Recent papers in Logboats
Eine vom Verfasser vor zehn Jahren vorgelegte Studie «Vorindustrielle Lastsegelschiffe in der Schweiz» führte vor allem für das ost und zentralschweizerische Gebiet zwi schen Boden und Vierwaldstättersee eine Bestandsauf nahme von... more
Logboats of Lower Loire (Western France), from the Bronze Age.
More than 40 logboats are known from the Czech Republic, and at least 20 are preserved in repositories or regional museums (seven in Moravia, 13 in Bohemia). Two further vessels remain in situ. Many logboats are known from neighbouring... more
Experimental carving of a neolithic-type logboat from oak
From the discovery of the famous Ljubljana cargo ship of sewn construction onwards, excavated in 1890/1891 at the site of Brezov log near Lipe in the Ljubljansko barje (Ljubljana Moor), other important remains of capable watercrafts came... more
A logboat of the early Middle Ages has been found in summer 2001in the river-bed of the Po near Boretto (Reggio Emilia). The morphological features allows to identify the logboat with a floating-hull of a pontoon, a ferry, a... more
In 1998, during works for the expansion of a railway station in San Rossore - Pisa, archeologists came across the ancient port of Pisa, used mainly during the Imperial Ages, -when due to repeated environmental events (floods) the port was... more
"Original: POTOPLJENA PRETEKLOST, Arheologija vodnih okolij in raziskovanje podvodne kulturne dediščine v Sloveniji . Zbornik ob 128-letnici Dežmanovih raziskav Ljubljanice na Vrhniki (1884–2012) Urednika / Editors: Andrej Gaspari,... more
Being one of the most ancient water going vessels known to man, the logboat, or ‘dugout canoe’, finds its origins in the Early Neolithic, with the first example of such dating to c. 6300 cal. B.C. These vessels are thought to have become... more
A dugout canoe was found in 2001 nearby Monticelli d'Ongina (PC), from Po river. Restored between 2006 and 2008 in Po Museum (Pallavicino-Casali Castle), the dugout, unfortunately uncomplete, is similar to others found in Po valley... more
Članak obrađuje čamce monoksile pronađene u Kupi u Sisku 1983. i 1992. godine. Datirani su od kraja starijeg željeznog doba do početka rimske vladavine na prostoru Siska. U radu se daje njihov opis, pokušava se odrediti njihova namjena i... more
Every state or region on the eastern seaboard of North America has attempted to develop a typology for both pre-and post-contact archaeologically documented logboats. In many ways these typologies have not helped scholars understand the... more
The dugout canoe was used across the Americas, and was possibly the most popular of all aboriginal watercraft. In its simplest form, the dugout is a clumsy watercraft, little more than a hollowed log; but skilled native craftsmen could... more
Curci in her dissertation from East Carolina University continued the tradition of trying to create a typology of logboats based upon hull form. While in her work looking at pre-and post-contact logboats in North Carolina, she admitted... more
PhD Thesis, The University of Nottingham, 2014
German - English - French ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Die Untersuchung der Holzartefakte von 13 Fundplätzen des Endmesolithikums und Frühneolithikums demonstriert die intensive Nutzung der marinen Ressourcen an der südwestlichen Ostseeküste. Der... more
In the La Plata Basin, indigenous populations used canoes for colonizing islands, moving people, fishing, transporting loads, and warfare. According to sixteenth century chronicles, dugout canoes were large, up to 24 m in length, and had... more
1924 őszén a korabeli sajtó egy „párját ritkító” régészeti felfedezésről adott hírt: a tószegi Laposhalmon folytatott ásatások során egy fából készült csónak maradványai kerültek elő. Jelen tanulmány ennek a sanyarú sorsú, a magyarországi... more
Ignorance is undeniably ever present in the act of knowledge generation and the published continuity of academic traditions. Ignorance and fact are woven together in cultural historical narratives to provide readers with societal "... more
I Norge har kystens farkoster spilt viktige roller langs de lange linjene i landets historie. Samtidig vet vi at både stokkebåter og andre småbåter har vært en viktig del av folks materielle kultur i vann og vassdrag så langt tilbake som... more
Sometimes the ambition of researchers remains empty-handed although all the circumstances suggest that a positive outcome would have happened. This kind of situation took place just a few kilometres away from the 7,500-year-old Hotiza... more
Contents : Introduction Boat models : morphological characteristics and attempt towards identification Boat models : context and function Neolithic watercraft: raw materials and technological possibilities of construction Neolithic... more
The development and character of the so-called Scandinavian boat building tradition has traditionally been debated. It is a common thought that this tradition dates back to the beginning of the Christian era. But what happened before? The... more
De hidtil to eneste danske bådfund fra bronzealderen, stammebådene fra Varpelev på Østsjælland og Vestersø i Vestjylland, detailfremlægges og diskuteres. Det sandsynliggøres, at begge både på forskellig vis har haft en tilknytning til det... more
In this chapter, we introduce two oak logboats from Stare gmajne. The comparatively well preserved vessels contain transverse reinforcements. Dendrochronological analysis showed that both logboats are contemporary to the pile-dwelling... more
In spite of a background of intense aquatic mobility in the Neolithic Aegean Sea, as well as across or along inland waters, concrete evidence from Greece about the craft itself being used only consists of some clay models and a few... more
Logboats are widely known as the earliest form of water transport and continue to be used today. How then can such a ubiquitous phenomenon be useful in demonstrating maritime networks between distant places? A reassessment of the... more
So far, the only Prehistoric logboat recorded at the territory of the European part of Russia, is dated to the Bronze Age by 14C (1800-1700 cal BC) in the course of our study, funded by the Russian Foundation of Basic Research (project... more