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Grain size analyses of three hilltop, primary eolian loess sequences in the Negev desert, southern Israel, show a bimodal grain-size distribution at 50-60 μm and 3-8 μm. Using analyses of mineralogy and OSL ages we demonstrate that the... more
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Extensive fields of vegetated, dome-shaped earth hummocks 5-35 cm high and typically 80-200 cm in diameter occur on slopes of up to 15 at elevations of 320-440 m asl on Dartmoor, SW England, but are limited to terrain underlain by... more
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    • Loess
Various approaches to the widespread problem of the hydroconsolidation and subsidence of loess have been suggested. These include considerations of rheology, thermodynamics, phase movements, particle packing, interparticle bonding, pore... more
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      Civil EngineeringChinaSubsidenceEngineering Geology
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      UkrainePaleogeographyLoessLoess; Loess in Central Europe; the formation of Loess material.
A 700 km long soil transect in the southern Russian plain was studied. The difference in the average annual precipitation within the transect was 240 mm/year, and the average annual temperature was 3 • C. The objective of this study was... more
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      GeochemistryClimate ChangeChemical WeatheringSoil Geochemistry
Recently, the idea of an anthropogenic formation of Chernozems in Germany during the Early Neolithic (second half of the sixth millennium BC) has been proposed. This study reviews this idea in an interdisciplinary discourse, involving... more
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      Soil ScienceNeolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic EuropeLinearbandkeramik
Wind-blown silt deposits, generally termed loess, have been described from a range of desert areas. This paper describes the location, character and origin of a newly discovered coarse loess deposit in Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates.
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      Earth SciencesArid environmentsClimateBiological Sciences
In 1990 Marton Pecsi published a paper entitled 'Loess is not just the accumulation of dust'. This 1990 paper presented the case for considering aspects of loess formation other than the aeolian deposition of silty material. Pecsi argued... more
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      ArchaeologyGeologySedimentologyQuaternary Geology
We thank the commentator for his comments on our paper in press, hereinafter referred to as . Standard procedures were followed for correlation of lithostratigraphic units and interpreting each of the profile in terms of depositional... more
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      SedimentologyPaleoclimatologyQuaternary GeologyKashmir
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      GeologyNeanderthals (Palaeolithic Archaeology)Middle PalaeolithicLoess
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      GeomorphologyGeoarchaeologyQuaternary GeologyQuaternary Sedimentology and Geomorphology
Geomorphology. The province of Córdoba is located in the central region of Argentina (between 29°30’S and 35°00‘S and between 61°50’W and 65°50’W). Its territory exhibits a varied set of landforms, resulting from exogenous and... more
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      GeomorphologyLandslidesLoessLong-term landscape evolution
Geoheritage in connection with loess profiles is a relatively new concept that is increasingly expanding in relation to geotourism. Considering the importance of loess-paleosol sequences in the reconstruction of paleoclimatic,... more
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This paper describes the results of archaeological testing conducted at 18 TA 212b, which is part of the Paw Paw Cove Paleo-Indian Site Complex in Talbot County on Maryland’s portion of the Delmarva Peninsula. The Paw Paw Cove Complex... more
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      Northeastern North America (Archaeology)Quaternary GeologySea LevelPaleoindians
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      ZooarchaeologyPalaeolithic ArchaeologyArchaeozoologyPleistocene
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      LoessPre Clovis
Applying geochemical proxies as measure for the weathering intensity of paleosols and sediments such as loess, the Quaternary scientist is confronted with various element ratios that have been proposed in literature. This paper gives an... more
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      GeochemistryQuaternary GeologyLoess
The new Climate Timeline and Correlating Periods of Human and Earth History chart is revised, more detailed and improved. These view of Earth's history over the last 20 million years addresses various interdisciplinary aspects of Earth's... more
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      GeneticsArchaeologyAnthropologyHuman Evolution
The substantial loess deposits of the middle and lower Danube basin in southeastern Europe represent one of the thickest and most comprehensive terrestrial palaeoenvironmental records on the continent, yet are also the least well... more
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      Quaternary GeologyQuaternary Sedimentology and GeomorphologyQuaternary environmentsthe Carpathian Basin
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      GeomorphologyLandslidesLoessLong term landscape evolution
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      GeologyClimate ChangeCarbonEarth
Loess deposits are recorders of aeolian activity during past glaciations. Since the size distribution of loess deposits depends on distance to the dust source, and environmental conditions at the source, during transport, and at... more
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      SedimentologySedimentary geology and stratigraphyQuaternary environmentsSediment transport
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In 1961, Dr. Ralph Solecki reported a Chesapeake Bay Paleo-Indian projectile point discovery in AMERICAN ANTIQUITY. Solecki postulated that the “fluted point found along the shoreline at Poplar Island could be explained in terms of... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyNortheastern North America (Archaeology)Quaternary Geology
A small but significant assemblage of Late Pleistocene mammals was recovered from an eroding shoreline at Paw Paw Cove, located on the Chesapeake Bay side of Tilghman Island, Talbot County, Maryland. Additionally, Clovis-age... more
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      GeologyPaleontologyQuaternary GeologyPleistocene Fossils
This paper surveys locally weighted learning, a form of lazy learning and memory-based learning, and focuses on locally weighted linear regression. The survey discusses distance functions, smoothing parameters, weighting functions, local... more
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      Cognitive ScienceArtificial IntelligenceRobot LearningLoess
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      PedologySoil ScienceQuaternary GeologyAeolian Geomorphology
Abstract - Sites with informative megafaunal assemblages are rarely documented in the Lower Rhine Embayment. In the 1960’s many remains of large mammals were collected during sporadic salvage operations in the Coenen brick quarry in... more
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Loess is common in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States south of the Late Wisconsinan glacial border particularly along rivers draining the glaciated areas of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York. The broadest deposits occur on... more
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      GeologyClimate ChangeGeoarchaeologyGeoArcheology
La coupe de Chaudon (Eure-et-Loir) est connue depuis le début du XXe s., notamment pour la présence d’un « sol noir » weichselien et la découverte de vestiges préhistoriques datables du Paléolithique moyen (Bordes, 1954; Dewolf, 1970).... more
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      GeoarchaeologyQuaternary GeologyMiddle PalaeolithicQuaternary Sedimentology and Geomorphology
Loess as a type of collapsible soils is a well-studied Aeolian deposit, which is characterized by some specific engineering properties including high initial void ratio, relatively low initial density, low water content, and a high... more
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      Environmental EngineeringGeotechnical EngineeringElectrokinetics in MicrofluidicsCollapsible Soils
The way in which modern humans first entered Europe has been a recent focus of Upper Paleolithic research. A leading theory posits that the Danube served as a conduit for migration from Southeastern into Central and Western Europe.... more
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      SedimentologyAurignacianMiddle to Upper Paleolithic TransitionUpper Paleolithic
from the proximal Ogosta River sandy banks. Finally, the weak development of Last Glacial loess (4 m max.) likely results from a rapid infilling of the sedimentary trap during the Saalian, then followed by a strong anthropogenic erosion... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyPleistoceneHistory and archaeology
State and changes of geographical environment in selected regions of Eastern Poland II (Stan i zmiany środowiska geograficznego wybranych regionów wschodniej Polski II)
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      GeographyHuman GeographyPalaeogeographyStratigraphy
"An important step in building a wind farm is to choose the most suitable turbine. The selection of the turbine involves a careful analysis of costs and technical parameters, among which stands out the capacity factor, whose calculation... more
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      Electrical EngineeringMathematical StatisticsStatisticsData Analysis (Engineering)
The Soil Conservation Service curve number (CN) method is widely used for predicting direct runoff from rainfall. However, despite the extent of cultivation on hillslope areas, very few attempts have been made to incorporate a slope... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringConservationPrediction
A facet of archaeology in the loess region of southern Limburg (the Netherlands) that is gaining attention is the study of the so-called Middle Palaeolithic surface scatters. For many years the focus of Palaeolithic study in the region... more
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      Palaeolithic ArchaeologyLimburgRegionalLand Use
The last glacial-interglacial loess-paleosol sequences of Serbia and Ukraine provide a good climate reconstruction potential for this part of Europe. Four loess sections distributed over an area with present-day moist to semi-arid... more
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      GeochemistryQuaternary GeologyLoess
Slash-and-burn agriculture continues to expand in many parts of the forest zone of Cameroon. One alternative land use to slash-and-burn system is alley farming. This paper quantifies, using an econometric model, the factors determining... more
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      Civil EngineeringApplied MathematicsSocioeconomicsEconometrics
W latach 2005-2011 prowadzono w Polsce południowo-wschodniej ratownicze badania wykopaliskowe, poprzedzające budowę autostrady A4. Podczas tych prac odkryto szereg interesujących stanowisk, w tym cmentarzyska KPL w Skołoszowie 7 i... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyMegalithic MonumentsLong barrows and chambered barrowsDeath and Burial (Archaeology)
A controlled study of the effect of greywater (GW) irrigation on soil properties was conducted. Containers of sand, loam and loess soils were planted with lettuce, and irrigated with fresh water, raw artificial GW or treated artificial... more
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      SoilIrrigationWastewater TreatmentAgriculture
The Krak ow Spadzista open-air site, situated in the loess belt in southern Poland, belongs to the bestknown Gravettian sites of Europe. Many years of archaeological studies revealed a wealth of faunal remains (especially mammoths) as... more
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Loess sediments in Austria deposited ca. 30–20 ka ago yield different zircon age signatures for samples collected around Krems (SE Bohemian Massif; samples K23 and S1) and Wels (halfway between the Bohemian Massif and the Eastern Alps;... more
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      SedimentologyQuaternary GeologyProvenanceSedimentary provenance
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Loess in the Carpathian Basin is some of the thickest and most complete in Europe. Located in the Vojvodina region of the southern Carpathian Basin the Crvenka loess-palaeosol section appears to preserve a detailed climate proxy archive... more
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      Quaternary GeologyDust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)Luminescence DatingLoess
Loess-palaeosol sequences represent important palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental archives on land. Furthermore, loess deposits in the Vojvodina region (North Serbia) can be regarded as one of the most important European terrestrial... more
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      Heritage ConservationQuaternary GeologyNature-based tourismGeopark and geotourism
The Carpathian Basin represents the cradle of human agricultural development during the Neolithic period, when large parts were transformed into 'cultural landscapes' by first farmers from the Balkans. It is assumed that an Early... more
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      Environmental ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyDigital ArchaeologyNeolithic Archaeology
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    • Loess
At environs of the village Dovhe in Ivano-Frankivs’k region (oblast) the fourth, fifth and sixth ter-races of the Dnister River are well developed. They occur in the close vicinity to each other and are fully exposed. The authors... more
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      Palaeolithic ArchaeologyLoessTerracesFossil Soils