Local governance
Recent papers in Local governance
This article uses the concept of institutional thickness to describe key features of the local governance of economic development. For this purpose, a methodology for the empirical assessment of institutional thickness is developed and... more
A study has been done in Luvuvhu Catchment to develop a framework for effective community participation in water quality monitoring and management. Community participation and involvement in development has since the 1970s gathered... more
Engagement between Iwi Maori and local government operates within a complex environment of involving multiple expectations within multiple statutory frameworks. Not surprisingly different models of engagement have developed, some of which... more
The European Union (EU) has closely correlated different aspects of the peace process in Bosnia with progress towards European accession. The ‘power of attraction’ of EU membership would presumably induce the Bosnian authorities to accept... more
In Brazil’s large cities, more than half a million people survive by collecting and selling solid waste. Most face very poor working conditions and have very low incomes as the intermediaries to whom they sell pay low prices. Their... more
The purpose of this article is to stimulate and inform discussion about the community role in sustainable development and to broaden our understanding of the opportunities for sustainable community development activity. It begins with an... more
Interdisciplinary field studies and remote sensing techniques were used to delineate mountain areas in Colorado subject to such natural hazards as snow avalanches, mudflows, rockfalls, and landslides. The old mining townsite of Ophir in... more
For centuries, land degradation triggered by deforestation has occurred in Ethiopia, in particular in the northern regional state Tigray, the area under study. In order to change this situation, the local government started to establish... more
Podstawowym celem artykułu jest analiza udziału kobiet w samorządzie lokalnym i wiejskim na przykładzie funkcji radnej gminy i sołtyski. Autorka poszukuje odpowiedzi na pytania o skalę tego zaangażowania, jego zmian w czasie oraz... more
The Authors would like to thank the World Bank and Infrastructure Development Finance Company (IDFC) each for partial funding of the project ‘Improving Fiscal Health of Indian Cities’, which initiated the research on estimation of fiscal... more
The nature of financial reporting in the public sector in Australia has undergone substantial change in the last twenty years. One result has been the promulgation of public sector accounting standards based on the private sector... more
Social housing in Malaysia is provided through the public and private sectors. Recently, the Selangor Zakat Board (SZB) has started to provide social housing in the state of Selangor, Malaysia. Up to 2007, a total of 906 units have been... more
Background Despite the increasing evidence that income inequality causes reductions in life expectancy in developed countries, this relationship has not been explored in the United Kingdom, where local income data are not routinely... more
The accounting rules from each country evolve in time in order to respond the social, cultural and economical environment needs. After some communist countries (as Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Estonia,... more
Background: Local government as the sphere of government that directly impacts the lives of communities must create a milieu of interacting with communities in terms of planning, execution and the monitoring and evaluation of the success... more
The internet has become one of the most important means of communication in all areas of our life. In the paper we focused on central and local government bodies and their attitude towards information and communication technology. By... more
This study examines the extent to which the recent economic turmoil ("Krismon") in Indonesia has affected urban development and in turn caused an urban crisis. It focuses on urban economy, employment, poverty, rural-to-urban migration,... more
Der Beitrag vergleicht die empirische Teiluntersuchung der agglomerationsfernen Regionen Wartburgkreis und Dithmarschen. Ziel ist es die Bedingungen der Bestimmung von Entwicklungsoptionen durch regionalen Akteure im Rahmen des... more
This paper discusses the findings of a study undertaken by a team from the University of Birmingham's Institute for Local Government Studies (INLOGOV), funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. The research explores the... more
The growing number of small tenures in British Columbia creates new demands on local organizations to manage public forest lands. To deal with these demands, small tenure holders must develop governance practices that address both... more
The present paper explores sources of technical (in)efficiency of Flemish municipalities in their production of local public goods (in the year 2000). In assessing inefficiency derivation, we focus on socio-economic and political... more
We study the effects on accountability in government service delivery of decentralizing administration of an antipoverty program. While governments at both central and local levels are vulnerable to antipoor policy biases owing to... more
Chandra, S., Chhetri, P. and J. Corcoran (2009).Spatial patterns of urban compactness in Melbourne: an urban myth or a reality. In: Ostendorf B., Baldock, P., Bruce, D., Burdett, M. and P. Corcoran (eds.), Proceedings of the Surveying &... more
SECTION O3. SCOPE AND COVERAGE. This Ordinance applies to all officials and personnel employed by or contracted by the LGU Boac, its agencies or offices, regardless of their appointment or employment status and including its trainees.... more
Bayesian Belief Network (BBN) modelling may be applied in rural extension in situations where program outputs are influenced by variables which are sequentially influenced by other variables. For a recently completed agroforestry... more
This article examines the saga of local government restructuring in Canada's capital city. Specifically, it analyzes the interplay between provincial and local agendas for local government reform over many years, which culminated in... more
In urban communities, infrastructures that support living are indispensable. There is increased interest in alternative ways of providing such support systems, including semi-autonomous infrastructures resulting from the self-organization... more
The City of Jakarta is considered as one of the most vulnerable cities to climate-related disaster, including flooding, sea-level rise, and storm surge. Various climate risks in Jakarta have been accessed. However, the assessments are... more
The establishment of British colonial administration brought the introduction of cash crops economy to Nigeria-as elsewhere in Africa. In line with the British colonial policy of providing raw materials for the industries of the... more
The paper considers two major views of illegal logging: "communitarian" and "legalistic." The former emphasizes the positive role of local communities and sees law enforcement programs as, at least potentially, counterproductive to... more
Tasmania has a long history of failed attempts at restructuring local government boundaries yet managed a major reform process of 'modernisation' between 1990 and 1993 that incorporated major changes to council operations together with a... more
We examine implications of delegating delivery of an infrastructure service to an elected local government rather than bureaucrats appointed by a central government. The latter is uninformed about local need and unable to monitor service... more
Introduction Colonialism caused fundamental damage to the role of chiefs. It disturbed the pre-existing redistributive lineage system, undermined the foundation for the existence of chiefs and limited their tradition-based and... more
Privatization is only one of several alternatives for local government reform. Problems with lack of cost savings and the challenges of contract management have led local government reformers to explore other alternatives including... more
The objective of this paper is to examine the nature of India's federal system, the reforms that have occurred over the last ten years, and what remains to be done. We begin by briefly describing the key federal institutions in India,... more
This paper deals with aspects of local sustainable development in the context of governance.