility in the Global South-concepts, measures, and determinants.
A nonlinear three-stage least-squares technique is used to estimate a fourequation model in which age-specific fertility, marriage, divorce, and female labor force participation rates are the dependent variables. In addition to a range of... more