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Aim: Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 2 diabetes) not responding to dietary treatment alone in patients with non-alcoholic liver cirrhosis is characterized by high postprandial hyperglycaemia. The control of postprandial... more
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      FoodBlood GlucoseLiver CirrhosisInsulin
Endoscopy plays a major role in the management of gastrointestinal varices in portal hypertension. It is used for the prophylaxis of the fi rst bleeding episode, therapy of active bleeding and prophylaxis of recurrent bleeding. Today not... more
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      Portal hypertensionLiver CirrhosisDigestive and Liver DiseasesVaricose Veins
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      Hemostasis and ThrombosisCancerCystic FibrosisInflammation
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is not directly cytopathic to the hepatocytes; however, host immune response against the virus does cause hepatic injury. Production of the HCV antibody is a host immune response to a viral antigen. The currently... more
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      Hepatitis CLiver CirrhosisLiver TransplantationViral Load
With the global pandemic of hepatitis B and C infections, the incidence of Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is rapidly increasing world wide. We identified glypican-3 (GPC3), a novel oncofetal gene over-expressed specifically in human HCC,... more
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      ImmunohistochemistryGene expressionHepatitis BLiver Cirrhosis
Haydée Marina do Valle PEREIRA(1), Norma de Paula CAVALHEIRO(2), Fátima Mitiko TENGAN(2), Carlos Eduardo MELO(2), Evandro Sobroza de MELLO(3) & Antônio Alci BARONE(2) SUMMARY Hepatitis C virus infection evolves progressively persisting in... more
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      BrazilAdolescentMedicineLiver Cirrhosis
SYNOPSIS A method for the differential determination of plasma antithrombins, antithrombin III and U macroglobulin, is described. The method is based on the selective inactivation of plasma (x2 macroglobulin by treatment with 01 M... more
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      KineticsClinical PathologyMethodsThrombin
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      GeneticsInflammationOxidative StressDNA damage
Introduction. Cirrhosis predisposes to the development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), demanding that these patients undergo follow-up with imaging methods for the early detection of neoplastic nodules. Morphologic study of the... more
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      Hepatitis CBiopsyLiver CirrhosisLiver
Disponible en Internet el 18 de septiembre de 2010
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      GastroenterologyDrug interactionsSpainLiver Cirrhosis
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      Clinical TrialClinical PracticeLiver CirrhosisBlood Coagulation
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      Acute kidney injuryHepatologyProspective studiesLiver Cirrhosis
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      AlgorithmsGastroenterologyAutomationLiver Cirrhosis
Sleep-wake abnormalities are common in patients with cirrhosis but their evaluation is time consuming and laborious. The aim of this study was to assess the validity of a simple Sleep Timing and Sleep Quality Screening questionnaire... more
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      HepatologySleep QualityLiver CirrhosisCircadian Rhythm
Acute intravenous amino acid infusion or a highprotein diet increases renal plasma flow and the glomerular filtration rate in healthy subjects. Conversely, a low-protein diet reduces renal plasma flow and glomerular filtration rate. The... more
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      HepatologyKidneyLiver CirrhosisGlucagon
In order to assess the interaction between alcohol intake, tobacco smoking and coffee consumption in determining the risk of liver cirrhosis we carried out a hospital-based case-control study involving 115 patients at their first... more
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      CoffeeLife StyleTobaccoItaly
Tramadol is a synthetic opioid agonist used extensively in human and, to a lesser extent, veterinary medicine throughout the world. The clinical efficacy and pharmacokinetic profile of intravenous (i.v.) and extradural (e.d.) tramadol (2... more
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      Biological SciencesDogsHepatitis BLiver Cirrhosis
The new england journal of medicine 2674 * The most common adverse events are those that occurred in 10 percent or more of the patients in any treatment group. † Fisher's exact test was used for the comparison with the placebo-adefovir... more
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      GastroenterologyAdolescentHepatitis BLiver Cirrhosis
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      Rheumatoid ArthritisProspective studiesLiver CirrhosisLiver Fibrosis
The role of oral supplementation with branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) in advanced cirrhosis is far from settled. A nutritional approach might prevent progressive liver failure and improve nutritional parameters and quality of life.... more
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      GastroenterologyQuality of lifeLiver CirrhosisLiver
Numerous clinical and epidemiological studies have identified elevated homocysteine levels in plasma as a risk factor for atherosclerotic vascular disease and thromboembolism. Hyperhomocysteinemia may develop as a consequence of defects... more
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      Gene expressionLiver CirrhosisHypertensionLiver
Cirrhotic cardiomyopathy is a clinical syndrome in patients with liver cirrhosis characterized by an abnormal and blunted response to physiologic, pathologic, or pharmacologic stress but normal to increased cardiac output and... more
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      HepatologyElectrocardiographyPortal hypertensionLiver Cirrhosis
The Patient Treatment File of the Department of Veterans Affairs comprises the computerized records of all inpatients treated in all Veterans Affairs hospitals distributed throughout the United States. This database was used to study the... more
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      Native AmericanLogistic RegressionLiver diseasesLiver Cirrhosis
Background & Aims: In healthy subjects, exercise pro-During exercise, an increase in cardiac output and a motes marked hemodynamic and humoral changes redistribution of blood flow from other territories (especharacterized by an increase... more
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      GastroenterologyPortal hypertensionLiver CirrhosisLiver
countries. It is important to accurately determine the stage of fibrosis in these patients. The enhanced liver fibrosis (ELF) test has been validated for staging liver fibrosis in adult patients with chronic liver diseases, including... more
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The alterations of sexual function known as the erectile dysfunction are quite frequent among patients affected by liver diseases and they tend to increase in advanced liver failure. This process is directly linked to cirrhosis or its... more
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      Quality of lifeMedicineErectile dysfunctionLiver diseases
Hemorrhagic ascites in patients with cirrhosis is described as a RBC (Red Blood cell) >50,000/mm³ and leads to increased morbidity and mortality. Positive red blood cells at a level of less than 50,000/mm³ (10,000-50,000) may be... more
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      Acute kidney injuryMultivariate AnalysisLiver CirrhosisHepatocellular Carcinoma
Simvastatin improves liver generation of nitric oxide and hepatic endothelial dysfunction in patients with cirrhosis, so it could be an effective therapy for portal hypertension. This randomized controlled trial evaluated the effects of... more
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      GastroenterologyBiologyMedicinePortal hypertension
Large spontaneous portal-systemic shunts have been occasionally described in patients with cirrhosis. This study was undertaken to assess the prevalence of portal-systemic shunts in patients with cirrhosis with recurrent or persistent... more
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      ElectroencephalographyHepatologyLiver CirrhosisThree Dimensional Imaging
Hepatocellular nodules in cirrhosis include regenerative (large regenerative, LRN) and dysplastic (low and high grade, LGDN and HGDN) nodules, early and grade 1 HCC (eHCC-G1), and overt HCC. The differential diagnosis may be particularly... more
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      GastroenterologyHepatologyLiver CirrhosisDifferential Diagnosis
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      AdolescentEnglandLiver CirrhosisLiver
Aim: Only patients with good liver function {[Child-Pugh (CP)] A class} were eligible for trials testing sorafenib as first-line treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC); nevertheless, the drug was authorized without restrictions based... more
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      Liver diseasesLiver CirrhosisLiverHepatocellular Carcinoma
The Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound convened a panel of specialists from radiology, hepatology, pathology, and basic science and physics to arrive at a consensus regarding the use of elastography in the assessment of liver fibrosis... more
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      RadiologyMedicineLiver CirrhosisUltrasonics
Global prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and of NAFLD-hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is estimated to grow in the next years. The burden of NAFLD and the evidence that NAFLD-HCC arises also in non-cirrhotic patients,... more
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      Liver CirrhosisLiverHepatocellular Carcinomanon alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
OBJECTIVES: To determine the serum hyaluronic acid (HA) levels as biochemical marker of hepatic fibrosis and cirrhosis and correlate it with the degree of hepatic fibrosis and cirrhosis. DESIGN: Comparative cross-sectional study. PLACE... more
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      AdolescentHepatologyBiopsyLiver Cirrhosis
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      Treatment OutcomeHepatologyPortal hypertensionLiver Cirrhosis
Background and Aim: Refractory ascites in liver-cirrhosis is associated with a poor prognosis. We performed a prospective study to investigate whether aggressive nutritionalsupport could improve outcomes in cirrhotic patients. Methods:... more
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      NutritionNonparametric StatisticsProspective studiesLiver Cirrhosis
Cirrhosis has always been regarded as hemorrhagic coagulopathy caused by the reduction in the hepatic synthesis of procoagulant proteins. However, with the progression of liver disease, the cirrhotic patient undergoes a high rate of... more
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      Liver Cirrhosiscerebral Venous sinus thrombosisAnticoagulantsPortal vein
It is unclear whether practice-related aspects of antimicrobial therapy contribute to the high mortality from septic shock among patients with cirrhosis. We examined the relationship between aspects of initial empiric antimicrobial... more
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      Nonparametric StatisticsSaudi ArabiaLinear modelsHepatology
Doppler ultrasound (DUS) is able to measure parameters of blood flow within vessels of transplanted organs, and vascular complications are associated with abnormal values. We analyzed the findings of 51 consecutive patients who underwent... more
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      Prospective studiesLiver CirrhosisLiverDoppler Ultrasound
Balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration (BRTO) of bleeding gastric varices (GV) is well described in the literature. Using Ethanolamine oleate as the sclerosing agent in BRTO, but it is not readily available in the United... more
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      Treatment OutcomeUltrasoundLiver CirrhosisUnited States
Safety of traditional Chinese medicine in patients with chronic hepatitis B is unknown.
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      Treatment OutcomeLiver diseasesTraditional Chinese MedicineProspective studies
The journal is pleased to debut a new feature, a debate. This one is on the use of albumin colloid replacement after large-volume paracentesis. Whether or not such a practice is warranted is argued vigorously and informatively by three... more
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      Liver CirrhosisLiverClinical SciencesHypovolemia
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      Metabolic syndromeLiver CirrhosisClinical SciencesGut
There are numerous studies concerning the natural history and prognostic factors in cirrhosis, the results of which are useful in selecting liver transplant candidates. However, little attention has been paid to the prognostic... more
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      Natural HistoryProbabilityHepatologyMultivariate Analysis
Objective: A late evening snack improves the catabolic state in patients with advanced liver cirrhosis. We tested whether long-term (3 mo) late evening snacking that included a branched-chain amino acid (BCAA)-enriched nutrient mixture... more
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      NutritionQuality of lifeEnergy MetabolismLiver Cirrhosis
Background: This study compares two methods of liver elasticity determination, Shear Wave Elasticity (SWE) and Trancient Elastography (VCTE-Fibroscan). Images will be provided by a group of patients with chronic parechymal liver diseases... more
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      Medical ImagingUltrasound ImagingLiver diseasesLiver Cirrhosis
Background/Aims: Albumin administration prevents renal failure and improves survival in spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. This study characterizes the mechanisms of action of albumin in this condition.
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      HepatologyLiver CirrhosisHemodynamicsNitric oxide
In the last year, different diseases possibly linked to Helicobacter pylori infection but localized outside of the stomach have been investigated. There are, in fact, several studies concerning cardiovascular diseases, hematologic... more
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      Helicobacter pyloriCatsLiver diseasesBiological Sciences
The gold standard method for HBV genotyping is whole genome sequencing followed by phylogenetic analysis. 4,23 Although this technique is highly sensitive and allows the detection of new and recombinant genotypes, it is expensive,... more
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyTreatment OutcomeInfectious Diseases