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Physical space has become intertwined with digital information with the escalatory development of information and communication technologies such as ubiquitous computing, mobile and wearable devices, GPS technology, wireless networks,... more
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      Location-Based Mobile GamesLocation-Based Mobile GamingIngressPokemon Go
Publikacja o charakterze instruktażowym dla nauczycieli oraz edukatorów chcących zorganizować grę miejską z wykorzystaniem kodów QR. Materiał powstał w oparciu o własne doświadczenia przy organizacji trzech edycji Turnieju Wiedzy... more
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      HistoryLocation-Based Mobile Games
This paper reports on the design and evaluation of player experiences related to a Location-Based Game. Location-based games (or LBGs) seek to move gamified play into the " real world " of cities, parks and other locations. These games... more
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      Game-based LearningLocation-Based Mobile GamesGeocachingEducational Game
"Mobile Storytelling: A guidebook for teaching students hwo to tell community-based mobile stories in the classroom," a resource for educators to use with their students to create their own community-based stories.
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      Digital MediaDigital Media & LearningDigital Media And New LiteraciesDigital Storytelling
Social, casual and mobile games, played on devices such as smartphones, tablets, or PCs and accessed through online social networks, have become extremely popular, and are changing the ways in which games are designed, understood, and... more
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      Digital GamesCasual GamesMobile gamesLocation-Based Mobile Games
In this dissertation, it is explored which prerequisites are necessary in location-based games (LBGs) to make meaningful the meeting between players and spatiality with an emphasis on physical locations. Throughout the dissertation, it... more
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      Serious GamesGamesAntLocation-Based Mobile Games
Physical space has become intertwined with digital information with the escalatory development of information and communication technologies such as ubiquitous computing, mobile and wearable devices, GPS technology, wireless networks,... more
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      Location-Based Mobile GamesLocation-Based Mobile GamingIngressPokemon Go
In the heady discourse following the launch of Pokémon Go, many of the game’s influences, histories and precursors were forgotten or over-looked. Against the newness in which Pokémon Go is often framed, this article re-contextualises its... more
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      Media StudiesSpatial PracticesGame DesignPervasive Gaming
Can a complex site, such as an urban park, be better understood through a game? Might this playful preparation be useful for design? In response to such questions, this paper discusses a practical project that structured design-oriented... more
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      Ecological EngineeringGame studiesNew MediaDesign
A series of co-design activities were carried out in response to a 'real world design problem' initiated by the Sussex Wildlife Trust. Investigations were focussed on how technological interventions could encourage outdoor play for older... more
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      Design for Social InnovationSustainable DesignLocation-Based Mobile GamesInteraction Design for children
As an interface encompassing various converging platforms and contexts, mobile media devices such as the iPad, iPhone, PlayStation Portable (PSP), Nintendo DS and 3DS, Android phones, and increasing array of tablets are clearly becoming... more
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      Mobile MediaMobile gamesLocation-Based Mobile Games
An essential part of location-based games is the physical space where players perform gameplay. The players navigate in the city, their game world, and use the 2d map in their smartphone to inform their gameplay decisions and to show them... more
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      Spatial AnalysisSpace SyntaxAugmented RealityWayfinding
Anlatı, insanın kendisini ve çevresini, anlamak ve anlatmak için ihtiyacı olan imgelerin taşıyıcısıdır. Yazılı, sözlü, görsel ya da dijital medyanın her biri anlatıya farklı etkiler katarken, bir anlatının birden fazla medya aracılığıyla... more
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      NarrativeTransmedia StorytellingLocation-Based Mobile GamesPokemon
Learning, is both an emotional and cognitive process and according to researchers and teachers worldwide, when players are engaged in activities that are intrinsically motivating, they are more prone to demonstrate deep learning [1].... more
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      Student Motivation And EngagementIntellectual DisabilityGames Based LearningLocation-Based Mobile Games
Location-based mobile games (LBMGs) are emerging as a new genre in the field of computer-mediated games. LBMGs introduce elements of everyday life in the game world, thereby producing a hybrid spatial context and bringing the rules of... more
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    • Location-Based Mobile Games
This paper describes a mobile game called xChase, which embeds physical objects, augments them with additional information and lets them be part of the game quest. The main idea is to create a mobile, augmented reality version of the... more
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      Human Computer InteractionLocation-Based Mobile GamesMobile and Location-Based Media
Effective and efficient approaches are required in order to develop and maintain cultural heritage applications and services that meet user requirements and expectations. This is particularly relevant to cultural heritage mobile... more
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      End User DevelopmentLocation-Based Mobile Games
Large numbers of children and adolescents in Canada, UK and USA are not getting their recommended daily dose of moderate to vigorous physical activity, and are thus more prone to obesity and its ill health effects. Exergames (video games... more
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      Human GeographyMobile TechnologyGPS ApplicationsVideo Games
With the increased use of smart phones and advanced positioning technology; location based social media applications brought the ability to share location information for online users. Previous research has investigated the drivers of... more
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      Location Based ServicesGame DesignGamificationLocation-Based Mobile Games
This paper aims at exploring the nature of the spatial experience that emerges when actively pursuing the goals of a pervasive game, in order to inform the design of pervasive gaming experiences.
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      Game studiesMedia StudiesDigital MediaMobile Media
Konumsal medya, ağ, mobil cihazlar, konum verisi ve kenti biraraya getiren yapısıyla iletişim, kent sosyolojisi ve çevre psikolojisinin kesişim alanında yer alan disiplinlerarası bir araştırma konusudur. Fiziksel mekân ile dijital... more
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      Sense of PlaceLocative MediaLocation-Based Mobile GamesIngress
Passing On was created during “TOTEM Summer School Mobile Mixed Reality Game Jam Hackathon 2012”. Passing On is a lightweight competitive multi-player game using GPS-tracking between players. Three teams are assembled, each team competing... more
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      Game DesignLocation-Based Mobile GamesLocation-Based Mobile GamingMobile and Location-Based Media
Large numbers of children and adolescents in Canada, UK and USA are not getting their recommended daily dose of moderate to vigorous physical activity, and are thus more prone to obesity and its ill health effects. Exergames (video games... more
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      Mobile TechnologyGPS ApplicationsGeo-spatial analysis with GIS and GPSGPS
This is the second edition of a multidisciplinary and federated event, aimed at gathering in a single of a multidisciplinary and federated event, aimed at gathering in a single of a multidisciplinary and federated event, aimed at... more
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      DesignInformal LearningGame DesignMobile gaming
In recent years, there have been some discussions in the scholarly literature about using Consumption Value Model (CVM) for explaining the adoption and usage of hedonic information technologies. As CVM is a relatively new theoretical... more
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      ValuesValue TheoryLocation-Based Mobile GamesConsumption Value Model
An essential part of location-based games is the physical space where players perform gameplay. The players navigate in the city, their game world, and use the 2d map in their smartphone to inform their gameplay decisions and to show them... more
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      Computer ScienceSpatial AnalysisSpace SyntaxAugmented Reality
This study aims to demonstrate the commercial exploitation of play- bour in location-based mobile games (LBMGs) that merge digital information and physical spaces. The ethnographic method has been applied in this research, and the data... more
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      Social Production of SpaceLocative MediaLocation-Based Mobile GamesIngress
Engaging museum visitors through game playing is an approach that has been used extensively by many museums and cultural institutions. Location based games are facilitated by mobile technologies and have been implemented in various kinds... more
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      Computer ScienceMuseum learningMobile LearningCultural Heritage
Resumen El aporte de este trabajo es explorar cómo abordar experiencias de co-diseño in-situ de Juegos Móviles basados en posicionamiento en espacios cerrados (por ejemplo, un edificio), describiendo las lecciones aprendidas sobre esta... more
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      Location-Based Mobile GamesAuthoring Tools
This article documents the planning, creation, and user testing of a situated mobile story using the ARIS platform. The game, " Getting a Job at Nikki's Place, " focuses on a neighborhood restaurant in Orlando, Florida and the life of its... more
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      EthnographyMobile TechnologyDigital StorytellingMobile games
STRESZCZENIE Artykuł prezentuje media mobilna znajdujące zastosowanie w przestrzeni miejskiej: media i gry lokacyjne, mobilne sieci społecznościowe, mobilne lokacyjne sieci społecznościowe itp. Koncentruje się na komunikacji za... more
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      New MediaLocation Based ServicesInternet StudiesMobile Media
Mobile Learning is far more than simply shifting traditional eLearning materials onto mobile platforms. Mobile Learning can generate a rich interplay of authentic activity with the use of relatively ubiquitous technologies. This... more
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      Mobile LearningAugmented RealityGames Based LearningLocation-Based Mobile Games
This paper presents the TOTEM framework for supporting the content creation and structuring for location-based games. Shapes (templates), Marbles (instances) and Pebbles (raw data) build the conceptual background while two integrated... more
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      Location-Based Mobile GamesAuthoring ToolsContent CreationMobile and Location-Based Media
An essential part of location-based games is the physical space where players perform gameplay. The players navigate in the city, their game world, and use the 2d map in their smartphone to inform their gameplay decisions and to show them... more
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      Computer ScienceSpatial AnalysisSpace SyntaxAugmented Reality
Submitted by ΑΝΝΑ ΠΟΡΤΙΝΟΥ ([email protected]) on 2016-06-10T07:43:38Z No. of bitstreams: 1 1.129_ΑΝ_23_5_13.pdf: 159690 bytes, checksum: 86c2559e2ac2873d217bc4d12f397e27 (MD5)
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      GeographyLocation Based ServicesAssistive TechnologyGame Based Learning
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      Evaluation ResearchInteraction DesignSocial InteractionPervasive Gaming
Data contributed by a large number of non-experts is increasingly used to validate and curate land cover data, with location-based games (LBGs) developed for this purpose generating particular interest. We here present our findings on... more
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      User-Generated ContentLand use/ land cover change studiesLocation-Based Mobile Games
Pervasive games have been proposed as a suitable way to support learning, especially in places rich in information, as for example museums and cultural heritage sites. This paper reports on the work performed to identify guidelines that... more
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      Pervasive GamingUser eXperiencePervasive GameLocation-Based Mobile Games
This paper aims at exploring the nature of the spatial experience that emerges when actively pursuing the goals of a Hybrid Reality Game (HRG). HRGs engage the player in intense and rich activities that spill out of the screen of their... more
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      Game studiesMedia StudiesSpatial PracticesDigital Media
The development of local media products gives citizens a chance to struggle for the city. In some cases, it means literally to appropriate urban space and to maintain control over it within the game (“Ingress the Game”). In other cases,... more
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      Format (Media)Right to the cityLocation-Based Mobile GamesMobile and Location-Based Media
This article documents the planning, creation, and user testing of a situated mobile story using the ARIS platform. The game, " Getting a Job at Nikki's Place, " focuses on a neighborhood restaurant in Orlando, Florida and... more
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      EthnographyMobile TechnologyDigital StorytellingVisual Ethnography
Foursquare is a location-based social network (LBSN) that combines gaming elements with features conventionally associated with social networking sites (SNSs). Following two qualitative studies, this article sets out to explore what... more
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      Cultural StudiesLocation Based ServicesSocial MediaSmartphones
The article suggests to interpret the gaming activity within the location- based mobile game Ingress the Game as a technically mediated gaming encounter (E. Goffman). This means that players significantly determinate the situation of... more
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      Location-Based Mobile GamesMobile and Location-Based MediaIngress