Local food
Recent papers in Local food
Two major societal changes in the world, agricultural intensification and urbanization, have changed the local food systems landscape. Over the years, technological developments, increased global supply, and changing markets (e.g.,... more
The Reclaiming Diversity and Citizenship Series seeks to encourage debate outside mainstream policy and conceptual frameworks on the future of food, farming, land use and human well-being. The opportunities and constraints to regenerating... more
Sposoby produkcji jedzenia oraz jego związek z tożsamością mieszkańców Europy stały się u progu XXI wieku przedmiotem licznych dyskusji. Ich skutki dostrzec można w powstających rozwiązaniach prawnych – najlepszy przykład stanowi tu... more
Investigative food journalist Barry Estabrook exposes the “human and environmental cost of the $5 billion fresh tomato industry” in this compelling account. I picked up Tomatoland thinking it to be simply a book about the... more
This article outlines preliminary findings of a 3-year project that explored on-site food production on institutional properties, primarily healthcare facilities. There are growing pressures on healthcare facilities to improve their food... more
This paper aims to identify predictors of consumer ethnocentrism in the food market. An online survey was conducted in a sample of 1000 Polish consumers, which was representative by sex, age, education level, urban–rural divide, and... more
Local values affect the destination preferences of tourists. The promotion and registration of these values is important for their protection. In addition to the registration of geographical indications, their presentation in food and... more
A través de estas líneas quisiera compartir algunos aspectos sobre el chocolate que lo hacen único y un gran provocador de emociones. Me gustaría además reseñar datos de su historia, para evocar algo de su connotación mágica y mítica .
Local and regional food has emerged as an important arena for economic development and for social change. The western Lake Superior region offers significant opportunities and unique challenges for the redevelopment of a robust regional... more
Social movement actors seeking alternatives to the highly industrialized, global food system have been advocating for more sustainable, local food systems. Many of the local food movement strategies and initiatives to counter the... more
Our body compulsory demands food, water and air to keep its vital functions and yet their economic nature is rather diverse with food mostly considered a private good, water suffering an accelerated privatization process and air so far... more
This volume offers a new perspective to debates on local food and urban sustainability presenting the long silenced voices of the small-scale farmers from the productive green fringe of Sydney’s sprawling urban jungle. Providing fresh... more
In July 2003, the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets retained a consultant team led by Market Ventures, Inc. and Karp Resources to study the need and potential for reestablishing one or more wholesale farmers’ markets... more
One aspect of the contemporary interest in ‘local’ foods has been the appearance of products based on Australian native plants. In this article, I explore the place identities presented in the packaging of these products. How are the... more
Localisation is one process/outcome which is proffered as key to the ‘grand challenges’ which currently face the food system. Consumers are attributed much agency in this potential transformation, being encouraged from all levels of... more
The local protection of the Right to food is crucial in order to fulfill this right and to build a " Right to food oriented " Urban food policy. The Turin City Council introduces under § 2 of the City Regulation (Statuto) the... more
Local food projects are steadily becoming a part of contemporary food systems and take on many forms. They are typically analyzed using an ethical, or socio-political, lens. Food focused initiatives can be understood as strategies to... more
In this article, I critique the historical narratives surrounding the consumption of Australian native foods by European settlers. I argue that culinary historians and other commentators present the contemporary consumption of native... more
When people think of farmers, they usually think of men. Iconic images of farming might include rough, burly guys using heavy equipment. But nowadays, more women have become farmers, especially in contexts of sustainable food. Using the... more
Previous research suggests that consumers can be encouraged to purchase environmentally friendly groceries by means of persuasive messages. The present intervention study investigated whether providing information about how consumers can... more
PurposeIt has generally been anticipated that the growth of Internet technology and e-commerce would result in virtual grocery shopping (VGS) becoming a normal way of life for consumers worldwide. However, the adoption of VGS, except in... more
The city of Portland, Oregon, is often hailed in news and popular media as the capital of the U.S. alternative food movement. In 2002, the Portland Multnomah Food Policy Council (PMFPC) was established to address the region’s growing... more
Environmental sociology is premised on the inseparability of humans and nature and involves an analytical focus on the place of power and social inequality in shaping human/nonhuman interactions. Our purpose here is to conduct a broad... more
Benli, S., Akdağ, G., Güler, O. ve Çakıcı, A.C. (2016). "Reflection of Sustainable Gastronomy on Menus: A Research on the Menus of Fine Dining Restaurants", 3rd International Cesme-Chios History, Culture and Tourism Symposium, November... more
Jahe merupakan salah satu jenis rempah-rempah yang banyak dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku obat-obatan maupun minuman kesehatan. Minuman kesehatan adalah segala sesuatu yang dikonsumsi yang dapat menghilangkan rasa haus dan dahaga juga... more
Abstract: Degrowth cannot be realised from within a capitalist society, since growth is the sine qua non for capitalism. But, societies are no blank slates; they are not built from scratch. Putting these two thoughts together seems to... more
Abstract Purpose: The purpose of this study is to provide a synthesis and an extended discussion of the literature relating to tourist motivation and local food tourism. It presents a review of the academic literature and provides... more
Празници и фестивали на храните: валоризация на локалното кулинарно наследство“ разглежда тези нови форми на колективно празнуване като свързани с преосмисляне на културата, традициите и територията. Празниците и фестивалите, посветени на... more
Is local necessarily "greener" food. In this talk I used the example of the Tuscan butcher Dario Cecchini to suggest that the calculus of sustainability is often more complex than the geometry of food miles.
Ecovillages worldwide address the contemporary quest for sustainability while increasing bioregional literacy and developing processes and tools that aim to reduce their ecological footprints. The Scotland-based Findhorn Ecovillage is one... more
El propósito de este artículo es relatar algunos aspectos sobre la historia del croissant, sus diferencias según el país donde se consume y cómo debe elaborarse para que cumpla las características de un croissant tradicional.
Abstract: Governments try to differentiate the consumer demand and hence, to increase the competitiveness of the producers/businesses and economies at different scales of local, regional and national/international through property rights... more
This article provides a history of the New Nordic Cuisine* the ideology, the politics, the criticism, and the counter-reactions to it. The article has a particular focus on the Copenhagen restaurant scene which has been recognized as the... more
In 2013 ‘traditional Japanese dietary culture’ (washoku) was added to UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage list. Washoku’s predecessor was ‘national people’s cuisine’, an attempt during the Second World War to create a uniform diet for... more
Özet Karaman özel coğrafi özellikleriyle birlikte, eskiçağlardan günümüze kadim bir kültüre sahiptir. Mevzubahis kültür içerisinde mutfak ele alınmaya değer birikimler içermektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Karaman’ın mutfak kültürü ve... more