Live Action Roleplaying
Recent papers in Live Action Roleplaying
Gioco di ruolo e molteplicità d'esperienza E' credenza comune tra i giocatori credere che vi sia una distinzione oggettiva tra il personaggio giocato e il giocatore stesso. Di fatto tale distinzione non esiste: la persona che gioca prova... more
This paper investigates the evolution of larp safety in the NordicAmerican larp community in the last decade, tracing the correlation between safety rhetorics (opinions, arguments, and policies) and mechanics (explicit rules regulating... more
The society we live in leads us to rethink education and communication languages, especially in educational processes concerning children and adolescents. It seems increasingly difficult to build meaningful educational experiences able... more
BUCHTÍK, Martin. (2014), Larp as an Alternative Medium: A Sociological Perspective, in: Pavlíckova, T., Reifová, I.C. (2014), Media, Power and Empowerment – Central and Eastern European Communication and Media Conference CEECOM Prague... more
Gli edu-larp (Educational Live Action Role-Playing) sono giochi di ruolo educativi in cui i partecipanti vestono i ruoli di personaggi, interpretando fisicamente le narrazioni su diverse tematiche. Questo volume – scritto da studenti,... more
For those discussion #InteractionPatterns, especially in the context of #RPG, here is a refresher on my adaptations of the Avedon 1974 Interaction patterns as applied to typical uses of all 4 formats of role-playing games: #TRPG, #LARP,... more
Video with voice over to this presentation available here: This is a shorter summary of the 2 hour presentation. This was created for The 2016 Living Games Conference... more
This paper investigates the psychology of bleed-out, in which in-character dynamics spill over into out-of-character thoughts and feelings (Montola, 2011). We pair emerging neuroscience theory and research with classic models of emotion... more
• Diakolambrianou, E.: «LARP as a Tool for Personal Development and Psychotherapy». Portal 8 LARP Convention, Zagreb, Croatia, 7/3/2020
OVERVIEW This document attempts to summarize with a brief list the pros and cons of each role-playing game (RPG) format. The hope is that this differentiation between formats will improve the quality of future research studies and program... more
Considering that everything is political, this paper attempts to establish a typology of adaptive writing strategies for different larps and design purposes.
Магистерская работа (2014 г.), основанная на анализе собранной базы данных, о фреймировании российской ролевой игры живого действия, о триггерах переключения фреймов, о вариантах оформления этого переключения и о преодолении "поломок"... more
Faisant le pari que la connivence étroite entretenue entre jeu de rôle grandeur nature et engagement politique dans les pays nordiques n’est pas accidentelle, l’argumentaire de ce mémoire vise à aborder la question suivante : quels sont... more
Реферат к кандидатскому экзамену по антропологии (2016) для обоснования темы диссертации. Рассматриваются подходы к игре Й. Хёйзинги и Р. Кайуа, а также ролевая игра по отношению к таким феноменам, как ритуал, театр и взаимодействие лицом... more
A brief background summary of research information about the effects of role-playing gaming upon participants, including their use as an intervention modality to achieve therapeutic and educational goals for various populations,... more
• Diakolambrianou, E.: «The use of LARP (live action role-playing) in personal development, therapy and education». Smart Psi National Conference, Bucharest, Romania, 24/11/2018
The live action role-playing community as a subculture within the United States represents an aspect of repression within the greater society, just as most subcultures in some way do. Due to the unique qualities of the activities in... more
Contemporary Paganism is often described by its followers as a revival or reconstruction of the religions of pre-Christian Europe, which is sometimes referred to as "The Old Way". Most followers of the Neo-Pagan movement state... more
This paper discusses the prevalence of exposure to trauma, the discourse about trigger warnings, and the embodied nature of larps. The goal of this paper is to inform players, designers, and critics about the nature of psychological... more
A study of live action role plays as transmediations of a global franchise universe, this work analyses two cases: College of Wizardry (world of Harry Potter) and Witcher School (world of The Witcher), using Mark Wolf's (2012) framework... more
El LARP es una actividad que procede por una parte de los juegos de rol clásicos, y por otra, de las artes escénicas. Se basa en la interpretación de un personaje de manera improvisada en contacto con otros personajes, es por eso que... more
Popular Abstract -The paper presents theoretical foundations of the author's approach to the design of edu-larps.. It is deliberately steering away from cross-disciplinary teaching, artistic education or soft skills training in order to... more
Nathan Hook (2015): "Pan". in Charles Bo Nielsen & Claus Raasted (eds) The Nordic larp Yearbook 2014, ed. Charles Bo Nielsen and Claus Raasted.. Knudepunkt 2015. Rollespilsakademiet. complex or innovative scene structure is often... more
In diesem Essay fasse ich zusammen, welche Passage-Riten bei dem Übergang von Ernst zu Spiel im Live Action Role Play (LARP) vorgenommen werden, und zwar sowohl bei dem erstmaligen Betreten des Spielplatzes und dem Finden der eigenen... more
Politics have always gone hand in hand with larp. Whether games portray politics, or internal politics have defined the deep structures of larps, there have always been games that have discussed and been shaped by political thoughts and... more
Vorobyeva O. Crossgender Roleplaying in Russian Larps // The Wyrd Con Companion Book 2015. Ed. Sarah Lynne Bowman. Los Angeles, CA: Wyrd Con, 2015. The article examines gender issues in Russian larp community and specifically the... more
La sociologie des jeux est en général assez peu développée. Ses références majeures sont anciennes (J. Huizinga dans les années 1930 ; R. Caillois dans les années 1950) et des thématiques émergentes comme les games studies ne permettent... more
Recreating one of the most important, but less known, historical events in modern history: the revolution of 1905. A Nordic larper's perspective on a high-end Russian political game. Larps can let us understand history and politics,... more
Recreating one of the most important, but less known, historical events in modern history: the revolution of 1905. A Nordic larper's perspective on a high-end Russian political game. Larps can let us understand history and politics,... more
Mar 9, 2022 - Online lecture in the Transformative Play Initiative Event Series Description: The transformative potential of live action role-playing allows players to develop holistically (on a physical, mental, emotional, creative,... more
Abstract Pervasive games defy Johan Huizinga's classic definition of play as being something outside ordinary life with their own proper boundaries of time and space according to fixed rules and an orderly manner. Katie Salen and Eric... more
**PLEASE NOTE: This presentation was published in the Journal of Men's Studies and can be found above as "Discussions of Fantasy Characters and Demonstrations of a Defensive Hybridity in Gamer Masculinity"** This paper situates the... more
This thesis asks what strategies and structures of larp-led, agentive, participatory performance encourage participants to reflect on their affective embeddedness within evolving differential structures of becoming as represented within... more
Lecture for the Transformative Play Initiative. This lecture by Elektra Diakolambrianou discusses the ways in which role-playing is used in transformative, therapeutic, and psychotherapeutic applications. She briefly discusses many... more
Aggregate LARP rules might be thought of as a type of code that runs on humans. Code can be thought of as a linguistic form that is both declarative and imperative; it is both truth and command (Buswell 2009). In aggregate LARP, elements... more
This paper investigates the evolution of larp safety in the Nordic-American larp community in the last decade, tracing the correlation between safety rhetorics (opinions, arguments, and policies) and mechanics (explicit rules regulating... more
This paper extends theoretical work on small group dynamics in live action role-play (larp; Leonard and Arango 2013), honing in on three challenges larps face that are anticipated by our unique integration of roleplay studies with small... more
This paper explores the relationship between nature and culture during a series of scaffolded live action role-playing (larp) activities designed as part of a science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM) summer program for... more
An avant-garde approach to the concept of Faerie as a place and people. This essay explores the very definition and understanding of the Fae and the realm of Faerie, starting with their historical folklore ties primarily descending from... more
The history of larp in Japan does not reach further back than the late 2000s, and its practice only started to awake broader interest in 2012 through the abridged and commented Japanese translation of DragonSys by Nico Stahlberg and... more
Presentation to January 2016 Pacific Northwest American Therapeutic Recreation on "The Therapeutic and Educational Uses of Role-Playing Games (RPG) as Intervention Modalities for Individuals and Groups from the Therapeutic Recreation... more
The purpose of this research is to investigate the nature of small group dynamics in live action roleplay (larp) communities. We examine which features of larps and larpers intensify three challenges anticipated by past integration of... more
The society we live in leads us to rethink education and communication languages, especially in educational processes concerning children and adolescents. It seems increasingly difficult to build meaningful educational experiences able to... more