Skip to main content Le marxisme ouvert d’Antonio Gramsci permet de redéfinir la philosophie de l’histoire en échappant à tout dogmatisme. Gramsci cherche en... more
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      MarxismPraxisFrench RevolutionHistoricism
In his text On the Reproduction of Capitalism, Louis Althusser references an appendix to the text, which remains either lost or unfinished: an appendix titled ‘The Ideology of Work.’ Inspired by the potential contents of this appendix,... more
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      SociologySocial TheorySocial SciencesMarxism
In “Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses,” Louis Althusser proposed a complete rethinking of the category of the Subject. Despite the many critiques of Subjectivity that proliferated in France at the time, Althusser intended to... more
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      PsychoanalysisPolitical PhilosophyPhilosophy of LiteratureLacan
One of the central topics of study in the humanities is the question of ideology. There are many theories about what it is and how it works. One of the more significant of these theories comes from a French Marxist, Louis Althusser, in... more
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      IdeologyLouis AlthusserInterpellation
Sažetak: Altiserov neosporni doprinos istoriji marksizma je u tome što je pokazao da apstraktan filozofski diksurs o čoveku, njegovom otuđenju i razotuđenju (oslobođenju), koji je dominirao i dotadašnjom marksističkom filozofijom,... more
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      IdealismIdeologyScienceLouis Althusser
El 25 de noviembre de 2013 viajamos de Berlín a Managua para conocer de primera mano la realidad nicaragüense y preparar un proyecto artístico promovido por Oxfam Intermón que será expuesto en Madrid en 2014. Terminamos la lectura... more
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      MetaphysicsPolitical PhilosophyHermeneuticsLouis Althusser
Якщо французький філософ не помітив принцип читання у фрагменті про читання, який їм згадувався, то що можна говорити про всі ті, можливі, фрагменти, що не згадані філософом? Може Маркс сам не визначився з питанням про читання? Одним... more
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      PhilosophyMarxismLouis AlthusserReading
What happens to foreign politics when actors, things or processes are presented as threats? This book explains state’s international behavior based on a reflexive framework of insecurity politics. It argues that governments act on... more
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesInternational RelationsInternational Relations Theory
Busco neste trabalho compreender a relação entre o discurso da lei (sustentado pelo aparelho jurídico) e algumas práticas urbanas ilegais/irregulares/informais, notadamente a comercialização de produtos piratas. Para tanto, vou analisar... more
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      Louis AlthusserAnálise do DiscursoMarxismoAnálise de Discurso
Zwischen 1975 und 1980 hat Louis Althusser seine Position gegenüber dem Staat radikalisiert, indem er offene Kritik gegenüber den in der Kommunistischen Partei Frankreichs (KPF) dominierenden Tendenzen übte. Die Diskussion gewann an... more
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      MarxismCommunismLouis AlthusserSocial movements and revolution
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      Latin American StudiesMarxismLouis AlthusserJosé Carlos Mariátegui
Ciclo di seminari con professori, giovani ricercatori e studenti con l'obiettivo di esaminare, tramite l'incrocio transdisciplinare di filosofia, storia della scienza e etnosemiotica, lo statuto teoretico, etico e epistemologico del... more
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      Gilbert SimondonGilles DeleuzeJacques LacanMaurice Merleau-Ponty
Ponencia presentada en el III Encuentro Filosofía y Teoría Política UC.
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      Louis AlthusserMarxist theoryComunism
This paper tries to explore the anarchistic traits of the Joker, the DC Comics supervillain, through the lens of Louis Althusser's influential essay "Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses," with special references to two movies, "The... more
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      Louis AlthusserIdeology CritiqueDc Comics
This article attempts to portray how a contemporary young adult literature entitled The Giver (Lowry, 1993) illustrates the operation of state apparatus in a dystopian setting of time and place. Applying Althusser's theory of state... more
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      Louis AlthusserDystopian FictionThe Giver
В статье на примере исследовательской практики британской школы “исследований культуры” (cultural studies) исследуются возможности применения (нео)марксистского понятия идеологии в области изучения масс-медиа и популярной культуры... more
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      Sociology of CultureMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesMarxism
Discourse Studies started out as materialist and political endeavor. Many aspects of this heritage, however, seem to have gotten lost in contemporary approaches to discourse, or live on as a spectral undercurrent that remains implicit.... more
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      Discourse AnalysisMarxismPoststructuralismBakhtin
In the paper, I analyze relations between power, freedom, and formation of the self in reference to Foucault’s works since this triangle is central not only to the philosophy of education, but also goes to the heart of the problem with... more
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      Philosophy of EducationLouis AlthusserFoucault and educationMichel Foucault: The subject and power
İdeoloji konusunu çalışanlar bu kavramın ne kadar karmaşık olduğunu iyi bilir. Başlangıçta filozoflarca olumlu kabul edilen bu kavram ilerleyen süreçte olumsuz bir içeriğe bürünür. Fransız düşünür Louis Althusser' e göre ideoloji, bireyin... more
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      Louis AlthusserTarihFelsefeHitler
"La riproduzione sociale e culturale" Capitolo in "Famiglia e sociologia. Dai classici alla modernità" (a cura di Antonietta Censi) Capitolo 6 - La riproduzione sociale e culturale Nel capitolo sono trattati i concetti ed i... more
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      Sociology of FamiliesFamilyLouis AlthusserPierre Bourdieu
L’articolo esplora il concetto di cittadinanza sviluppato da Étienne Balibar considerandolo all’interno della fase «post-marxista» del suo pensiero. Il testo cerca allora innanzitutto di situare il senso di questa fase. Quest'ultima non... more
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      Critical TheoryMarxismPost-MarxismNationalism
An analysis of WWI as seen through the lens of soldiers from fiction and non-fiction sources.
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    • Louis Althusser
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      Louis AlthusserAlthusserIdeological State ApparatusesIdeological State Apparatus in media
Chinese translation of the essay "Max Horkheimer, a Teacher without a Class," originally published at "Jacobin" magazine (15 February 2020,... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophySocial Sciences
Althusser builds on Marx's principle of revolution by explaining the functioning of the state and ideology. Contradictions in the society are when the class struggles are possible. When there is a contradiction between the owners of means... more
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      Louis AlthusserStructuralism (Philosophy)Claude Lévi-StraussFerdinand de Saussure
The role of cultural production and ideology in revolution has long been a topic of debate. Frantz Fanon, among other theorists, questioned what this role could be in national liberation struggles and socialist movements among colonized... more
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      MarxismIndigenous FilmCanadian LiteratureLouis Althusser
This paper will address Volker Schlöndorff and Margarethe von Trotta’s The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum (1975) together with Walter Benjamin’s “Critique of Violence” – and its interpretation by Slavoj Žižek in Violence – in order to... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryTerrorismViolence
This project re-reads Althusserian Marxism as an aesthetic project in light of Althusser’s writings on art and drama. I contend that the Althusserian legacy points to a theory of theory as ultimately an aesthetic project aimed at... more
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      AestheticsPolitical TheoryLouis AlthusserJacques Rancière
Aportación para el número monográfico que la revista "Pensar desde abajo" dedicará a Juan Carlos Rodríguez
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      MarxismLiteratureSociology of KnowledgeLouis Althusser
States need to benefit from some persuasion techniques especially at wars. Besides on military superiority, it is important to control both rivals and allies psychology and way of thinking. Thanks to developments in communication... more
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      American StudiesMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesTerrorism
Very brief analysis of childhood behavior shows that such combinations as histrionic play, bluff, playful threat, teasing play in response to threat, histrionic threat, and so on form together a single total complex of phenomena. And such... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesPlay TherapyGerman Studies
How/is critique possible? This essay examines the work of ideology and interpretation in Gadamer, Ricoeur, Althusser, and Laclau to avoid answering that question.
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      HermeneuticsIdeologyLouis AlthusserPaul Ricoeur
Bu çalışmada, Fransız düşünür Louis Althusser’in ölümünden sonra yayımlanan Karşılaşma Maddeciliğinin Yer Altı Akımı ve Machiavelli ve Biz başlıklı metinlerinden yola çıkarak, içerisinde bulunduğumuz konjonktürde radikal bir siyasetin... more
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      Gilles DeleuzeLouis AlthusserPost-Althusserian TheoryHistorical Materialism
Ethnobiology is increasingly recognized from within and outside of its boundaries as interdisciplinary. The Society of Ethnobiology defines the field as “the scientific study of dynamic relationships among peoples, biota, and... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSocial TheoryGeographyAnthropology
Através de uma tomada de posição que visa a considerar a problemática da interpelação ideológica em relação à questão racial, apresento, neste artigo, uma análise discursiva que busca dar consequência a tal relação no modo como ela se... more
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      Discourse AnalysisLouis AlthusserFrantz FanonAnálise do Discurso
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      Jacques LacanLouis AlthusserSlavoj ŽižekJacques Rancière
El presente artículo tiene por objetivo problematizar la relación entre teoría y práctica política en la obra de Althusser. Asimismo, la relación entre teoría y política está íntimamente ligada al problema de la totalidad social. Es... more
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      Louis AlthusserAlthusserPrácticas PolíticasTotalidad
Back Cover with endorsements of the forthcoming collection on Atomism. 508pp. In press, publication date: 12 November 2020
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      BuddhismMetaphysicsHistory and Philosophy of ChemistryMarxism
รายงานวิจัยฉบับสมบูรณ์ภายใต้โครงการ "วิธีวิทยาในการศึกษาประวัติศาสตร์" โดยได้รับการสนับสนุนทุนวิจัยจาก สานักงานคณะกรรมการส่งเสริมวิทยาศาสตร์ วิจัยและนวัตกรรม (สกสว.)
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      MarxismLouis AlthusserPhilosophy of TimeAntonio Negri
En el presente trabajo analizaremos la lectura de Marx que Althusser llevó adelante con un conjunto de colaboradores. La misma llevó al filósofo francés a postular una serie de tesis sobre la ruptura epistemológica que le permitió a Marx... more
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      MarxismHegelLouis AlthusserMarxist theory
abstract: The goal of this paper is to give an account of the pragmatic and social function of slurs, taken as speech acts. I develop a theory of the distinctive illocutionary force and pragmatic structure of slurs. I argue that slurs... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguagePragmaticsIdeologyLouis Althusser
The subject today seems decentered in and by language, split by the unconscious, deformed by social forces, governed by ideology, and is either seen to have succumbed to the postmodern condition or to never have existed in the first... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSemioticsPhilosophyMarxism
During his imprisonment in WWII, Althusser, as stated, only had a book within reach: Pascal’s Pensées, a classic that, trough religious reflection, also involved epistemological, historical and sociological problems so in it we can find... more
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      PsychoanalysisIdeologyLouis AlthusserBlaise Pascal
This paper concerns the psychic trauma of the linguistic opposition of the terms “work” and “play” on unemployed youth as visually portrayed in the independent videogame Night in the Woods (Infinite Fall, 2017). Night in the Woods follows... more
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      Video GamesLouis AlthusserGiorgio AgambenWork and Labour
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      PsychoanalysisJacques LacanLouis AlthusserSlavoj Žižek
The article considers some explicit or implicit and yet fundamental references to Althusser in Balibar's text about transindividuality. Of particular significance is the attempt to think of an articulation of ideology and the unconscious... more
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      MarxismGilbert SimondonLouis AlthusserSigmund Freud
"L'exforma. Arte, ideologia e scarto" Nicolas Bourriaud, postmedia books 2016 108 pp. - isbn 9788874901777 Negli ultimi due decenni, la struttura stessa del discorso artistico è stata focalizzata su temi legati all'esclusione, del tipo... more
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      Contemporary ArtLouis AlthusserArte ContemporaneaRelational aesthetics
Se podría plantear que la cuestión de la ideología aparece como un componente fundamental a la hora de considerar una teoría crítica del derecho, como instancia superadora del "derecho natural" y el "derecho positivo", y hacia un cambio... more
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      Louis AlthusserIdeologíaTeoría crítica del derechoFilosofía del Derecho