In the digital era, we are greatly dependent on the popular applications of the Location Based Services (LBS) in our day-to-day activities. The smart phone comes with a variety of applications which acquire the user location and build up... more
With great advances in mobile devices, e.g., smart phones and tablets, location-based services (LBSs) have recently emerged as a very popular application in mobile networks. However, since LBS service providers require users to report... more
We present an approach to simulating ad hoc network protocols integrated with their intended application. We implement the protocol layers and the application using the Specification and Description Language (SDL). Then, we simulate the... more
Aiming at the increasing requirements of seamless indoor and outdoor navigation and location service, a Chinese standard of Multidimensional Indoor Location Information Model is being developed, which defines ontology of indoor location.... more
We set out to investigate how location-based services (LBS) on mobile phones can possibly benefit low-income communities in the California Central Valley. Our overall approach is to integrate a theory of social learning and appropriation... more
The recent development of location-based services has originated a set of new security services that address their particular security problems. Spatial-temporal certification services are among these new services. They have as main goal... more
This paper discusses the advent of new technologies which have emerged under the area of Location Based Services (LBS). An innovative implementation and approach has been presented for design of applications which are inventive and... more
The concern for location privacy in mobile applications is commonly motivated by a scenario in which a mobile device communicates personal location data, i.e. the device holder location, to a third party e.g. LBS provider, in exchange for... more
The concern for location privacy in mobile applications is commonly motivated by a scenario in which a mobile device communicates personal location data, i.e. the device holder location, to a third party e.g. LBS provider, in exchange for... more
We present a web-based diary study on location-based search behavior using a mobile search engine. To capture users' location-based search behavior in a ubiquitous setting, we use a web-based diary tool that collects users' detailed... more
Das Future SOC Lab am HPI ist eine Kooperation des Hasso-Plattner-Instituts mit verschiedenen Industriepartnern. Seine Aufgabe ist die Ermoglichung und Forderung des Austausches zwischen Forschungsgemeinschaft und Industrie. Am Lab wird... more
The provision of location-based services is expected to have essential impact in the competition among 3 rd Generation network operators. To support the realization of this functionality the standard UMTS infrastructure will probably need... more
Mixed Reality (MR) refers to the general case of combining images along a continuum which ranges from purely real (unmodelled) data, such as raw video images, to completely virtual images, based on modelled environments. Depending on... more
Mixed Reality (MR) refers to the general case of combining images along a continuum which ranges from purely real (unmodelled) data, such as raw video images, to completely virtual images, based on modelled environments. Depending on... more
Navigation applications are becoming standard features in more and more commercially available devices. Locating a mobile user is however still a very challenging task, especially in GNSS degraded areas such as urban canyons and indoors.... more
In the next five to ten years, the evolution of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs) will have a revolutionary impact on the positioning performance. More GNSSs will become available with improved signal characteristics. At the... more
In the next five to ten years, the evolution of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs) will have a revolutionary impact on the positioning performance. More GNSSs will become available with improved signal characteristics. At the... more
The proliferation of mobile devices and the emergence of wireless location-based services has generated consumer demand for availability of GPS in urban and indoor environments. This demand calls for enhanced GPS algorithms that... more
A feasible Mobile Positioning solution is often sought after by network operators and service providers alike. Location-dependent applications create a new domain of services which might not only be of interest to the next generation of... more
Location based services can simplify information access but despite the numerous efforts and prototypes that attempt to provide location based services, there are very few such systems in wide spread use. There are three common problems... more
This paper describes a new model for sharing location info for mobile users. This approach can operate without the need for disclosing identity info to third party servers. It could be described as a safe location sharing model. The... more
This paper describes a new model for sharing location info for mobile users. This approach can operate without the need for disclosing identity info to third party servers. It could be described as a safe location sharing model. The... more
In contrast to regular queries that are evaluated only once, a continuous query remains active over a period of time and has to be continuously evaluated to provide up to date answers. We propose a method for continuous range query... more
In this paper we discuss the various challenges in a mobile environment where the querying unit and the object being queried are in motion. After this we focus on the classification of different types of location dependent queries and... more
Positioning in radio networks is a well established research area. The dominating approach has been that positioning algorithms are implemented in the higher levels of the communication system based on position related information derived... more
EEET Radio Communication System Engineering
The enhancements in mobile device infrastructure enable the use of a location computer service while user is on the move; such systems are known as Location-Based Services (LBS). When these applications manage user profile and context,... more
This paper proposes a new location-awareness system, ALTAIR(Automatic Location Tracking with Active IR-tag) that automatically detects and tracks the location of the mobile PC(Persona1 Computer) users. IR(1nfraRed)-tag is stably detected... more
The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Geography Markup Language (GML) standard provides basic types and a framework for defining geo-informational data models such as CityGML and IndoorGML, which provide standard information models for 3D... more
Augmented reality (AR) is a variation of virtual reality (VR). Many manufacturing companies and computer science have been studying the AR technology as a new human machine interface with the development of VR technologies. However, most... more
One of the elements that have popularized and facilitated the use of geographical information on a variety of computational applications has been the use of Web maps; this has opened new research challenges on different subjects, from... more
This special issue of Computer Communications presents state-of-the-art research and applications in the area of location-based services (LBS). Initial location-based services entered the market around the turn of the millennium and for... more
This paper focuses on the growing need to consider the implications of humancentric applications of precise location based services (LBS). As newer positioning technologies are introduced into the market with a greater level of location... more
Location-based services (LBS) are those applications that utilize the position of an end-user, animal, or thing based on a given device (handheld, wearable, or implanted), for a particular purpose. This article uses scenario planning to... more
The adoption of positioning technologies to supplement, complement and function as defense intelligence applications has become widely accepted within homeland security and military circles. At the core of advancement are four main... more
This paper presents the real possibility that commercial mobile tracking and monitoring solutions will become widely adopted for the practice of non traditional covert policing within a community setting, resulting in community members... more
The objective of this paper is to explore the role of human tracking technology, primarily the use of global positioning systems (GPS) in locating individuals for the purposes of mutual legal assistance (MLA), and providing location... more
Uberveillance is above and beyond, an exaggerated, and omnipresent 24/7 electronic surveillance. It is a surveillance that is not only always on but always with you. It is ever-present because the technology that facilitates it, in its... more
Location-based services (LBS) rely on knowledge of a user's location to provide tailored services or information by means of a wireless device. LBS applications have wideranging implications for society, particularly in the context of... more
Spurred by the recent escalation of terrorist attacks and their increasingly devastating outcomes, defense intelligence in the context of homeland security has been drawn into the spotlight. The challenge, at both national and global... more
Location-based services (LBS) are those applications that utilize the position of an end-user, animal or thing based on a given device (handheld, wearable, interwoven into fabric or implanted), executed for a particular purpose. LBS... more
The issue of informal development was discussed in details at the joint FIG Com 3 and UNECE/WPLA workshop in Sounio, Greece, March 2007. Emphasis was given to the scale of the problem in Southern and Eastern Europe and to means of... more
Considering the growth of wireless communication and mobile positioning technologies, location-based services (LBSs) have been generating increasing research interest in recent years. One of the critical issues for the deployment of LBS... more
We study the problem of applying adaptive filters for approximate query processing in a distributed stream environment. We propose filter bound assignment protocols with the objective of reducing communication cost. Most previous works... more
This paper presents a software development on Android Platform which applies cell identifier method for improving the accuracy of indoor localization. The objective of this research is to provide a detectable system, "Mobile Detective",... more
This paper presents a software development on Android Platform which applies cell identifier method for improving the accuracy of indoor localization. The objective of this research is to provide a detectable system, "Mobile Detective",... more
Many popular mobile applications require the continuous monitoring and sharing of a mobile user's location. However, exploiting a user's location leads to disclosing sensitive information about the users daily activity. Several location... more
Geographical location solutions have a wide diversity of applications, ranging from emergency services to access to tourist and entertainment services. GPS (Global Positioning System) is the most widely used system for outdoor areas.... more