Liturgical History
Most downloaded papers in Liturgical History
The New Testament writings themselves provide only a little evidence for meal nomenclature. “Lord’s supper” (1 Cor 11:20) has been given a unique emphasis by modern interpreters; some claim it was widespread or even prevalent in earliest... more
Accounts of Eucharistic origins have usually been driven by concern to establish the genealogy of later liturgical practices, and reflect broader narratives of early Christian history as either smooth transition or radical fall from... more
Catholics and Orthodox often desire and discuss modern and contemporary liturgical reform. There are many ways to go about such reform. The largest experiment to date occurred from 1964-1967, yet it is little known and little studied.... more
In the following article we will examine at length some of the dynamics by which R. Yosef Hayyim of Baghdad—the renowned Ben Ish Hai (1834–1909) - integrated Kabbalah into daily life, and the complex way that he combined the teachings... more
The article reflects on changes in our approach to the study of liturgy in the first eight centuries CE. This is pre-publication version. Please cite from published version when it appears, for correct pagination.
Developed from the 2002 Barry Marshall Memorial Lecture at Trinity College, Melbourne, this paper considers traditions concerning Jesus as inclusive eater and their use or misuse in contemporary debates about eucharistic inclusion. It... more
Until several years ago, the identification of the ancient Church Order proved by E. Schwartz and R. Connolly and known as Traditio apostolica (Apostolic Tradition) – a title that is carved on the statue attributed to Hippolitus Romanus –... more
Perhaps no sound evokes the religions of South Asia as succinctly as the "sacred syllable" OM. For Hindu traditions, OM is a central and defining mantra that embodies in its single syllable the entire corpus of revealed texts, the Vedas,... more
This paper argues that the origin of the Seven Sacraments in Orthodoxy has been incorrectly catalogued in the past. Secondly, the real source for adoption of said sacraments derives from lesser known Greek sources and proto-Scholastic... more
1) « L’abandon de la communion dans la main (IVe–XIIe s.) », Mélanges Gilbert Dagron, Travaux et Mémoires, 14, Paris, 2002, p.79-94. 2-17 2) « L’Eucharistie au centre de la vie religieuse des communautés chrétiennes (fin 4e -10e siècle)... more
An essay to be published in a volume accompanying 'Here I Stand', an international exhibition on Martin Luther to be held in the United States (New York, Minneapolis and Atlanta) from October 2016 to January 2017
In a short time, Hillsong has become a powerful congregational presence across the world and deserves more focused scholarly attention. Hillsong Church is part of an ongoing elaboration of evangelicalism, much of which has recently merged... more
Numerous books have been published in the last fifty years that either attempt to explain, defend, or attack the Consilium and its work of reforming the "Tridentine Mass." This study (a project for St. Anselmo's "Commissio ad Lauream")... more
Although witnesses of the presanctified liturgy exist in almost all Eastern traditions, so far, a complete liturgical text of an Alexandrian liturgy of the presanctified gifts has not been published or made known. This study will publish... more
In order to provide a new theoretical basis for reassessing the late fifteenth-century motetti missales and their interaction with liturgy in Sforza Milan, this paper starts not with the missales specifically, but rather with the broader... more
"The tenth-century Palestinian codex Sinai Gr. 957 contains one of the oldest redactions of the Constantinopolitan nuptial rites of Engagement and Marriage. In addition to copying the marriage practices of the tradition of the Byzantine... more
A look at the common Biblical origins of the holiday practice of Judaism and Christianity. Why and how was there a parting of the ways with respect to the liturgical calendar and the interpretation of holidays? Messianic Jews today stand... more
Much scholarship has recently been done on the Satanology (Satan-concept) of New Testament books or writers. This study attends to the Satanology of early "non-canonical" Christian writings, which have been comparatively under-researched.... more
One striking feature of the documents of the Second Vatican Council is the extent to which liturgical texts and rites are quoted and alluded to in a variety of theological contexts. In this essay, I seek to cast light on this aspect of... more
La Virgen María, por su papel preeminente en la Obra de la Salvación, unido indisolublemente al de Cristo como Madre y Socia Corredentora, aunque subordinado a éste, ocupa un lugar destacado en el santoral.
Pentecostalism, found over the past century in the dramatic surge of “Spirit-filled Christians” across the globe, is an astounding phenomenon of religious innovation. Pentecostal believers across categories of race, class, and education... more
Well established standards imply that changes in art cannot be theoretically approached if the background of different kinds of contexts is not taken into account. Of course, the way we structure and articulate this contextual background... more
Au milieu du XIIe siècle, l’Occident chrétien assiste à l’apparition d’un nouveau rituel liturgique au cours duquel le prêtre élève au-dessus de sa tête l’hostie qui vient d’être consacrée et transformée en corps du Christ. Selon... more
This article gives an account of the reform of the sign of the cross and the imposition of hands over the gifts in the Roman Canon during the post-conciliar period. There follows a consideration of the significance of these gestures in... more
Although Christmas is widely-assumed to have been borrowed from Roman solstice festivals, awareness of possible dates for Jesus' birth is attested long before the liturgical celebration of Christmas or the Christianization of Roman holy... more
Reservados todos los derechos. De acuerdo con la legislación vigente, y bajo las sanciones en ella previstas, queda totalmente prohibida la reproducción y/o transmisión parcial o total de este libro, por procedimientos mecánicos o... more
This paper analyzes Paul's Christian initiation as the Model for 4th century Christian rites and analyzes Paul's use of language and Luke's theology to understand technical terms such as "calling on the name of the Lord", "filled with the... more
La diaconia dei Santi Cosma e Damiano sul foro è uno dei più interessanti edifici della Roma tardoantica. Alle sue decorazioni musive sono stati dedicati numerosi saggi anche in tempi recenti FIG. . 1 La basilica e le sue decorazioni sono... more
Jonas Lundblad analyses two late cycles of organ music by Franz Liszt, Missa pro Organo and Requiem, both of which were intended exclusively for the Catholic liturgy, more specifically the spoken or Low Mass, and were composed in an... more
Mark of Ephesus and his theology of Eucharistic consecration has been discovered, ironically, to be exactly reflected in the latest Roman Catholic edition of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC 1992). Essentially, Mark held an... more
This paper seeks to highlight the richness of the Church’s worship in the East and West from the fifth to the ninth century, as well as the unwarranted antagonism that sometimes characterized its factions, through an investigation of the... more
La categoria di Mistero nel pensiero di Odo Casel e la sua influenza sulla riforma della liturgia dopo il Concilio Vaticano II
‘A Post Resurrection Meal and Implications for the Early Understanding of the Eucharist,’ Transformation 25(2008)1-14.
What stands behind the basic contemporary arrangement of liturgical space? Is is simply an alternative to 'ad orientem'? Does it reveal a key aspect of Christian eucharistic theology? These issues are explored in this paper.