Live Feed
Recent papers in Live Feed
Artificial larval feeds are no match to live food organisms in terms of acceptance, nutritional and other factors. Feeding habit of fishes in natural water bodies is different among the species but all the fishes require protein rich live... more
Euryhaline rotifer belonging to the genera Brachionus are often used as live feed for first feeding marine finfish larviculture. Two common rotifer enrichments, a single usage of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)-enriched Chlorella vulgaris and... more
The aim of this study are to investigate metabolic oxygen consumption rate, energy content and growth performance of Hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis sp) with mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) and artificial food. Two separate feeding trial were... more
Two common live feeds, the Brachionus plicatilis species complex SS-type and L-type were used to assess whether there were any differences in protein hydrolysis and digestive trypsin activity in first feeding Japanese flounder. There were... more
This study was carried out to evaluate the population growth and egg ratio of Brachionus rotundiformis by feeding with three different diets, i.e., live microalgae Nannochloropsis sp., Baker’s yeast, and powdered spirulina. A total of... more
A preliminary growth study was conducted with juvenile Oreuchromis mossambicus using a livefood Strepucepkalus dicku!umus. Experimental fish showed better growth, survival and food conversion ratios, a8 well as a significant increase in... more
To understand the feeding and digestive strategies of Scylla serrata larva and juvenile at various stages, gut evacuation time (GET) at different developmental stage were determined in the present study. GET in larval S. serrata ranged... more
This experiment is designed to observe the suitability of different diets on survival rate of marine oligochates worm in laboratory scale using flowing water system. The oligochaetes worms were cultured in five different diet treatments... more