Low Cost Treatment

18 papers
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Low cost treatment refers to medical or therapeutic interventions designed to be affordable and accessible, often focusing on cost-effective methods to deliver healthcare services without compromising quality. This approach aims to reduce financial barriers for patients while ensuring effective management of health conditions.
Grey water is the biggest part of domestic wastewater in surface water. Although the organic matter contained in grey water is relatively low, it could decrease water quality significantly if entered and accumulated in surface water flow.... more
The present study evaluated the capacity of a semi-closed, tubular horizontal photobioreactor (PBR) to remove pesticides from agricultural runoff. The study was carried out in July to study its efficiency under the best conditions... more
The present study evaluated the capacity of a semi-closed, tubular horizontal photobioreactor (PBR) to remove pesticides from agricultural runoff. The study was carried out in July to study its efficiency under the best conditions... more
The present study evaluated the capacity of a semi-closed, tubular horizontal photobioreactor (PBR) to remove pesticides from agricultural runoff. The study was carried out in July to study its efficiency under the best conditions... more
Saat ini usaha industri tahu sedang berkembang. Limbah yang dihasilkan dari industri tahu akan menjadi suatu permasalahan bagi lingkungan. Pengolahan air limbah industri tahu dapat dilakukan dengan cara pengolahan biologis karena dapat... more
Arab countries are primarily situated in arid environments and face serious water scarcity challenges due to growing populations, urbanization, and climate change impacts. Reusing greywater, if adequately treated at the point of... more
Wastewater stabilization ponds (WSPs) have been proven to be economical alternatives to conventional wastewater treatment technologies due to their unique advantages including ease of operation, minimal energy input, and minimal... more
Treatment in a wastewater stabilization pond (WSP) relies on natural purification processes, which can be sensitive to both location and climate. This study investigated the effects of three environmental factors, pH, dissolved oxygen... more
Wastewater treatment is a widely used health protection measure that can be applied to control the transmission of wastewater-related infectious diseases to communities exposed to wastewater. This study determined the efficiency of three... more
Latar belakang: Batik merupakan warisan budaya Indonesia yang nilai ekspornya meningkat pesat. Dampak ini dapat meningkatkan pendapatan negara secara signifikan. Di sisi lain, memperluas kesempatan kerja bagi masyarakat untuk memproduksi... more
The rapid growth of  the Indonesian  population  will  produce  more and more wastewater. Throwing domestic wastewater directly without treatment had caused the water pollution. One of simple, easy, low cost in maintenance and operation... more
This study evaluates the efficiency of a sustainable technology represented in an integrated pilot-scale system, which includes a facultative pond (FP), a high-rate algal pond (HRAP), and a rock filter (RF) for wastewater treatment to... more
The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses,... more
Egerton University (EU) uses Wastewater Stabilization Ponds (WSPs) for wastewater treatment. An adjoining wetland with gravel bed substrate and freesurface flow meant to polish discharge before releasing into River Njoro is currently... more
Egerton University (EU) uses Wastewater Stabilization Ponds (WSPs) for wastewater treatment. An adjoining wetland with gravel bed substrate and free-surface flow meant to polish discharge before releasing into River Njoro is currently... more
Egerton University (EU) uses Wastewater Stabilization Ponds (WSPs) for wastewater treatment. An adjoining wetland with gravel bed substrate and free-surface flow meant to polish discharge before releasing into River Njoro is currently... more
In the present study, we applied an ultrafiltration process to detect Blastocystis spp., Cryptosporidium parvum, Giardia lamblia and helminth ova during a dry season with cold and warm periods. Samples of wastewater, reuse water for the... more
The rapid growth of the Indonesian population will produce more and more wastewater. Throwing domestic wastewater directly without treatment had caused the water pollution. One of simple, easy, low cost in maintenance and operation... more
Establishing performance of high rate algal ponds South Australian rural communities commonly employ on-site systems for their residential wastewater treatment, e.g. septic tanks. Treated effluent is disposed of via sub-surface drainage... more
In this study Mixture of domestic grey water and black water were investigated. This Mixture consists of Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Total Suspended Solid (TSS), and Nitrate (NO 3). This research... more
The rapid growth of the Indonesian population will produce more and more wastewater. Throwing domestic wastewater directly without treatment had caused the water pollution. One of simple, easy, low cost in maintenance and operation... more
Lebih dari 3 ton limbah kulit kerang setiap minggunya dihasilkan dan dibuang di pinggir Pantai Kenjeran. Penelitian memanfaatkan limbah kulit kerang sebagai media anaerobic filter. Variasi penelitian yang digunakan adalah variasi waktu... more
ABSTRAK  Limbah domestik air bekas cucian (grey water) dari rumah tangga sebagian besar belum diolah, namun dibuang langsung ke badan air penerima. Konsentrasi bahan organik dalam grey water yang terakumulasi dalam badan air penerima... more
Groundwater quality of southern India is strongly dependent on bedrock geology and climate but may also be impacted in parts by pollution, particularly from agricultural and industrial sources. Current study, 15 groundwater Samples were... more
The rapid growth of the Indonesian population will produce more and more wastewater. Throwing domestic wastewater directly without treatment had caused the water pollution. One of simple, easy, low cost in maintenance and operation... more
Groundwater quality of southern India is strongly dependent on bedrock geology and climate but may also be impacted in parts by pollution, particularly from agricultural and industrial sources. Current study, 15 groundwater Samples were... more
High rate algal ponds (HRAPs) have been suggested as replacements for waste stabilisation ponds (WSPs) in Community Wastewater Management Systems (CWMS) used in rural South Australian (SA) towns. Treated effluent from CWMS is reused for... more
A preliminary investigation of one of each of municipal and the private school were studied by questionnaire and interview was undertaken to familiarize the author with the lighting situations in the schools and the residences of the... more
Water is essential for all forms of life, food production and economic development. Only 0.5 % of water is available on earth surface making it more precious commodity on earth. Water covers 70.9 % of the Earth's surface, and is vital for... more
Context: Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is a high-incidence health concern and therefore cause a high economic burden. Aim: To evaluate the direct medical cost in CRS treatment. The findings of this research promised as a real evidence on... more
Unit pengolahan air limbah (IPAL) yang diterapkan pada Rusunawa menggunakan unit anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) dan anaerobic biofilter bermedia batu koral.Unit tersebut, sejak dibangun sampai dioperasikan belum pernah dipantau atau... more
Five municipal and domestic wastewater treatment plants, most of which had secondary treatment systems formed by activated sludge, were studied during 2013–2014 in Tehran. The study was done in order to evaluate their efficiency in terms... more
by Omar Zimmo and 
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This paper presents a novel design concept for using rock filters as in-line natural media in waste stabilization ponds. A pilot-scale algae-rock-filter pond (ARP) system was investigated in parallel with algae-based ponds (ABPs) over a... more
All waste stabilization pond (WSP) systems in Greece are presented, including primary and secondary data and qualitative parameters concerning their design and operation. Operation and maintenance practices are evaluated and improvements... more
Giardia spp. and Cryptosporidium spp. are recognized worldwide as highly infectious protozoan parasites that can cause severe gastrointestinal disease in humans and animals. The detection of these pathogens in activated sludge samples... more
Limbah yang digunakan adalah grey water. Jenis reaktor adalah kombinasi Anaerobic Baffled Reactor (ABR) dan Anaerobic Filter (AF). Reaktor I terdiri atas 4 kompartemen ABR dan 1 kompartemen AF, sementara Reaktor II terdiri atas 3... more
Similarly to most of Mediterranean EU member states, Portugal regularly experience severe water supply and demand imbalances, particularly in the summer months. Tourism is a very important economic activity in Portugal and is pushing... more
This paper presents a novel design concept for using rock filters as in-line natural media in waste stabilization ponds. A pilot-scale algae-rock-filter pond (ARP) system was investigated in parallel with algae-based ponds (ABPs) over a... more
A waste stabilisation pond (WSP) system formed by two anaerobic ponds, a facultative pond and a maturation pond was studied from December 2003 to September 2004 in north-western Spain in order to evaluate its efficiency in the removal... more
The influence of flue gas sparging (7% CO(2)) on the performance of two 465 L High-Rate Algal Ponds (HRAPs) treating diluted swine manure at 10 days of hydraulic retention time was evaluated under continental climatic conditions (Castilla... more
The performance of two 464-L high rate algal ponds (HRAPs) treating 20- and 10-folds diluted swine manure at 10 days of hydraulic residence time was evaluated under continental climatic conditions in Castilla y Leon (Spain) from January... more