As the population of adults with disabilities and senior citizens continues to grow, understanding the factors that influence their mental health becomes increasingly critical. This study examines the protective and risk factors... more
В данной рассматривается одиночество как социально-психологический феномен. Авторы предприняли попытку выделить психологические особенности переживания одиночества.
This article examines the pervasive themes of isolation and loneliness in Anita Nair's novels The Better Man and Mistress. Through her nuanced portrayals of characters struggling with these emotions, Nair delves into the complexities of... more
The internationalization of higher education is an increasing phenomenon. However, there is not much research on how immigrant students are affected psychologically by this situation. In this study, an examination was made on the... more
The internationalization of higher education is an increasing phenomenon. However, there is not much research on how immigrant students are affected psychologically by this situation. In this study, an examination was made on the... more
is a novel that takes the reader back to a time in history when men and women played very different roles in their lives. The main theme in the novel is the way men used to view the stereotypical role of women and the resulting isolation... more
Background: Loneliness is a serious issue among the elderly that considerably affects their health. Spiritual health might affect the level of loneliness in these individuals. Therefore, the present study was conducted to determine the... more
From the beginning of the article: 'Loneliness has been defined as a “distressing feeling that accompanies the perception that one’s social needs are not being met by the quantity or especially the quality of one’s social relationships”... more
Dalit is a name for people belonging to the lowest stratum castes in Nepal and India, previously characterized as untouchable but now this discrimination is illegal. This study examines the socioeconomic and health status of older Dalits... more
Research Paper The number of people who experience loneliness has been increasing worldwide. In the context of the workplace, loneliness is often regarded as shameful, which causes workplace loneliness (WL) to be ignored or overlooked.... more
The concept of social participation integrates with the policy of active ageing along with health and security. It encourages and advocates the productive engagement of elderly and acknowledges their potential contribution in the society.... more
The aim of this study is to examine the mediation role of internet addiction in the relationship between loneliness and depression. 452 university students (241 women, 211 men) ranging in age from 17 to 31 and who are receiving education... more
It is widely acknowledged that loneliness and depression are prevalent among university students and may contribute to poor academic achievements or higher probability of dropping out of university. However, the associations between these... more
The project is based on the creation of a mobile application, which brings volunteers closer to the old people. Like a TINDER, which is a relationship app, "HANDS ON" allows for interaction between users. A volunteer can make an elderly... more
Loneliness is a reflection of a lack of connection, not of a lack of people. Therefore, even in a crowd, a person can experience loneliness. If no one from their known support network is present, being in the middle of a group can make... more
An interesting association between sociocognitive understanding and depression has been documented in clinical populations, with high levels of depression apparently related to theory-of-mind deficits. Yet no research has so far... more
It is widely acknowledged that loneliness and depression are prevalent among university students and may contribute to poor academic achievements or higher probability of dropping out of university. However, the associations between these... more
Throughout historical decades the unfair system of life in patriarchal societies and the oppression of women by men have always been key concepts in the literature of the world that have given rise to hot topics of discussion among... more
This research plans to focus on the spousal abuse of women in Susan Glaspell’s Trifles. Susan Glaspell (1876-1948) is one of the remarkable American female playwrights whose main literary concern is focusing on women issues. The drama of... more
The present study, emphasizing the significance of interdisciplinary approach in interrogating the phenomenon of violence as comprehensively as possible, explores the concept further through the insights from recent spatial studies and... more
The aim of this study is to examine the mediation role of internet addiction in the relationship between loneliness and depression. 452 university students (241 women, 211 men) ranging in age from 17 to 31 and who are receiving education... more
The current research aims to examine the roles of perceived social support, coping, and loneliness when predicting the Internet addiction in adolescents. The research participants included 300 high school students, with an average age of... more
It is widely acknowledged that loneliness and depression are prevalent among university students and may contribute to poor academic achievements or higher probability of dropping out of university. However, the associations between these... more
Giriş: Covid-19 pandemisi dünyada birçok kişiyi etkilemiş olup salgın haline gelmiştir. Ülkeler sınırlarını birbirlerine kapatmış ve bir izolasyona, zorunlu kapanmalara gidilmiştir. Bu dönemde testi pozitif olan bireyler kendilerini... more
An interesting association between sociocognitive understanding and depression has been documented in clinical populations, with high levels of depression apparently related to theory-of-mind deficits. Yet no research has so far... more
It is widely acknowledged that loneliness and depression are prevalent among university students and may contribute to poor academic achievements or higher probability of dropping out of university. However, the associations between these... more
The Introduction of the Internet appeared to have changed the process of communication from interpersonal to computer mediated communication. This study examined the Impact of Internet on face-to-face communication in Comprehensive... more
It is widely acknowledged that loneliness and depression are prevalent among university students and may contribute to poor academic achievements or higher probability of dropping out of university. However, the associations between these... more
Divorcees have different psychological impacts because of their different caste/ethnicity, gender and socio-cultural backgrounds. This study is about cultural psychological factors of divorce and its different psychological impacts on... more
Divorcees have different psychological impacts because of their different caste/ethnicity, gender and socio-cultural backgrounds. This study is about cultural psychological factors of divorce and its different psychological impacts on... more
Self-reported health is an easy measure of overall health and is useful in identifying persons at risk of a decline in health and the risk of disability in older adults. The purpose of this paper is to identify the correlates of... more
This study explores the predictive influence of student-teacher interaction, school environment, and parental involvement on mathematics anxiety among deaf learners in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. A total of 249 deaf learners answered a... more
Work intensity and organizational communication are the most important problems are made it by competitive environment in business sectors that have labor-intensive. Organizational communication, on the other hand, comes to the forefront... more
According to de Beauvoir, gender roles in society are in binary opposition: men are "the One", the absolute and essential, while the women are "the Other", the accidental and inferior. This concept of Otherness is clearly present in... more
Journal of European Popular Culture 11.1 (2020): 53-60. Print.
Are we fated to be solitary for all time, or can we become one with another? New developments in brain research are shedding light on one of our most elusive questions: the nature of human relations
Depression does not develop overnight. Instead, it is a sneaky disease that takes months to develop. Some will be able to recognize the initial symptoms and avoid becoming depressed. Others will be caught much more by surprise.
A key feature of depression is the internal monologue going on inside the depressed person´s head. When people are depressed, they spend a lot of time and energy on a daily basis telling themselves how crap their lives are, how much... more
Trifles Play Analysis Karen Alkalay-Gut′s essay ″Murder and Marriage: Another Look at Trifles”, analyzes the conditions which might have forced women to unite in the face of an unfortunate occurrence. The essay states how one woman,... more
This study investigated the relationship between social media and loneliness among students with hearing impairment in Ibadan, Oyo State. The study adopted the survey research design while the purposive sampling technique was employed to... more
Reflections of society, loneliness, and response.
A creative nonfiction essay on hoarding and mental health.
Susan Glaspell's Trifles (1916) depicted the isolation of Minnie Foster that led her to murder, John Wright, her husband. The isolation itself was represented in the play using three central metaphors (symbols): bird cage, location of... more
This essay uses theories of narrative to examine how Susan Glaspell's Trifles and Sharon Pollock's Blood Relations reflect and resist the ability of narratives to construct identities, create moral meanings, and impose truths. It also... more
This project is being conducted as part of my postgraduate studies at QUT International College. Purpose: For helping the international students dealing with their loneliness. Amount of time required to complete questionnaire: This... more
This report investigates that how QUTIC could increase students’ engagement with local students to help them to deal with loneliness. This issue is of concern to Mr Kenneth Beutel Director, QUT International College, as Queensland... more
Ironically, the narcissistically crippled person who seeks and craves to be found beautiful and adored is also (unconsciously) rejecting those who who would offer love. (For example, Narcissus rejecting Echo.) Some detailed discussion... more