Recent papers in Livy
Collection of contributions on the reception of ancient historiography in Early Modern Culture and Intellectual History. INDICE INTRODUZIONE I. G. Mastrorosa (Università di Firenze) Oltre ‘riscoperte’, Nachleben e ‘fortuna’:... more
Si l’on met de côté la première phrase de sa description d’Emporion, au début du livre XXXIV, Tite-Live brosse un tableau cohérent du site de la petite colonie grecque. Il reproduit en substance un texte de Caton relatif au soulèvement... more
RESUMO: Examinamos aqui uma fonte epigráfica, o senatus-consulto promulgado na época da repressão às Bacanais, no contexto político-social; este documento nos informa sobre as medidas tomadas em 186 a.C. pelo senado romano contra... more
Violence in Roman warfare is certainly not a myth. But until recently, historians have understood violence in terms of their own standards instead of considering the thresholds of Roman sensibilities. Within the framework of the “histoire... more
Aristotle's account of when and why monarchy is an appropriate form of government are confirmed by Livy's treatment of the importance of monarchy for making Rome's days of liberty possible.
Hannibal's most famous achievement is his crossing of the Alps. Two major historical sources exist for this event, Polybius and Livy. However, reconstruction of the crossing, and indeed any topic concerning the history of the Punic Wars... more
Appians Keltiké, das vierte Buch seiner vierundzwanzig Bücher umfassenden Römischen Geschichte, behandelt die kriegerischen Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Römern und Kelten, beginnend mit dem von Brennus geführten Angriff auf Rom bis hin... more
The scope of Hamilton’s project is not historical reconstruction, but an “attempt to show what the Romans were as they appear in their great authors” (263). Hamilton’s aim is to pinpoint the peculiar Roman qualities that distinguished... more
Livy's History of Rome was a celebrated classic in his own lifetime. In the tumultuous era of the Roman civil wars, which spanned more than a half century, Livy's readers turned to his account of ancient Roman history for consolation and... more
Tacitus portrays the wedding of Livia and Octavian as an abduction. His interpretation contrasts with the other surviving sources, which are much less hostile. Tacitus’ analysis comes into clearer focus when placed in the... more
Abstract This article examines the longstanding rivalry of Rome and Parthia, which began as an unintended consequence of Crassus’ decisive defeat at Carrhae in 53 BCE. It synthesizes the accounts and opinions of numerous Graeco-Roman... more
Here are some notes for an intensive discussion of Machiavelli's Discourses on Livy. By systematically working through multiple sections of this particular work, the goal is to appreciate the breadth and diversity of Machiavelli's... more
Kbor Klib, the battlefield of Zama. The purpose of this short paper is to provide supporting evidence drawn from the histories of; Polybius, Livy, Appian and Cassius Dio to identify the location of the battlefield of Zama as being at... more
The author is trying to solve the chronological problems of Livy’s information on the war operations in the region around and north of Lake Lychnidus during the Third Macedonian War. The focus is on the period between 170-169 B.C.,... more
Late antique and medieval culture keeps on working on the tale of Lucretia, trying to find a more fitting position for the male characters who moves around the chaste matron, from Tarquin the Proud to Lucius Junius Brutus to Publius... more
The suppression of the Bacchanalia in Rome 186 BCE was the first major religious persecution in Europe. The essay provides a new analysis, referring to the political theory of Eric Voegelin. It shows that the suppression was a reaction of... more
Presented at the 2010 AAH Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah
La vicenda del testo degli Ab urbe condita libri di Tito Livio sembra cruciale per le origini dell'Umanesimo: essa offre significativi esempi di come gli intellettuali dell'epoca si avvicinarono alla tradizione classica, unendo una... more
Protected by Rome, Carthage regained much prosperity under a relatively open political system, while the grasping Masinissa of Numidia was thwarted repeatedly from annexing Punic territory. But Rome's attitude changed after 167, to his... more
While martyrdom is a powerful cultural symbol for early Christianity, those seeking to encourage emulation of the martyrs in the post-Constantinian period face a special problem: how can Christians imitate those who died under imperial... more
"This article is a critical analysis of the livian account, a prerequisite to any use of it in the context of historical inquiry. The approach implemented in this paper is twofold. The first applies the principles of the criticism of... more
Chapter III (55) How Roman Arms Came to Conquer the Successors of Alexander (55) How Much More Successful Was the Roman Legion than the Macedonian Phalanx? (57) The Best Soldiers versus the Best Formation (59) Why the Greeks... more
Livy, in his Ad Urbe Condita, presents a narrative account of all Roman history. One of the more controversial episodes of Book I, the book that examines the legendary foundations of Rome to the fall of the Roman kings after the rape of... more
Machiavelli advocated for control and manipulation, among other deceptive methods, in order for one to accomplish their goal of becoming a “sovereign power.” In fact, he specified while reflecting on the work of Camillus that “Government... more
Vesta and the Vestal priestesses represented the very core of Roman cultural identity, and Augustus positioned his public image beside them to augment his political legitimacy. Through analysis of material culture, historiography, and... more
UDA presentata per il corso di Didattica generale nel contesto del TFA per la classe di concorso A052 (Università di Verona, 2015)
Comme le rappelle L. Poznanski, comment étudier l'Antiquité en négligeant la guerre qui occupe une place de choix dans un monde pour lequel elle est la normalité 1 . Ainsi que le stipule J.-P. Vernant, « la guerre tend à se reconstituer... more
Although Machiavelli argues that “return to first principles” is a necessary and perhaps even sufficient condition for counteracting political corruption, few scholars have engaged in a sustained textual analysis of Discourses III.1, the... more
The foundation of Rome is surrounded by legends and myths written by both Roman and Greek authors to manufacture narratives which legitimized their contemporary contexts. Livy (1st century BC) and Plutarch (2nd century AD) recorded... more
Tito Livio: (Patavium, storico romano, autore di una monumentale storia di Roma, Ab Urbe condita libri CXLII, dalla sua fondazione (tradizionalmente datata 21 aprile 753 a.C.) fino alla morte di Druso, figliastro di Augusto nel 9 a.C.
The speeches of the ancient historians prove a curiosity. To dub them merely 'conventional' does them a disservice, reinforcing a truism equally trite to the ancient and the modern. Indeed they persist in a discipline which, according to... more
This thesis examines divination at Rome and its role in Roman historiography, with particular reference to Livy and Tacitus. The focus of the thesis is why and how they used divination and the extent to which divination supported their... more