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A single span of 51.45m long arch bridge with 50mm diameter spiral strand pre-stretched cable hanger network and pre-stressed post tension girder was constructed over Dungsam River at Samdrupjongkhar by CDCL under Samdrupjongkhar... more
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      Construction Project ManagementStructural Designs in BridgesLong Span BridgeProfessional Project Managers
This paper presents a life cycle cost analysis of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) reinforced concrete highway bridges. This study shows that despite the higher initial construction cost of CFRP reinforced bridges, they can be cost... more
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      Infrastructure PlanningSustainable DevelopmentUrban PlanningLife Cycle Assessment
Abstrak Studi ini membahas tentang analisis respon dinamik perilaku gempa pada jembatan rangka pelengkung sebagai akibat dari pengaruh pergerakan tanah dan patahan. Data gempa didapat dari integral waktu gelombang respon percepatan gempa... more
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      Structural EngineeringStructural DynamicsBridge EngineeringSteel Structure
Balanced cantilever bridges are used for special requirements like 1) Construction over traffic 2) Short lead time compared to steel 3) Use local labour and materials. If continuous spans are used, the governing bending moment can... more
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      Bridge EngineeringStructural Designs in BridgesLong Span BridgeHighway & Bridge Engineering
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      Structural DynamicsBridge EngineeringVibration ControlLong Span Bridge
There have been several attempts to define the parameters influencing the aesthetic qualities of structures in architectural and engineering fields. Relationship of “Visual Appearance vs. Structural Form” found visible and impressive in... more
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      AestheticsLong Span BridgeBridgesStructural Bridge Design
The long-term behavior of long-span prestressed concrete continuous rigid-frame bridges is significantly sensitive to creep and shrinkage. Therefore, it is important to accurately estimate creep and shrinkage effects. This paper presents... more
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      Civil EngineeringStructural EngineeringConcreteChina
This is a design and implementation of an online Hostel Management System. " ONLINE HOSTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM " is software developed for managing various activities in the hostel. For the past few years the number of educational... more
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      Computer ScienceStudentsHostelLong Span Bridge
The purpose of this paper is to explain the concepts in long span design and general procedures associated with the construction of the Long Span Crossings for the LRT3 Project. The paper endeavours to describe an overview of the... more
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      Long Span BridgeMRT Rail Network SystemLRT
Cable-stayed bridges can be recognized as a suitable solution for connecting wide-span crossings. More than 600 cable bridges are constructed in the world till now while this process is in progress and this number is increasing. The span... more
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      Civil EngineeringStructural EngineeringLong Span BridgeCable-Stayed bridge Vibration
Set over the Bow River in the mountain setting of Banff is a slender 113m long timber bridge both serving pedestrian traffic and providing a sensitive sanitary crossing replacement. Its minimal form was designed to blend into the natural... more
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      AestheticsStructural EngineeringTimberDynamics
Was zunächst die einfache Bezeichnung für ein Bauwerk war, das Hindernisse überwindet mit dem Zweck, eine Verbindung zwischen unverbundenen Teilen zu schaffen, ist längst zu einem Begriff geworden, der derart reich an metaphorischem und... more
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      EngineeringArchitectural EngineeringCivil EngineeringGerman Studies
Low wind Speed Heaving Resonance (LSHR) is a new phenomenon, found during experimental researches on long span bridge model in LAGG. The studies were performed on sectional models of typical deck of a long span bridge and several generic... more
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      AerodynamicsVibrationResonanceLong Span Bridge
This publication deals with the metamorphoses of the Brisbane Victoria Bridge. It includes an Appendix Palladiana where the ideological "matrix" of the Palladian Manifesto Villa "La Rotunda" is said to be the "Tetraktys" (the upper... more
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      Galileo GalileiJohannes KeplerLeonardo da VinciQueen Victoria
Post-earthquake damages investigation in past and recent earthquakes has illustrated that the ground motion spatial variation plays an important role in the structural response of long span bridges. For the structural control of... more
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      Civil EngineeringStructural EngineeringEarthquake EngineeringFinite Element Methods
The option of a double main span suspension bridge has thoroughly been studied in the Netherlands as an alternative to a bridge with a very long single main span. This paper presents the conclusions of that study, along with the... more
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      Bridge EngineeringSteel StructuresStructural Designs in BridgesLong Span Bridge
ABSTRACT: Soil stabilization is an important aspect in road construction that ensures improved stability of weaker or wetter soils used in pavement layers. Diminishing and scarcity of sources of good quality construction materials has led... more
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      Construction ManagementLean ConstructionHighway engineeringLong Span Bridge
It is widely recognized that the most rational way of tackling the risks of engineered facilities and infrastructures subject to natural and man-made phenomena, and reducing them, both in designing new facilities and in rehabilitating or... more
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      Structural EngineeringWind EngineeringLong Span BridgeSuspension Bridge
2019 ASCE Outstanding Reviewer Award, Journal of bridge Engineering
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      Civil EngineeringStructural EngineeringEarthquake EngineeringGeotechnical Engineering
PhD PROGRAM IN STRUCTURAL AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING DOTTORATO DI RICERCA IN INGEGNERIA STRUTTURALE E GEOTECNICA Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale e Geotecnica DESIGN OF... more
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      Structural EngineeringStructural DynamicsWind EngineeringAerodynamics
you can find all the large span bridges which was built in recent years in China. In it cover all the highway and railway large span bridge crossing the Yangtze River and long River in China . all the data and information was checked... more
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      Bridge EngineeringCable-Stayed BridgesLong Span BridgeSuspension Bridge
Two structural systems dominate the choice of a very long span bridge nowadays – the suspension and cable-stayed bridge, both with one or more main spans and in steel or concrete version. Yet, the combination of these possibilities leaves... more
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      Bridge EngineeringCable-Stayed BridgesLong Span BridgeSuspension Bridge
The purpose of this study is to determine the optimum design of arch longitudinal no prismatic single-cell section. The FE model of the Cetina open spandrel arch bridge was constructed using the ANSYS. In this present work the optimum... more
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      MatlabShape OptimizationFEA with ANSYSANSYS (APDL)
An extensive literature review of human induced vibrations that flexible footbridges experience is addressed in this study. Qualitative information is comprehensively included herein to provide common methods and code recommendations for... more
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      Structural EngineeringVibrationsStructural DynamicsEngineering Vibration
Reinforced concrete is a very versatile construction material. Properly constructed and designed concrete structures are both strong and durable. However, improper construction can cause early deterioration. Deterioration can result in... more
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      Civil EngineeringCivil LawStructural EngineeringStructural Geology
ABSTRACT It is widely recognized that the most rational way of tackling the risks of engineered facilities and infrastructures subject to natural and man-made phenomena, and reducing them, both in designing new facilities and in... more
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      Structural EngineeringWind EngineeringLong Span BridgeSuspension Bridge
Certificate Of Excellence - Engineering Structures Elsevier
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      Civil EngineeringStructural EngineeringEarthquake EngineeringBridge Engineering
A picture titled: “A Polish friend Chris Vorbrich with his boat ‘Orion V’ at Tower Bridge [London].” Included in a book by Michael Emmett titled “Living in the Backwaters,” Maldon, England 1996. The picture was taken by Ch. Vorbrich... more
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      HistoryMaritime HistorySports HistoryHistory Of London
Two structural systems dominate the choice of a very long span bridge nowadays – the suspension and cable-stayed bridge, both with one or more main spans and in steel or concrete version. Yet, the combination of these possibilities leaves... more
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      EngineeringBridge EngineeringSteel StructuresCable-Stayed Bridges
The option of a double main span suspension bridge has thoroughly been studied in the Netherlands as an alternative to a bridge with a very long single main span. This paper presents the conclusions of that study, along with comparative... more
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      Bridge EngineeringSteel StructuresStructural Designs in BridgesCable-Stayed Bridges
The present study considers a multi-span continuous bridge, isolated by lead rubber bearing (LRB). Dynamic soil-structure interaction (SSI) is modelled with the help of a simplified, sway-rocking model for different types of soil. It is... more
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      Structural EngineeringSeismic HazardStructural DynamicsStructural Equation Modeling
The present study considers a multi-span continuous bridge, isolated by lead rubber bearing (LRB). Dynamic soil- structure interaction (SSI) is modelled with the help of a simplified, sway-rocking model for different types of soil. It is... more
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      Structural EngineeringSeismic HazardStructural DynamicsStructural Equation Modeling
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      Structural EngineeringBridge EngineeringConcrete TechnologyLong Span Bridge
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      Vortex Induced VibrationsLong Span BridgeSuspension BridgeWind-induced Vibration in Suspension Bridge
It is widely recognized that the most rational way of tackling the risks of engineered facilities and infrastructures subject to natural and man-made phenomena, and reducing them, both in designing new facilities and in rehabilitating or... more
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      Structural EngineeringWind EngineeringLong Span BridgeSuspension Bridge
An extensive literature review of human induced vibrations that flexible footbridges experience is addressed in this study. Qualitative information is comprehensively included herein to provide common methods and code recommendations for... more
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      Structural EngineeringVibrationsStructural DynamicsEngineering Vibration