Logical Fallacies

171 papers
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Logical fallacies are errors in reasoning that undermine the logic of an argument. They often arise from flawed premises, irrelevant information, or emotional appeals, leading to invalid conclusions. Understanding logical fallacies is essential for critical thinking and effective argumentation.
En su resumen el autor señala como objetivo de su artículo el ofrecer una explicación de la legitimidad de ciertos argumentos ad hominem acudiendo a la epistemología de las virtudes. Rivera-Novoa (2022) destaca como su tesis central la... more
C’est à la question : "Comment gagner un débat ?" que s'efforce de répondre ce manuel de poche qui n'a pas d'autre ambition que d'expliquer avec audace, clarté et pragmatisme les subtilités, les rouages ainsi que les mécanismes des débats... more
Unlike with my review of the Pirie text, the Langer review text never ended. But I will end this non-exhaustive review with this article, and of course continue to use the book as reference. My PhD was in philosophical theology and... more
When the subject of parenting arises today, much confusion emerges. What can and should parents be doing? What shouldn’t they do? Whose opinion counts? What authority do parents have? Do parents have rights? If so, what are they;... more
When race becomes an issue in a public forum in the United States, we almost always embrace the motives fallacy. It’s an embarrassing display of national ignorance. Other cultures have variations of this, but it’s our peculiar mania to... more
A: "Thank you for your willing to serve on my committee." 1. Thank you for BEING willing to serve on my committee. 2. Thank you for your WILLINGNESS to serve on my committee. B: We can use 'sort of variable' or 'variable-sort', but 'sort... more
Why good people make bad decisions :Cognitive behavioral theory and Pastoral counseling.
Part of the Communication Commons, and the Education Commons Find similar works at: Information presented on this website is considered public information (unless otherwise noted) and may be... more
Information presented on this website is considered public information (unless otherwise noted) and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested. We recommend that UCF data be acquired directly... more
Beware of two types of people in chats. They should be avoided no matter what. Conceited and sassy people who think they are the smartest. The term used to best describe them is “smart-aleck” or “smart-alecky”. These people are generally... more
Webinar yang diselenggarakan oleh 12 institusi keagamaan Kristen pada 22 Maret 2024 bertujuan agar para dosen perguruan tinggi keagamaan kristen dan pemimpin gereja di Indonesia mengetahui bahwa darakbang adalah sesat. Para penyelenggara... more
One of the most common strategies in philosophical dispute is that of accusing the opponent of begging the question, that is, of assuming or presupposing what is to be proved. Thus, it happens quite often that the credibility of a... more
Verkliga konspirationer existerar, men de uppdagas sällan genom konspirationsteoretiska metoder. Snarare uppdagas de genom konventionellt tänkande – en sund skepsis mot officiella redogörelser tillsammans med ett omsorgsfullt vägande för... more
This article presents a peculiar type of logical fallacy. I have decided to call it the modal fallacy because it emerges from an unjustified disregard for the accessibility relations in modal logic. A closely related fallacy (also known... more
This paper explains how to recognize and steer clear of numerous common logical fallacies, ranging from ad hominem arguments to wishful thinking, that can damage an argument. Critical thinking is essential in the digital age, where we... more
In the information-flooded digital age, where reasoning with clarity is paramount, many graduates find themselves ill-equipped with the critical thinking skills employers crave. To bridge this gap, one must delve into the treacherous... more
What could inspire an extension researcher to write on “rational” extension conversations? Maybe a WhatsApp group full of extension academicians arguing with each other, or a casual chat with coworkers or friends, or perhaps both.... more
آیا باور به گزاره‌ای بی‌شواهد کافی به سود آن گزاره، اخلاقاً ناروا است؟ در این نوشته‌ی کوتاه کوشیدم درنگی در این پرسش کنم.
I offer a conceptual study of Aristotle's Sea Battle Paradox and propose that analysis of the paradox, as well as of its various solutions, can help to shed light on the psychology behind and the structure of the gambler's fallacy. I... more
This paper provides methodological tools and considers the reasons why it is difficult to address the controversial question, “Are fallacies frequent?” After preliminary remarks on the need to clarify the meaning of both ‘fallacy’ and... more
A key component of effective ministry is balancing essential aspects of the various ministries in which the Lord has called his people to serve him. Theory, as used in this essay, is a cogent explanation of phenomena based on empirical... more
A key component of effective ministry is balancing essential aspects of the various ministries in which the Lord has called his people to serve him. This brief paper explains the need for balancing time and emphasis on the group as a... more
Celebrated for disproving the traditional view that lack of oxygen at birth (perinatal asphyxia) contributes significantly to cerebral palsy, a 1986 New England Journal of Medicine article by Karin Nelson and Jonas Ellenberg engineered a... more
When an activity is unwanted, administrators often adopt a zero tolerance policy towards that activity. The background assumption is that, by adopting a zero tolerance policy, one is doing everything that one can to reduce or eliminate... more
Critical thinking in the classroom is a common term used by educators.  Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating information... more
Fearnside, W.W. & W.B. Holther. 1949. Check List of Fallacies. Syllabus 343. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA. 22 pp
ما به چه چیزی می‌توانیم اعتماد کنیم؟ این رودخانه‌ی متورم و خیانت‌بارِ اطلاعات، ما را ملزم می‌کند تا همه چیز را زیر سوال ببریم. فرآیند پرسشگری، رویارویی ما با هر نوع تصویری را نامطمئن می‌سازد. وامانده در ورطه‌ی راستی‌آزمایی، هر نمادی... more
This paper is a primer for discerning and addressing common fallacies of logic that daily occur in conversations, in what we read, and in what we see and hear in the media. Drawn from the Bible and the field of logic, we need this... more
The winning entry in David Stove's Competition to Find the Worst Argument in the World was: “We can know things only as they are related to us/insofar as they fall under our conceptual schemes, etc., so, we cannot know things as they... more
Students of the literature on entailment [7], [1] are familiar with the von Wright-Geach definition of entailment [6], [2]: p entails q if, and only if, by means of logic, 1 it is possible to come to know the truth of •"/ > D cp without... more
Celebrated for disproving the traditional view that lack of oxygen at birth (perinatal asphyxia) contributes significantly to cerebral palsy, a 1986 New England Journal of Medicine article by Karin Nelson and Jonas Ellenberg engineered a... more
The purpose of this study is to determine the views of students attending Science and Art Centers (SAC) about Socratic research seminars. This qualitative study was conducted with nine undergraduate students. Individual interviews were... more
A multidisciplinary path between verbal and non-verbal communication, psychology and rhetoric. To improve your communication skills. CONTENTS: Introduction The Basics of the Art of Oratory Constructing a Speech The Figurative Language... more
This study investigated the effectiveness of Socratic seminar teaching technique in fostering second-year EFL students‟ oral fluency in terms of speech rate and pausing frequency. To reach this objective, a quasi-experimental with... more
Politička debata kroz prizmu argumentacionih substruktura Današnji jezik politike zahteva od govornika poznavanje različitih profesionalih kodova, jer uključuje prelazak iz jednog profesionalnog koda u drugi, u okviru jedne debate.... more
The three most lasting legacies of late-totalitarian ideology have been the subversion of the ability of language to say something about the world, most notably by gradual elimination of the differences between distinct and indeed... more
Ljudi imaju razlicit smisao za humor, a doživljavanje cega smijesnim ovisi o njihovu spolu i obrazovanju. Kao sto nemaju jednake sklonosti u odabiru zanimljive literature, filmova, izložbi itd., tako se i ocjene smijesnih situacija... more
Critical thinking in the classroom is a common term used by educators.  Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating information... more
After an introductory analysis of the terms stereotype and prejudice, an attempt will be made to link these concepts (of primarily psychological and sociological scope) to the rhetorical-linguistic and legal areas. It will be confirmed... more
The research in Human Computer Interaction (HCI) has nowadays extended its attention to the study of persuasive technologies. Following this line of research, in this paper we focus on websites and mobile applications in the e-commerce... more
I find myself at the end of 2016 thinking about how differently we all make sense out of our shared experiences this year. “Common wisdom” seems to have it that 2016 was generally worse than other years – some of our favorite people died... more
Determining the impact of belief bias on everyday reasoning is critical for understanding how our beliefs can influence how we judge arguments. We examined the impact of belief bias on the user’s ability to identify logical fallacies in... more