Recent papers in Livability
In the contemporary American urban renaissance, formerly fringe efforts to produce place, conducted by longtime residents and “urban pioneers” alike, now shape mainstream urbanism. Gardening and bicycling are constitutive of contemporary... more
Doha, the capital city of the State of Qatar, has undergone rapid economic growth and urbanization over the past 20 years. In contrast with developed countries, where sustainable development has been implemented on a neighborhood scale,... more
There is a long lineage in neighbourhood research that has underpinned sustained academic and policy interest in the UK centred on understanding how spatial ‘clusters’ of neighbourhood-based deprivation might be destabilised. This has... more
English abstract: This paper discusses and demonstrates three interrelated buzzwords - public space, liveability, and participatory approach. Today, instead of economic development, cities around the world increasingly compete on the... more
This paper examines the absence of the state from the discourses and practices of "livable" urban spaces. Drawing from an ethnography of Atlantic Station, the USA's largest new urbanist infill development, we argue that "livable" urban... more
Quality of life in Egypt, and especially in Cairo, has recently become one of the main priorities of the country. The provision of the public and green open spaces is one of the priorities in this regard. Cairo suffers from acute shortage... more
This paper aims to provide a brief overview on urban public space development in global context as well as in Japan with a focus on their livability aspect, and the role of public-private partnership (PPP). First, it introduces urban... more
Cycling as a way of life and mode of transportation is on the rise in city after city around the world. For those looking to dip their proverbial toes into the waters of urban cycling the prospect at times can be rather intimidating. What... more
What role does the church play in shaping the built environment of the city? Or does it? Blueprints for a Just City is an exploratory journey looking at the ways in which God’s people have played a pivotal role in not only influencing... more
In today’s world, especially in terms of space flight and exploration there is more discussions and plans in the governmental and private sectors concerning the exploration and colonization of the Moon and Mars by mankind. With these... more
This master thesis is focused on the analysis of how efficient are projects that target the improvement of transportation systems to reduce road traffic congestion, to create walkable and livable cities, as well as to make society... more
This study briefly examines the theoretical and practical landscape of prominent Eco-Villages, Eco-Districts, and Eco-Cities throughout the world. It presents a concise summary of the principles behind successful application projects... more
İslamiyetin doğuşuyla beraber başta ayetler ve daha sonra hadislerde geçmiş ile günü kıyaslamak, anlamlandırmak ve birtakım kaideler ihdas etmek için “biz” ve “öteki” kavramları ortaya çıkmıştır. Çünkü bir dinin veya bir inanç grubunun... more
Livability refers to quality of life in cities. However it has been widely interpreted, and includes both the promotion of, as well as opposition to, industrial development and infrastructure projects. While in the 1960s it was linked to... more
This article discusses two contrasting conceptual understandings of place. The approach of analytic relationality interprets places as sets of interconnected parts and their relationships. In contrast, synergistic relationality interprets... more
This study examines LEED-ND’s criteria for Neighborhood Pattern and Design (NPD). LEED-ND was developed as a system for rating new neighborhoods on the sustainability of their planning. However, it has increasingly been adopted by... more
Over the last two decades, transit-oriented development (TOD) has been widely implemented as an integrated strategy to enhance urban livability. Doha, the capital of the State of Qatar, has faced urban challenges such as excessive... more
A comparative analysis of the way in which European countries deal with asylum applications of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex asylum applicants.
Abstrak Shared space street adalah konsep perancangan yang menghapuskan pembatasan dan penanda fisik perbedaan jalur suatu ruang jalan, dengan menciptakan ketidakpastian yang akan membuat pengendara mengurangi kecepatan kendaraannya,... more
This is a draft paper Ben Debney and I submitted to the Australian Sociological Association for the annual conference to be held in Melbourne in December 2016. Abstract: When we ask ‘what makes a liveable city?’ - it is pertinent to... more
Clearly a state has a right to expel aliens generally, and a state has a right to grant asylum to aliens, but the question is whether an individual has a right to asylum opposable to the state’s right to expel. In the literature, it is... more
Most designs of advanced megafloats, which are mega floating cities capable of providing their own resources, are still in conceptual stage. Details information on design requirements, especially for aspects related to sustainability and... more
The New Urban Agenda prioritized livability of public spaces through design and management. As the management of public spaces defines the role they play in neighborhoods and the ways people react to it. Accordingly, all city elements are... more
Public services have a significant effect on opportunities in urban areas. Public services are very important because they are related to basic needs, such as education, health and security. Basic social services in our districts are... more
Many Brazilian cities cannot provide the necessary infrastructure and services to a large extent of themselves. Concomitantly, the country has reduced the share of renewables in the energy mix. It also focuses on large hydropower plants... more
Mega-floats are designed for offshore exploration and as floating cities for human habitation. Current studies on the design of mega-floats focus on engineering and scientific aspects such as stability, strength and safety. However, most... more
Generalizations about 'car culture' in the United States, and about American's 'love affair with the automobile', have concealed persistent values and practices among millions of Americans that do not suit such stereotypes. Car culture... more
A study on the social dimensions of livability was done in a National Housing Authority (NHA) housing project in Mati City, Davao Oriental. This aims to find a relationship between social factors of residents and their perceived... more
In this study, due to the low level of social interactions in urban public spaces and the decline of urban welfare as the main research issue, we sought to identify a solution to improve urban welfare by identifying the effective factors... more
Many ancient cities around the world were known with their livability (Rodriguez, G.R., Brebbia, C.A. & Almorza, D., 2017). However, these cities started to lose this feature, when vehicles became prior to pedestrians who lost their sense... more
"This chapter provides one phenomenological interpretation of writer and director Alan Ball’s popular Home Box Office cable-television series, Six Feet Under, which completed its fifth and final season in 2005. The chapter considers how... more
Urban morphology analysis deals with the structure and/or pattern of a city. A well-established discipline dating back to the first half of the twentieth century, it provides an understanding of the form, processes of creation and... more
Rapid growth of cities leads to social and environmental problems. Transportation problems, security problem, recreation area deficiencies, pollution are some of these. These problems reduce the quality of life and environment in cities.... more
Over the last two decades, transit-oriented development (TOD) has been widely implemented as an integrated strategy to enhance urban livability. Doha, the capital of the State of Qatar, has faced urban challenges such as excessive... more
Urban quality of life attracts attention as an important indicator of sustainable development of cities. Livability, as a measurable component of quality of life and urban quality of life concepts in urban space, is defined at utmost... more
Housing settlements have been regenerated in recent decades across the world, particularly those built in Europe for social purposes in the post-war period. As unique sets of problems accumulate in each case, interventions tend to address... more
The cumulative growth that the market of automobiles has seen since the end of the second world war, has had a major impact on both the way we plan our societies and in the way we live our lives. In Sweden from 1950 to 1960, car-ownership... more
ABSTRAK Pada tahun 1861, Appleyard mengemukakan konsepnya terkait livable street, atau konsep daya hidup pada jalan. Dimana untuk menarik livabilitas pada jalan atau aktivitas manusia di jalan terutama pada jalur pedestrian yaitu dengan... more