Loop Quantum Gravity
Recent papers in Loop Quantum Gravity
A brief overview 1 of loop quantum cosmology of homogeneous isotropic models is presented with emphasis on the origin of and subtleties associated with the resolution of big bang and big crunch singularities. These results bear out the... more
The fundamental holographic principle is first proposed, then demonstrated in its validity and viability through a thought experiment and then finally derived. The Heisenberg uncertainty relations are shown to follow from this fundamental... more
In this paper we have tried to deduce the possible origin of particle and evolution of their intrinsic properties through spiral dynamics. We consider some of the observations which include exponential mass function of particles following... more
Quantum entanglement, a term coined by Erwin Schrodinger in 1935, is a mechanical phenomenon at the quantum level wherein the quantum states of two (or more) particles have to be described with reference to each other though these... more
1 Centre de Physique Theorique de Luminy 4 , Case 907, F-13288 Marseille, France 2 Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit`a degli Studi Roma Tre, I-00146 Roma, Italy 3 Dipartimento di Matematica, Universit`a degli Studi Roma Tre, I-00146 Roma,... more
Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi models as specific spherically symmetric solutions of general relativity simplify in their reduced form some of the mathematical ingredients of black hole or cosmological applications. The conditions imposed in... more
A superluminal quantum-vortex model of the electron and the positron is produced from a superluminal double-helix model of the photon during electron-positron pair production. The two oppositely-charged (with Q = ±e sqrt (2/α) = 16.6e)... more
Je tiensà remercier toutes les personnes qui m'ont entouré durant ces trois années de thèse et plus généralement tous les membres du CPT pour m'avoir accueilli. Tout d'abord, j'aimerais remercier Carlo Rovelli, mon directeur de thèse,... more
The author of this article is a theoretical physicist and computer scientist, who has no background in literature or creative writing. Nor did he intend to write a book on poetry. This book entitled: “About Love” came as Divine... more
Let H be a nontrivial subgroup of index d of a free group G and N be the normal closure of H in G. The coset organization in a subgroup H of G provides a group P of permutation gates whose common eigenstates are either stabilizer states... more
La physique contemporaine pourrait bien nous livrer un enseignement incroyable, à savoir que l'espace et le temps n'existent pas fondamentalement. Je présenterai succinctement les ontologies suggérées par les deux principaux programmes de... more
This paper presents an understanding of consciousness based on Bantu cosmology. The author's motivation is to discuss consciousness in a new light. The writer has included some stories that he heard and events he witnessed during his... more
Convegno di studi "Gli universi di Stephen Hawking" (Liceo Statale “G. P. Vieusseux”, Imperia), 22/03/2019
For a long time, one of my dreams was to describe the nature of uncertainty axiomatically, and it looks like I've finally done it in my co∼eventum mechanics! Now it remains for me to explain to everyone the co∼eventum mechanics in the... more
In this book I discussed some of gravitational waves properties and symmetry through my theory, and dealt with its propagations through many types of masses beginning from pure space with no mass, Earth, Sun, Black Hole, early universe,... more
Interpreting Lucretius as an atomist was one of the biggest interpretive errors in the history of philosophy and science.
This book is aimed at undergraduate and graduate students, researchers or those interested in looking for an alternative to string theory (ST) or statistical quantum mechanics. It assumes a basic working knowledge of information theory,... more
This book is intended to provide a comprehensive introduction to the current debate on the physical principles underlying the theory of digital physics (the physics of information, computation, self-organization and consciousness) as an... more
Una passeggiata alla ricerca della comprensione del tempo tra: le confusioni temporali e causali della Fisica Classica; gli artificiosi equilibrismi per farlo scomparire della Meccanica Statistica; gli assolutismi e relativismi per unire... more
Gravity was discovered accidentally by Newton after he observed an apple falling from a tree. But what actually is gravity and what is its role in nature? However, gravity remains much of a mystery. We experience gravity and are affected... more
Quantum gravity was born as that branch of modern theoretical physics that tries to unify its guiding principles, i.e., quantum mechanics and general relativity. Nowadays it is providing new insight into the unification of all fundamental... more
Quantum gravity was born as that branch of modern theoretical physics that tries to unify its guiding principles, i.e., quantum mechanics and general relativity. Nowadays it is providing new insight into the unification of all fundamental... more
My dissertation studies the foundations of loop quantum gravity (LQG), a candidate for a quantum theory of gravity based on classical general relativity. At the outset, I discuss two-and I claim separate-questions: first, do we need a... more
Slides from my talk at the American Physical Society March 2018 Meeting in Los Angeles. Rearranged slides on March 8 for more coherent narrative .
"UKRAY" - UNIFIED FIELD THEORY - - A New Unification Theory on Electromagnetic Gravitation- THIS THEORY, GETS THESE QUESTIONS INTO; - A CHANGE into Gravitational field and field equations, STATIC AND UNIVERSAL GRAVITATIONAL CONSTANTS, -... more
The goal of this review is to present an introduction to loop quantum gravity-a background-independent, non-perturbative approach to the problem of unification of general relativity and quantum physics, based on a quantum theory of... more
We discuss the theory of knots, and describe how knot invariants arise naturally in gravitational physics. The focus of this review is to delineate the relationship between knot theory and the loop representation of non-perturbative... more
We present a reformulation of loop quantum gravity with a cosmological constant and no matter as a Fermi-liquid theory. When the topological sector is deformed and large gauge symmetry is broken, we show that the Chern-Simons state... more
Regarding the foundations of matter as energy fields in a fractal gearing structure can redefine the foundations of quantum physics in a unique new way, while remaining consistent with modern probabilisitic theories. Further, working... more
We review the Lagrangian formulation of (generalised) Noether symmetries in the framework of Calculus of Variations in Jet Bundles, with a special attention to so-called "Natural Theories" and "Gauge-Natural Theories" that include all... more
The two greatest achievements of 20 th century physics were general relativity, the theory of the very large, and quantum mechanics, the theory of the very small. While separately these theories have been very successful, they are... more
In this vital and groundbreaking exploration of the universe, the author has written a compelling work allowing us to understand the universe through the computational and consciousness model. In Digital Physics: Decoding the Universe,... more
The closed, k=1, FRW model coupled to a massless scalar field is investigated in the framework of loop quantum cosmology using analytical and numerical methods. As in the k=0 case, the scalar field can be again used as emergent time to... more
Planck length is the length scale at which the structure of space becomes dominated by quantum effects, and it is impossible to determine the difference between two locations less than one Planck length apart. In string theory, the Planck... more
It is felt by many that faster-than-light particles (tachyons) exist though none has been detected so far. Is it really possible to detect these particles? Some methods are brought up.
The evolution of gravitational tests from an epistemological perspective framed in the concept of rational reconstruction of Imre Lakatos, based on his methodology of research programmes. Unlike other works on the same subject, the... more
The problems with the standard model and the current model of gravity , is unambiguously difficult to solve , Many models had an approach for a solution which is consistent with other areas of physics , but many has failed , string theory... more
A natural geometric unit system (abbr. SG) based on the pre-2019 SI system, in which four fundamental physical constants undergo joint numerical and dimensional normalization to unity c = G = k = h = 1, with only one base geometric unit u... more
Corso di Storia della Filosofia Moderna e Contemporanea (a. a. 2020/2021, titolare: Prof. Marco Matteoli) - Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere, Università di Pisa
Columbus's egg of curved space-time without gravity There is no need for "fictitious gravity" to explain the "curvature" nor for a circle ⭕️ a sphere and the entire illusory universe of the eternally present "condensed mass": The... more
In this paper, I have studied the properties of atomic and molecular world along with general and special theories of relativity. This is an attempt to merge Gravity into the standard model in order to complete the Grand Unification... more
In this paper we summarize "loop quantum gravity" (LQG) and we show how ideas developed in LQG can solve the black hole singularity problem when applied to a minisuperspace model.
Quantum entanglement, a term coined by Erwin Schrodinger in 1935, is a mechanical phenomenon at the quantum level wherein the quantum states of two (or more) particles have to be described with reference to each other though these... more
https://www.urbanomic.com/book/collapse-5/ In his first major book, The Discovery of Dynamics (1989), theoretical physicist and historian of physics Julian Barbour described the process of discovery and progress in science as ‘a journey... more
A theory of everything , or, grand unified theory (which Einstein had been working on without success, with Superstring Theory now being a good candidate), is one which unites all the forces of nature, viz., gravity, electromagnetism, the... more
In Loop Quantum Gravity the classical point of departure is the Einstein-Hilbert action modified by the addition of the so-called Holst term. Classically, this term does not affect the equations of motion, but it induces a well-known... more